Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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I' l1li • s DIRT E BIKERS ~",,~ ~ Eventful evening including eclipse S~1\ l.!') r-... O'l ,....., Local hotline cont'd. By And i Gangewer BUCKLE ~ r-... ELSINORE, CALIF., MAY 24 Bill Myers didn't let a little thing like an eclipse stand in his way, as he managed to bring in three wins on his Yamaha in the 250 ,....., c.J c:: ::l """'"l This buckle reproduces a FULL COLOR sunset. Actual size 20/s x 3 '12 . Send $4 .72 in POST OFFICE MONEY ORDERS ONLY. (Ca lif. residents include 6 % state sales tax, 28c .1 MAIL TO : JOHN LOGAN P.O. Box 4367 Long Beach, CA 90804 Beginner class. Kelly Templeton made it rough going for Myers as he stuck his CZ right in there for two very close seconds and a third. Hemet's jeff Gillis took the third spot by the skin of hi s teeth. These anxious riders got too eager in the second moto and they tried to make it around the first tum all at once, which resulted in a pile up and a restart. The 250 Am/Ex class was really con fusing. Sixteen 'year o ld Eddie Beeson won this class by riding very skillfully to p ick off a second, a first and a third in that order. Wayne Rich snuck second away from Paul McPherson by getting his Yamaha in there for a first, third and fourth , leaving Paul to settle fo r the third overall. Both Rich and McPherson an: new recuits in th e Amateur class, but sta yed very clo se behind th e fast riding of Beeson. The Special Novi ce class ended in a three way tie. Rick Smith took home the trophy by winning the last moto. Randy Throne and j ack Smith, cam e in behind Rick for th e second and third positions. Each of these riders had a first , se cond and third place, but their final positions were d etermined by the tie breaking las t moto . j ack Smith loo ked as if he would be the victor, but on th e last lap o f the th ird moto bad luck struck and hi s bike took a tum for the worse and put him out of the lead an d into third very quickly. • Results in Results Section. But yours can be just as fast as ours. Beca use we'll sell you all the same trick hop-up parts we use. SPEED KITS FOR: XR 75 XL 350 SL 125 CR 125 & MI XL 175 ·CR 250 & MI XL 250 Writs lor catalog and prices. Hi-PERfooMANCE Div . of Long Beach Honda 5105 Atlantic Ave. . Long Beach , CA 90805 (213) 423 ·1433 eB -The proof is the way .e kHp wlnn lng ... • 1 Aac:o .. . Sadd\eblck .. . t ("die" Dunn . . . aa }.8 . .. Indian Sale Save $200t MT 100-Trai l . . . . $399 ME 100-Enduro . , $499 MX 74-MX $349 Moto Vi lla Bimbo . . $289 Plus ta x - reg - s/u All n ew ALLIED CYCLE 24601 Arch St. , Newhall, CA 805·259-5350 DUNECYCLE DEALERSHIPS AVAILABLE contact Craig Massaro DUl'e cycle 22 r. ~)' po Box 2967 .. San!a ! e Springs, __ 'I'"" Qru<7 n 213-921 ...... "75 c:t. s . _ . Conover-Neihart stage wild finish By Elaine Jones CORONA, CALI F., MAY 28 Freddie Conover and Dylan Neihart put on some kind of show in the 125 Amateur hal f-mile. Dylan got more than a co m man di n g lead off th e lin e when Fred's bi ke bogged. As th e lap s d win dle d do wn it loo ked lik e Co no ver nee ded a miracle to pull it o ff . The mi racl c happened when Dylan appeared to slo w d o wn which tigh te ned th e gap , then a d o o r di e drive in tum one on th e last lap p aid o ff fo r Fred as he snatch ed the go ld from Dy lan 's hi p pock e t an d ma d e th e chec kered first. Fred also pi cked up ano ther firs t an d again it was a co me fro m behind effort as he go t a wheel under Ed die Drake on th e 125 Am ateur IT and stre tched it out from there . Bob Eary was doing the back to back number as he won bo th the 250 No vice IT and half-mil e. Bob go t out o n top. aw ay fro m traffic and le t th o se behind him worry abou t it. Roger Dufur made a good try at unsea tin g Bob but was unable to do better than seco nd. Chuck Bittle after a fcw weeks ab sence cam e o u t an d had h is bes t ni gh t ever as he won bo th min i classes. john Koogle was leading the IT race by a co un try mile when two turns fro m th e finish he had bike problems and kissed the sweet taste of victory good-bye, Chuck was more than ready to pick up the reins of victory and Shawn Richey filled in the second place slot. Bill Hicks took the 250 Amateur half-mile with again jim Roach in the bridesmaid role with Ray Lovell, co ming fr o m way o ff the pace , in third. Tun Melancon had the track wired an d everything working his way as he went two fo r two in the Open Expert IT and half-mile. The IT gave the big boys fi Is when the track pulled a switcheroo on the main tenance crew and failed to dry out as it has been known to do in the past. Dave Racing finally got his ac t together in the Open Expert 750 half-mile. Denny Aguirre appears to have the only 350cc machine that even attempts to run with the big 750cc bikes and he picked u a second for the effo rt. Ron Spillman, getting