Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; III course was tacky and fast for the last rough scrambles here until October . Mario Perez outdueled rising mini ace Brian Thompson for th e 12 5 win as he challenged from second spot until mid-race and th en sw ooped Brian o n t he outside of the bank loop af te r the sownhill. Third was Honda man Richard .. Arnaiz who wo n his he at but co ul d n't follow up in th e main . Expert ev en ts of merit were the Open mini and 25 0 ra ces. Suzuki man Randy Haner followed a hotly _co nteste d heat win with an exha us ting main vic to ry ahe ad o f Lodi 's Sh awn Callahan. Both racers exhibited mature sk ills as they raced wheel-to-wh eel in both the heat and main while te stin g each o the r 's nerves to th e lim it on a chal leng ing course. Controversy surro unded th e 25 0 main as National No. 44 Alex Jorgensen decided to test out Houston injuries and hopped on brother Kim 's bike for the event. A poor st art left Alex chasing Maico 's Steve Parker and buddy Mike J en nin gs for a third in the short he at. Alex returned in th e main to blitz the field as he jumped th e downhill and laid over in the right-banders so far that dust flew on the last lap . Experienced spectators realized the situation (an injured rider doesn' t go all out the first time ba ck), bu t some ques tioned Alex's heat ra ce (claim ed the third place guy must h ave been so meo n e else ). When the suds settled, however, Jorgy took the victory with J ennings and Parker swapping places for the money. • Results in Results Sect ion. • ~ Rick 'Delacy and brother Dave 'Fari:>, all out of Cycle Gear o f Richmo n d . Late r the car progr am as over on th e half m ile , Joe rode aro, nd to startle all was so me troops into act ion.. filled to abo u t half cap acity an he performed h is usual jl~w1esS"" stuff _ makin g the jump in rme style . The timing was r igh t even though the bike 's front wh eel drop ped quickly but the ide a wa s to get down quick eno ug h to stop . • Results in Results Sectio n . t Big Valley MX action LEMOORE, CAL., FEB . 22 - Although the field o f rid ers was small, racing action was none th e less fast and exciting. The first event of the three moto meet got underway at 10 a.m , as seven screaming mini cycles he aded for turn one with mothers and fathers cheering from the sidelines as their young stalwarts gave it all they had. Gary Bowman, a mini Senior from Bakersfield, turned in three impressive rides as he piloted hiS YZ 80C to three first overall wins to cap tu re a first place trophy. Robert Ely' won first In termediate in a hot co ntest with Ste ve Morales a n d Chad Bettencourt wh ile Ro bbie Hic kman placed his YZ 80C ahead of the co mp eti tio n in the mini Junior cla ss. • ,$529* Road Toad (99 ) Su pe r Joe Einhorn p repa res t o p ucker - he made it. Super Joe and pro-minis make it By Wo H. Spencer ' SAN JOSE, CAL., FEB . 22 What had been billed as a series of indoo r ex hibitions for upcoming Super Joe jumping events turned into a real can of worms for all concerned at th e Exposition Building of the Santa Clara County fairgrounds. A day of getting th ings together with lots of practice and funning around on the little IT track with a wooden jump made for a long afternoon. Mike Faria ' wo n most of the money in front of The 125c c class was the smallest in Tumbleweed Parks racing history as the majority of th e field probably journeyed to the Hill School Motocross at Bass Lake this weekend. Never the less, Mik e Willis from Bakersfield, turned the course in fantastic times to cap t ure first place 125 Intermediat e while Richard Escalera and Clay Buck placed first and seco nd in the 125 Junior class . The 250cc class drew the largest number of entries for the day. Robert Garcis flew around the course wi th a Montesa, on, his way to th ree first place finishes in the Intermediat e class. Te n 250 Junior riders put on a real crowd ple asing sh ow wi th Jerry Friehauf emerging victo ri o us over John Laws on 's Husky and Mark Meadow's Penton. Road Toad (99) . . • . . . . . . .. . . . $ 529.00 [}i rt Squirt (92C) . .• • . ..•.. . . S 399 .00 DirtSQuir1(Ol ) . . . . . . . . . . . •. . S 499 .00 Hit the ROAD TOAD ... A street legal trail bike . .. And check the features .. .98cc "C " engine with oil injection . .. 26mm Mikuni racing carb ... MX type handle bars ... There's more . .. So come on in and see the "TOAD" and the rest of the HODAKA line-up. Super Rat (98) : . . .. . _... .. . . S 695 .00 Combat (95) .. . • •• . . • . . • . • . . S 549 .00 Supe r Com bat (97) . • •. • . . . • . $ 745 .00 * 250(71 ) Prien JWlrd $1195 .00 4,1't! ~lled RetAil Prien at ~t CoP t PoT1 ol En . Dntinanonchal"gd . try OHle r Slill-UP4nd Siall"and l.ocaJ Tuel add.d

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