Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 07 29

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Are you read y for this ? Carlsba d Racew ay, Knobby Sho p In terna tio nal, a n d Dirt Bi ke Pro m o tion s h ave an nounced t he first Al\IA United States Fou r St ro ke Motocr oss N a ti on al Championship . The event will .be held Oct obe r 19 and will h ave solo and sidec ar classes. The Ca rlsbad co urse, long acc ustomed to the sh ri ll scream of com popper music, will o nce again h ear th e thumping melodies of yesteryear. To insu re that no thing disturb s thi s h armonious affair, th e p ro mo te rs will no t allo w an y tw o stroke p ast th e front gate . For ad ditional inform ation write to 4 Stroke Championsh ip, P.O. Box 159 2, La J olla, California 9 203 8. HI-POINT NOW HAS THE FULL LINE OF UVEX GOGGLES AND LENS Roo k ie Nat ional wi n n er s Jay Sp ringsteen and Greg Sassam an are both entered in th e Ju ly 26 Ascot TT Nati on al, as we ll as t he night-befo re Gardena Gold Cup Half-mile, Chuck Joyner, Sonny Bu rres, and Charlie Brown - one-two-t h ree at Castle Rock - are also in the hunt. H ond a , No r t o n -T ri u m p h , BMW, Harl ey -Davidson , and ot he r p rom inen t four stroke builders ge t a free rid e un der th e 19 78 emissions sta n da rd s adopted by th e Californi a Air Reso urces Board . All othe rs are goi ng to have to hustle , to a greater or lesser degree , to m eet a 10 gram/kilom e te r limi t on hyd ro carb on emissions. Full story appears in this issue . Chuck Baird was elected Pres ident of the Conejo Tra il Ride rs in June. Already, these "Impeach Baird " stick ies are cropping up in the strangest places. O RA has chal lenged District 37 to a Desert Match Race , and apparently the District has acc ep ted , subject to final negotiations between the two groups. Top rid ers in each of several classes will meet in the ch allenge , tentatively t he wee kend of August 3 I. If the idea goe s off well, it m ay become a yearly fea ture. RALLEYE FOR EYE GLASSES These racing goggles fit perfectly ove prescnpnon r glasses. laminated safety lenses are S hatterproof. Adjust· able ven tor draft tree ventaeuon.: F ~ x l b l e Irame. ts chamoix face hner. large band. Replaceable lenses available. No. 11 25 Ralleye Goggles . No. 1125 l iS Clear l ens No 1125 l i S Smoke l ens No. 1125 RIS Clear lens No 1125 RIS Smoke l ens . GRAND PRIX RACING GOGGLES These racing goggles fulfill the highest demands regardmg sa fety and function. Spe l leature: no danger cra 01 mJury from me parts due to Its fleX tal ible plesnc trame. Shatterproo laminated lenses. opllcally correct. f Clear or nnteo lens available. New type ventilatIOn es sys tem. firm. com fortable fit by means 01 cusmoned, velour-hned frame. Wi e angle V ion. large headband. d IS No. 11 Grand Pri' Goggles 26 No. 1126 l iS Clear lens No 1126 l i S Smoke le ns No 11 . 26 RIS Clear lens No. 1126 RIS Smoke lens C.A.R .B . Cha irm an Tom Cuin n asked a Honda sp okes m an po int-blank "I f all t hese other manuf actu rer s say two stro kes are so good, why has Hond a con c e nt rated so heavily on fou r stro kes?" An embarrassed pau se, th en the reply - " Mr. Honda preferred it that way ." Though no BMW spo ke sman appea red at the July 15 C.A.R.B. hearing , BMW .sen t the board a le tt e r st at in g th at th e firm was prep ared to meet the 1.0 gra m /ki lometer sta n da rd with en gine modificati on s, up to and including the 9 00cc twins. Have you eve r wo ndered why every veh icle in th is th ree-million -sq uare m ile country is made to run rotten and waste gas in order to solve Los Angeles' smo g p ro blem ? Me, too. Th e Lame Camel, having endoed on every thi ng from a horse to his office chair, is lo okin g fo r n e w wo rld s to co n q