Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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E . RO! Professor Custer flew to a second overall in the Open Novice class. their trophies by easily taking d ouble wins on both the IT and half-mile co urses. The 125 Novi ce co mpeti t io n was hot an d heavy wit h newcomer Marty Woodbury ta king th e brass ov er regulars T erry McCreery and J eff Moon. Woodbury tried his tr ic k in half-m ile actio n but Mo on o ve rpo were d h im on lap five o f th e six-l ap m ain . Po wder Puffer Pam Bennett led the lady m ini bi kers t o victo ry in th e 0 -8 2 clas s. In separate male co m pet it ion , Lomita 's " Leapi n g Lizard " grabbed t he b rass in IT action while "Dari n g" David Vill anueva to o k it back in the half-m ile m ain. Three classes o f Tri Sports fo un d a home o n th e half-m ile and will return for action un der th e lights du rin g the su m m er m o n t h s. • Resu lt s in Resul ts Se ction. SRA Speedway: 'Berserko' Becker comes alive By John Bethea IRWINDALE, CALI F., MA Y 29 Experience was th e key to ton ight 's racing a t Irwind ale Ra ce w ay. T he tra ct ion was so supe r that it to ok a keen eye and well-de vel o ped knowledge o f racing surfaces to ge t the right bite on th is oval. cu shioned fro m pole to cras h wall. The Becker story started rig h t away in Event Number On e the Handicap Heat. It was a c ras h -m ar red sc ra m ble wh ich saw fo ur o f th e six in th e race on th e ground at leas t once , including Bec ker. Also sp illing o n t he three-in ch cu sh io ne d surface were Bo b Sch wartz. Bill Meister an d Wayne Lewi s. And it was wh en Lewis sp un o ut th at Schwartz clip pe d th e downed J awa and went sprawling aga in . That ga ve Becker the chan ce to regain third for final transfer - sp o t behind Du bb Ferrell and Randy Marsh. Brian Short led the start o f th e Handicap Semis with Becker hugging the crashwall all th e wa y. From th e 3 0, Becker had m oved to third b y lap two, was in second by lap fo ur and on the last lap ca ugh t and p assed Short for the win. Konle settlin g for third with Ferrell, Marsh and Moon heading for the Consolation. So nny Nutter faced off agai nst Mike Cu roso for th e Best of Three Match Race and although Curoso won the pole. Nutter won the fir st two-tapper. Swap p ing st ar t positions. the outside won again with Curoso at the con tro ls. TI, e decider ended ab rup t ly in tum four o f th e first lap wh en Nu tte r, ge t t ing too m uch b ite, wat ch ed the fro n t wheel lift l!J " "'. .,. ~ MOTOR CYCLES ~® 8 PARTS ~ COMPLETE PISTONS MACHINE SHOP,REPAIR 8. SERVICE ONALL MAKES I (71 4) 630-5720 rY"' l .t7 o a E C ~l e Entl ineerin o 8 Sup ply r14 0 . A N Kraeme r • An al'lelm Co _92806 -COMPETITIO N SHOCK ABSORBERS * FIVE WA Y ADJUSTA BLE DISTRIBUTED BY * CH ROMED & PO LI SHED Sammy T anner Distrib uting * DOUBLE DA MP EN ING 17213 R ose to n Aven ue * RE BUII...DABLE * STREE T O R RACI NG Betor Forks and Sh ocks Make th! Difference MANUFACTURER'S REP... HUSKY COUNTERSPROCKETS (SPLINED) 10 THRU 17 TEETH Immed iate ope ning for two q uali fied m/c salesmen by natio na l sales firm selli n g excl usive ly to d istributors lon ly ) for 14 d ifferent factori es. Territory: California. Oregon. Washington 1st yr . commissi o n inc ome =$12.0 0 0 2nd yr. commission in com e =$1 8 ,0 0 0 3r d yr. comm ission i ncome= 525.00 0+ - SEND RESU ME T O: CYCLE 'A D PO BOX 3444, N EW ORLEANS, LA 70177 Ar tesia, CA 9070 1 2 13/924-2 I I I THE FINEST AVAILABLE Expansion Chamber Cone Sets 20 Ga. steel rolled a n d sea m spotwel de d ready to de sign y o u r own cha mber. 3 Pc . sets, $12.00 _ 4 Pc_ sets, $ 14 .0 0. 5 Pc. set s. $1 6. 0 0. Postpa id . Pl us Sa les Tax. Quan ti t y d iscoun ts ava ilable. Send y o ur d ime nsio n s to Aireo Sheet Metal, 1.520 9 Grevllle a Ave. Dept. W . Lawndale. CA 9 02 6 0. 21 3 -675-52 9 0. BimJ PRODUC TS I N C . .. taoa OlD M ICl Ufl( LO wA't' OM I \/I(W CA Q 1IIo4~J O I 4'':'II96' 'i446 23

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