Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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_._._._._._._._._._._._._._._---_._._._._._._._._._._.-._-_.- .. • IDe Superflow 110 The popular Su perfJow 110 is used by more tha n 200 racers around the world for accurate testing of engine cylinder heads and intake manifolds Complete instructions permiteven a beg inne r to measure flow oittererces as small as 1%. ---- ------------------ ----------For fre e brochure. write or ph on e : B~~3~ ~ Tulsa. Oklahoma 7410 1 (9 18) 54~2630 w Z w w a: e 1II Z z ._~..I ~ At times like this desert racing or flat track looks pretty inviting . Vince Vinson at the 400 mark. from Mackel. O nce again he showed that he has earned his name o f "King of the Matter ho rn :' • _ Aguirre & Pettis crash 'em up at Corona By Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL., FE BRUA R Y 25 Open Ama teurs Denn is Agui rre and Gary Pet tis were eager to get at each other and th ey sure did. They tangled in the semi an d both were ou t of content ion for the nig ht . Than kfu lly both ride rs wal ke d away wit h only m inor injuries the worst of whic h was a cracked rib garnered by Gary . The winner of t he melee wasJ .S. five . Lewis was third. TI,e 250 Am/Ex. which Tidwell won, saw Jim Roach and Bobbie Hunter fight for second and third spots. Bobbi got the nod on the half-mile and J im the IT. • Results in Results Section Ausmus who hau led his 350 BSA to the track in the back seat of a Vo lkswagen Bug. That in itself is worthy of so me sort of trophy. Bill Dobbs decided to give flat tracking a nother go and hit for two, winnin g the 250 Novice IT and hal f-m ile . Charlie Su m mers lo o ked outstanding wi nning t he 250 Expert Twin . Ro ger • Dufur who just started ri d ing a twin t his season lead for the first few laps. dropped bac k and th en fough t his way up to take seco n d. Tim l\lelancon no t only had bi ke proble ms. but th in ks he lo st his wallet in t he pits . If anyone found it please notify the track or Tim, it will be greatly appreciated. "Fast" Eddie Lawson beat h is sponsor, Dick Lev..·is of Pomona Kawasaki. to the win on the Open IT. On the half-mile he ran into his old teammate and riva l Mike Tidwell who was finishing out his evening's work , riding five and winning Montgomery wows the troops at Elsinore TT Sen d 75r1. for catalog (Refu ndable on first purchase) TRAILS END (Misprint) Correct address 16394 E. 14th St . San Leandro, CA 94 578 (415) 278-1565 By And i Gangewer ELSINORE. CAL.• FEBRUARY 2 t Fifteen-year -old Rick Wood was the first rider off the line after the rubber band snapped in the 250 Beginner race, but he held the lead A resting place for old t ires , but no res t for the Co ro na racers. z o ~ a: :l "' .J W :l Z « " - - - -- , :; for only a short two la ps as Mark Meiner got by and took the checkered. Rick was second followed by Bultaco mounted AI Goodrich. Moto two had to be res tarted after Lenny Moulton took a tum fo r the worse and was out of it for the rest of the night. Wood wheeled his Husky into the lead again but went wide into the berm . Lucky Ric k held onto the lead and Danny lI arr is (l\lai) moved into second. Al Goodrich zig-zagged through the pack to p ick off Harris for the gain . Mota three went to Wood but it was wheel-to-wheel racing for Al Goodrich a nd Ke vin l\last in second and third. The tro p hy and new tit le of No vice wen t to AI Goodric h .as he chalkedup the h ighest total of points. The 250 Novices were next up and Do n Mein er took thc whole kit & kaboodle in mota one but ended up wi th troubles and didn't show for the fo llowing tw o races . Tony Ve rdago, ar med with a quick Kawasaki, was t he king and nu mber o ne fin isher in mo to t w o , b ut Ron Proze w as the overall victor a nd picked up the t ro phy . T he O pe n Ex pe rts had their work cut o ut for them as th e Ama teurs started out in front. Tom Be rr v ' and Dan l\1c\\fhorter came out to tr'y their new 500 Yam ahas. The Ascot 100 lap 'IT is just around the co m er and these two are ge t t in g re ady . Mike Montgomery proved to be th e mo st likely to succeed as he Find it fast in the Cyc le News Dea ler and Services Directory Speedway Enter prises p re se n t s SPORTSMAN ~ MILE San Jose Fairgrounds Sun. Mar. 21 Benef it Race for Crippled Children's Soc iety D-36 & A MA Rul es Open to Short T rac k classes Se m i-Pro , Experts S Pit Gat e open 7 a.m . $ 6 . 0 0 en tr y fee 10 0 Expert minis only En tries fro m : S peed wa y En t. 14 Ca m p Ever s La ne Scotts Vall e y . CA 9 5 0 6 0 Info: 4 15-3274461 21

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