uer. An y sugges tio ns? In Europe, w he re people are jammed so tightly they live in each other's hip pockets, two strokes are so common that pre -mix is sold at the gas pump. Yet we Americans, who have 10 times . as much breathing roo m, are about to outlaw them. Why ? May Be Used O r Glasses ve The ultimate hi-performance goggle features a new venillallon system. The goggle hts perfectly over prescnoncn glasses. Gold/Creen lense give gre penph s at eral VISIon. Ideal trt over helmets. special Wide nead band. Replaceable lenses. No. 1127 W orld Cup TS Goggles No. 1127C Clear lens No 1127 Imt Lens . Hi-Point is proud to oHer you these very fine German made racing goggles. All feat ure replaceable lenses and have many unique features The . World Cup T and Ralleye lit glass wearers perS fectly. We now have the entire line in stock at competitive prices. See your Hi-Point dealer today. Ron Burpo has set up an env ironmental tes t plot on one of his ORA race courses. The object is to study t ime of recovery from race damage and recovery mechan ism s . BLM and the envi ronmen ta l groups are VERY in te rested. Word keeps filte ri ng down fro m th e Kern Plat eau Un it of Sequoia Nat ional Fore st th at the Forest Service is cons ide ring 175cc and 76 dbA limits for trailbikes in tha t area. Write J ohn Leasure, Fo res t Supervisor , 900 West Grand Aven u e, Port erville , CA 9325 7 an d tell him why t hese ideas are none too p ra ctical. Be polite . WORLD CUP 1S See you r Hi-Po int d e al er today. He has a full lin e of th e finest in dirt accessories from th e fam ou s Hi-Poin t hoots to folding s hi ft levers. Wh ile you' re th ere pick up the 56-pu l:e HiPoint Accessor y Ca ta log or wri te to Hi-Poin t. (En clos e f>()¢ for postnge. } Hi-Point Oils & Accessori es, 9604 Oa tes Dr., Sacra mento, Ca lif. 95827 (916) 362-4124 SPEED 500 These Il vex gog gles feature the Gold /Gree lenses in n a I l e ~ lbl e vented frame loam lace hner. Vented tor log . Iree operation. lar ge adjusta ble headband. Replaceable lenses. No 1128 Speed 500 No. 1128C Clear lens No. 1128 I rnted l ens T KIDS GOGGLE Fo the tur ner racer. These uenbte harned goggles r have clear replacea ble lenses. Ve nted trame. Foam face hner Replaceable lense and a sharp red. white and . s blue headband. No 1129 KId Goggle . 9C No 112 Clear l ens JUST ARRIVED PENTON TANK . NEW 3.2 GALLON Now a large unbreakable tank lor the Penton HIBreathers Its styling's nght on and It comes complete . untry W flaps. It slips right on and Will givethe cross-co Ith and Enduro nder that extra gas. No. 115 32 Gallon Blue 0 No. 1151 3.2 Gallon Red No. 1152 32 Gallon W hile No 1153 32 Gallon Green No 1154 32 Gallon Na tural YAMAIIA '; r© ~N j.\If!Ji\ California & Nevada call 714·887·1490 P.E.P. Distributing Co. PO Box 5455,5an Bernardino, CA 92412 213-538-2914 BAYAREA BVLTACO Sales Service Accessories 13 52 Centinela, W.L.A. 2 13·8 26·785 6 :T~ r.lV,,~~~ m 0 ~, .- ~ :, /- ~/ ARI ZONA/NEW MEXICO Willy Kerr 602-834-63 26 UTAH/IDAHO Jeff Bombaur (801 ) 278·3210 NORTH & C ENTRAL C AlIF.lNORTH NEVADA Ron HuHman 40 8 -25 2-28 40 OREGON/WASHINGTON Dick Ieeter (503) 289·0671 SOUTH C AlIF.l SOUTH NEVAOA larry Mahoney (213) 367·71 08 Fred Soteros 1 1 842·6589 213 jM FisltbACk'S SPECTRO OILS Goodyear is Carroll Shelby Dea lers in q uire to Hi-Poin t Acces sories or co n tact yo ur a rea sa les ma n . @ (714) 822-2252 9008 Sierra Ave., Fontana, Ca. NOISE: The sound WHITTIER HONDA Moto rcycl e Tr a ilers Bell Helme ts F ull Bore Products 14324 E. Whittier Blvd . (213 ) 698 .006 5 Co mplete st oc k o f pa rts and accesso ries for street a nd dirt. oss~ that kills the sight. _~ (2 1 3 ) 693' 1 883 ~. WEST 802 6 Freesto ne Aven ue San t a Fe Spri ngs. CA 9067 0 3

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