Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1976 03 16

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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; ._._._---_._-------_._-----------_._-_._------------------------------------- ,., Western hotline . ~ tum Payne and Harper collided and we nt ro lling o ff. Once again Zahrt , who went wide in the first corner, carne fro m last place to pass Payn e, Harper and Haugh , taking the win. Re-mounted Harper finished second an d Payne finished third. Results in Results Section t McDougal CRe marches win at DeAnza to By GUS SUNNYMEAD, CAL, FEBRUA RY 22 Dariny I\lcDo ugal (Yam) took top hon ors in the 125 Interm ediate class today as eRC made thei r monthly visit to DeAn za. Me- z Do ugal wo n all three motos easily as Mike Gossilarn (Ya m ) an d j ohn Pe t rey (Yam) ch an ged positions an d ra t tle d handlebars every lap to determin e who wo uld take ho me that second place tro phy. Af ter t he scores were tallied, Mike came out with second ove ra ll and Petrey settle d for thi rd. Going in to the last 125 Novice mo ta Chris Collins and Don Davis were tied in . points, and both burst out of the ho le li ke roc kets, as did Craig Go rml ey and Max Aldridge. The four of them traded leads until Davis made his move away fro m the o th ers and stretched his lead, which went to Collins when he lost a fight with gravity. Collins took the top spot, Aldridge rode co nsis tant for second and Davis salvaged third. Greg Stone con tinues to dominate the 250 In termediates with another win to put on the shelf. Second fell to Ray Cate s after t he rest o f the field DNF'd the second moto, _ Resu lts in Resu lts Section '" C( CRe: Osteen 'a": onslaught lii z While AME f iddled at th e Du nes, foam (rubbe r and metal) burned. pulled a win in every moto . The second mo t o was resta rt ed after Patric k Do b bins slid o ut an d McWho rter ta ng led with him. McWhorter recovered, came flying off the jump , and by lap two had moved into second. Mike held onto his lead , but not by much as Dan closed in fast. The flag fell before Dan co uld make his move, and the trophy went to an up an d co m ing Amateur, Mike Montgomery. _ Results in Results Section AME: Big bucks at the Dunes By Ted Titmas VALENCIA, CAL, FE BR UAR Y 22 AME finished off it's $1700 week end o n Sunday . wi th a SI 000 purse. An added bonus of threefoot trophies swelled th e Sp orts- 22 man cla sses to over two hundr ed entries, providing p len ty of ho t co mpe t it ion on Sh adow Glen tra ck . A sp ecial even t co ns isted of pros from the various classes ridin g mini s. The first Mini Pro race was wo n by Ken n y Zahrt , followed by j ohn Cap er . Caper got the sec on d mo to ho leshot and Zahr t go t lost in tr affic. In his. attempt to catch up to t he lea d, spectators were treated to so me 'of the wildest cro ss-up s and fun filled riding of th e day . Zahrt coul dn't q uite m ake up th e d ist an ce and he came in second, giving Caper th e overall win. After a two mo nth lay -off Will Harper (Mai) prov ed his Friday nigh t performance was no fluke by ta king a first and third for the overall 250 Pro win. In the first mo to , Zahrt (Oss] had a ------------_ ~ .. large lead over t he rest of t he riders until th e eigh th lap wh en he ran o ut o f gas. While re-fueling Ke nny dr o pped fro m first to eleventh place. Zahrt re-entered the race and in less than four laps finished fifth. The second m o ta was no co ntes t as Zahrt rod e wire -to -wire in first for a seco nd overall. Rich Salmon (Suz) rod e from a dead last start to a stro ng second and third overa ll. In the first moto o f th e 500 Pro class Will Harper (Mai) had th e ho le~ hot fo llowed by Kenn y Zahrt o n a proto-type 35 0 Ossa. Zahrt's han dle bar s dropped down aro und his gas tank a nd Billy Payne (Mai) took ove r second. On the last lap Pay ne man aged to pass Harp er ta king the win , with Zahrt a distant third, st ill ho lding on. As the gate dropped for the sec ond moto Payne edged o ut Harper for the lead with Dave Haugh (Mai) in th ird. Payne and Harper were side -by-side for the firs t five laps. In a ve ry tight hairpin Larry Francis takes the ou tside line at Ostee ns in t he 125 Beginners. .. By Rex Reese POMONA, CA L. , FEB . 29 Hordes of CRC racers signe d up to fill 23 classes , fro m the minis to th e en tire Old T imer's Club. It was real ly neat to see abou t 200 guys - get down to so me really fine racin g, The Open Experts co ntained a surprise as Chuck " Fee ts" Mine rt and his mighty Beezer staged a b last from th e pas t as he led the "kiddies" aro u nd fo r a few laps in the fir st moto. His lead did n't last as so me o f th e m or e disre spectfu l riders sn eaked by to put th e elder st at esman of !\IX in sixth p lace. Ken Zahrt (Oss) racked up twin wins to co llect o n t he 100% pa yback with Rich Franklin (Mai ) an d Kevin Young (l\lai) followin~. Brian Myers cough (Yam) looked as if he would co n t in ue his reign of terror on the 12 5 Experts as he led th e first moto wire to wire. However , in th e second mo to , h is bi ke went be lly up abo ut midway through, and john Atwood (Yam) inherited th e lead and th e overall win . j on Clark (Yam ). wh o was followin g j ohn, ad vanced to take second and Toby Taki (Suz) pick ed up third. Two really berserk 12 5 Beginners, Larry Francis (Bul) and Bob Vasichek (lio n ), dic ed i t o u t like mad do gs th rough all three mo tos . First mo to went to Bob as he did a nice impression of Mar ty Smi th . In th e second rno to , he ove rcoo ked it in a tum and wo und up dead last ; bu t he fo ug h t his way up to . fo urth as La rry took th e win. In t he last mo to, Larry grabbed th e hol esh ot whi le Bo b had to sett le for seco nd . But t hroughout the moto it was to uch and go betwee n th e two and it could have been ano ther sto ry if the race ha d lasted another lap . As it was, Larry wo n t he overall and Bob took second. _ Results in Resu lts Section .

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