Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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NORTHERN DATELINE To mail order an~thing from a gas eap to a set ,of leathers to a full~ equipped Bus.~, just eall (Z:l3) 475-454:1. I "According t o my watch John it's t ime for Let's Make a De al." \ Mertens/Delacey sharewins By W. H. Spencer SANTA ROSA, CAL., FEB. 20 ) , 01' write: OO~O~~~~~A~~~:O~.t~ Te lephone : (213) 475-454 1 Sales - Se rvice - Acc es sories - Parts - Leathers HUSOVARNA . CZ . SUZUKI . PENTON . MIKUNI CARBURETOR KITS op en monday thro ugh saturday ~ l.f !JOt.J're looki'!9 JOr J im m cial rewanJ Plus the person a l sat is faction of sell if1g the , V 'Y'y Best in popul ur "' ilems, call Progre s sive Products mola c ross *- WAHTE~ A ,/ NA TIONAL Prog-essiw Products,lnc is owned by a .9roup oJ inlernationally - known professional molD cross r iders. Their reput~ -l' lions and the qualil"y products thc;:y '!ffer arc natur a l -door ope! lei 'S~ theJ~cts. t~ Call fREI D EAlSl CAT AlOG • (n4) 440-4612 ~. ~ . (,!,444 Pi. . ..r W ay'7 ' El ~:~ ~ - . ___ ... _ .......................-------_...-.. ................ ---.......... .. -- . -........--. ............ ..- ...... ,.... .. .... _ ~ ~. 0. " - ..... ---_ .....- .-.,. ~ 32 360 and 250 Expert classes. Delacy added a little finer touch to the gold pot by taking a second to Mertens in the big bike class that saw three re -starts and lots of tempers fly. . Dave Faria led out the first two starts of the 360 main which saw crash-and-bash false starts and some bad mouthing of the starter. The final start had Mertens once again at the hel m and passing is nearly impossible on the oval unless one can rough shod his way around. There was no doubt abo ut Delacy in the 250 Expert class, he got a second p lace start and worked his way around Duane Yarrow in fine sty le for the win with Don Bailey in for third. John Deatherage has co me into his own of late winning tonight's 250 J u nio r over Gary Rossi a nd young Bob Boren. Howie Ross took the 100 mini after a little contest with Ron Hammerich and Joe Armtrout , • Results in Results Se ction. Crashes rule at Pioneer Out-of-town shoes dominate Boise motocross By Marty Gregory BO ISE, 10., FEB. 15 Consistency was the key to the trophies at the Owyhee Motorcycle Club's Sunday motocross as some fast guys fro m California and Washington showed u p to do battle wi th the locals. The heaviest racing of the day was seen in the well-populated 125 Expert class with Tacoma, Washingto n's Ed Da vis (Han) ta kin g the ove ra ll. Davis borrowed Kenny Gal legos' bike while Kenny rode his practice bike , Kenny was rather perturbed to say the least wh en his chain jumped off d uring the second race and Davis spe d arou nd fo r th e wi n. Ga llegos demonstrated h is ample ta lent in the final mota, ho wever, and he led by nearly ha lf a lap while la pp ing everyone up to fourth p lace. In the bigger displacement classes, it was Randy Lee (Yam) taking the 250 Expert event after early leader Tim Wright (back to racing after a season of inactivity) developed problems with his Honda. Burley's Garth Williams (Yam) go t the nod for the Open Experts after l.arry Buffington's pipe fell off. • By Ann Carr SALES REPS Gel Jimmy l\lertens and Rick Delacy shared the limeligh t of. the second to last Santa Rosa Cold Spot indoors with respective wins in the in this large class as us ua l winner J im Cunningham lost a pipe mid- race while running a distant second. Todd Marshall, Mario Perez, Jeff Haney, Randy Grenig and Francis Lopes did all • t he winning today. ...-...:-. . --. _ .... at. ......-. _----. --.c..-..."'NI. OAKDALE, CAL., FEB, 22 Crashes ruled at Pioneer todav as a generalIy smooth, but dusty and slippery course fooled some riders into racing over their heads and some spectacular get-offs occurred. The first and only serious injury came in practice when Steve Parker practiced an old motor, lo st suspension ove r the jump, and did a "W" down the hi ll, Steve suffered a broken leg which also required surgery and he will be out for several months. Another racer in co ntention for "Most Spectacular" honors was mini Ope n J u n ior Denzel Nugent wh o , co llided m idair over the jump, go t stuck in gear, and cleaned out 20 fee t of fence in fro nt of the concessio n sta nd. Only q uic k t hin kin g kep t Nuge n t fro m going o ver the fence as he laid the scoo ter 'o ver as he hit, scatter ing fence gogg lers and concession buyers as well. Anyone have a good buy on a 370 front end? Lodi style racers took top honors in many classes today as t he track hardened and became pebbly on top. Outstanding rides were attributed to ~Iini Open Expert Scott Baker whose Yamaha monoshock cooled the troops La Grange - mudder Number Two By Ann Carr LA GRANGE, CAL., FEB. 29 Leap year days are supposed to be something special, but none or the 125 racers who folIowed the sprin kles fro m the valIey and Bay area to the . Sie rra foo thills really bargained for the occasional downpours which turned the arena's dusty practice sessio ns into a snotty m ire by race ti me. Ride rs we nt o ut for p ractice lo o kin g like Mr. Clea n b ut when the loo se fluff hit ra in spatte red gear th ey mo re nearly . resem bled mud pies , T he race p ro gram was limi ted to a ma i n e ve n t o n ly as t he track deteriorated rapi d ly . Many eve nts turned into " I got it ; you take it affairs!" as fa lldowns were numerous. Fine r ides were turned in by true "rnudders" ~ Iark Silvas (100 Jr.), Paul Arcs, (80 Nov.), Jeff Mason (80 Ex.), Mark Howard (100 and 175 Nov.}, Terry Adams (250 Nov.}, John Pittman (250 , Ex). and Steve Brandt (Open Ex .}.

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