back in the swing of things, won th e semi but couldo't quite keep up th e pace for the longer main. Eddie Drake won the 125 Novice IT which was good. Blew the engine on a bike he had just bought th at ni ght which was bad and earned his transfer to Amateur which is open to debat e. Gary Ontiveras and Rex Bonham were second and third. _ David Jenkins found the groove on the 125cc Novice half-mile and it was Bobbie Ontiveras again sharing the second place slot with Eddie Drake th ird. • Mike Bell's winning debut two races and second in the last race behind Gene Chandler (Yam). The 100 Novices were shown around the track b y a very hot I2'year-old, Chris Minor. This Hemet rider took all three motos and won another first place trophy for his fine effort. Randy Throne, out of An za, was righ t behind Minor to take second. Steve Polson slipped in for the third. jim Throne came out victorious in the Special Expert class with two firsts and a second for th e overall win. David Reinhardt rode fantastic but had to settle for th e second place in both the first and second motos, Reinhardt had mechanical trouble in moto number two and after two minutes he finally got his 36 0 Yamaha going, but had t o start on the jump for the d elay of the races. David came back in the last moto and made it to th e fron t of the pack to take first. Steve Miller, an Amateur rode well to pick up third behind the very expert riders. • Results in Results Se ction. 'If unique is what you seek' By Jim Bissner By Mi ke Klinger PO ND EROSA, CA L IF., jUNE I GARDENA, CALI F., J UN E 4 Th e debut of Long Beach Honda's Mike Bell (Hon ) was sure kn own fast. Th e CMC number one rider won the 125 Pro class with some effo rt t o outlast Mark Tyer (Yam ) an d j im Domann (Ho n) . Tyer led two of th e three mote s, but had t ro uble st aying on the m achine. jeff jennings (Bul ) co ntin ue d his ' winning st yle as he outran Val Tami etti (Mai) and Bill Rubly (C A ) to capture th e 25 0 Pro class. jennings, with his 125 Bul disabled, brought out his 250 and sm o ked everyone. In all three motos, Rubly and Tamietti saw jennings rear fender j us t fading in the distance so the fight was fo r second position. Tamietti grabbed the second place finish with Rubly third. After last wee ks "Maico Mishap ", Bill Rubly (Mai) swept all three mo t os o f the 500 Pro class. Dan Barnes (CZ) led moto two until the CZ just kicked Barn es off and Rubly gladly took ov er th e lead. • Results in Results Section. Mark Tyer No . 15 had some trouble stayin9 o n his bike and wound up second to Bell. .. Ah yes, un ique. With only 16 riders signing 'up for the Greyhound s Hare Scramble s, it was a ti me fo r ex perime n ta tion. The field was spl it into five d ifferent classes with the fas te r rid e rs st artin g more than 2 0 m in u tes behind th e fi rs t starters. They were also run four full lo o ps, to give everyone time to ca tc h up. Well, th ey must have tried too hard because Monte Lee was first to get off and besides shattering his glasse s, put a real good kno t on his he ad. Bill Childers was next to eat it ne ar th e Rock House when he go t over his head and went ove r the bars. Dave More (Hus ) of the Desert Knigh ts was among the first few to start and, to th e surprised some, he finished first overall. Other notea b le finishers were Don Thulin (Hus), Rick Man ley (Yam ), and Mark Gaims (Yam) finishing in that order in the Open Novice. In the Open Expert class Wes Anderso n Jr. (Yam) and Ezra Young (Yarn ) took second and third with Yamah a rider Gary Stammen taking first. • Triple Sweepstakes at 395 By Phi l Carpenter AD ELAl'\T O. CALIF., J UN E t Th e last day race of the spring Tf and half-mile season at 395 Cycle Park ended with a trip le sweepstakes on the new , shorter Chris Minor wins 'em all By Andi Gangewer ELSINORE, CAL., MAY 31 Kelly Templeton (CZ) of Orange, won his first trophy at Elsinore Saturday in the 250 Beginner class. Templeton shot off the line to take the first place ho nors in the firs t IT course . Taking his usual winning position. Earl Ro lo ff edged o ut Carrol Heilan d fo r the Mo torc ycle S wee pstakes while Da vid Villanueva to o k the trophy in separat e Mini bike Sweepstakes and Randy Hanks wo n th e ne w Tri- Sport Sweepsta kes. Pro fesso r Custer led t he class o f 5 00 Novi ces fo r th re e laps on the half-mi le until Way ne Melanso n 's Yam ah a wen t to th e head of th e class. Before he was o ld eno ug h to sha ve, Carrol Heiland raced 25 0 's and today came out of retirement to try a new co urse and found it to hi s likin g and also found young, talented Eddie Lawson liked it too. Lawson was Heiland's sh adow in the most action-packed race of the day with the Master of 250's winning by -. a half-a-wheel-length, Don johnson, Larry Lambert and Earl Ro lo ff do ubled their pleasure and .I

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