Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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- - - I . Everythil19 nights. (Oh heave nly rel ief from sunburn!) • Results in Resu lt s Section. F REM ONT, CAL., MAY 16 Faria scores short track r-- ~ ,. ... When in doubt, wind it oubt. SPECTRO OILS Jones MX Products . 565 .00 250 Honda reed valve k its Califo rnia & Nevadacall 714·887·1490 P.E.P. Distribut ing Co. PO Box 5455,5 an Bernardino, CA 92412 bott-on (can be modif ied t o fi t most makes ) Foam fo rk protectors $3 .65 Gary Jones WFO racing oil Gary Jones super grips Distrib utors: jM fishbAck's F RE MON T, CAL., MAY 14 YAMAIIA '; ~£:)l"JlJ j\lroi\ ho t shoe Scott Pearson an d too k a close sec ond to super ro ad racer Pa t Hennen in the 250 round. Faria moves closer t o Pearson in poi n ts at Fremont an d wid ens his poin t lead for th e top spot in th e District wi th so me assistance from the cu rrent champ Rick Delacy who sat out the mains after crashi ng while lead in g hi s 25 0 heat . 01 C ::l By W. H. Spencer Mike Faria, carrying th e No . Two White Plat e fo r thi s season , scored some heavy po ints as he co ppe d the fea tured 360 Expe rt Main over r-- C,) Slidin' Mike VanLienden copped th e fea tured 500 Expert win riding the very fast and smoo th Selby Motors Su zuki around former scrambles ch am p J im Foley and newcomer St eve Brandt. Foley took his usual start and led t he 12·man pack in to the first co rn er b ut dropped to fourth by th e second corner with Brandt co ming off a heat race win to try and score his first big win of t he year. VanLienden sorted th at out fo r every one on th e third corner by slid in g ar ound th e outside from fifth to first over the j u m p in a crowd pleasing leap . From t ha t point it was a matter of Fo ley getting back into the gro o ve to take second with Brandt third. On ce again th e 650 Expert Main was pure D fo r Dynamite. All th e big boys were out for Black Plate points and an adde d attraction came when former IT ch amp Dave Bostrom showed up. The ex tr a-la te-arriving Bostrom made fo r a 13 m an Main and it was Bob Masters who cabo osed it in turn two and sat o ut th e feature with Ti f M uIIen ax an d Bostrom taking th e poin t. Duane Sp ence was de ep in th e pack and got stuc k in fift h while Bostrom went to the point and both Rick Otto and John Tavis ho o ke d up fo r some faney passing. Locked in co m bat, th e two went fro m fift h and sixth to challenge Bostrom and on th e fin al lap , they both got by, with a co uple of trick moves. Tavis had a shot at Bostrom after the jump and put a wheel underneath , distracting Bostrom's attention away from Otto who promp tly passed him on the outside going do wn the back chute. This caused Dave to look at Otto an d the second distraction allowed Tavis th e room and momen tum t o get un de rneath in the final corner and a good drive to seco nd. Jim Mahoney won the 35 0/5 00 co m bined Junior show with Ph il Howard sandwiche d in front o f Ly nn Howard o n a Cy cle Center t ric ko Ho nda 350 X L. Howard was almost in the Expert ran ks afte r th is rac e but lacks about two poi nts after winni ng th e 2 50 J unior Main over T om Mc Rae an d Harold "Haybale" Kunsman. It was a relief for Mc Rae who cele brate d his firs t trophy and main event finish since last fall. Little Eddie Go nzales barely be at o ut Rick Siote for the 250 Novice Main while Chris Ghione came b ack for a third after nearly a year lay off of the racing business. Gonzales (SK Cycle Bultaco] had to do so me racing prep between heats an d main with parts askew but put it all together for the wi n. • Resul ts in Results Section. • ~ t - .. lr) serious rider. _~~~=.I By W. H. Spence r ~ 11II In SuspensIOn VanLienden back in the groove 1ft ® WEST 208 68 Curr ier Rd ., Walnut , CA 91789 (7 14 ) 595·0819 (714) 822-2252 9008 Sierra Ave., Fontana, Ca. La'!~~·!~~~·~~rt~A B ul taco CZ H oda ka Mall orde r/will Sh iP anywh ere Fast. d ependable servi ce Quali t y Mot orcy cle Repair -:.Jr ' 0\ m 6'' CENTRAL: P.O. 80x 91 , Hi co, T X 7646 7 18171 796-4990 I ft ' ~... ~ 1123 Franeisco 81 vd., San Rafael, "'-t.qO CA 94901 415-454·3406 .. 52.45 53 .95 I ,.§n_!!2'" Cent ral California's . .. . " . . , , " largest dealer Se rv icing: Fresno. Merced, & Modesto Yosemite Sport Cycles 2 11 W. 17th sr., Merced, CA 95340 209-723-3802 Speed way Enterprises presents SPORTSMAN ~ MILE San Jose Fairgrounds Sunday June 22 0 ·36 & AMA Rules Open to Short Track classes Semi-Pro , Experts $ Pit Gate open 7 a.rn. Pre-entry : $5 per bike Post $7.50 Pit Pass $5. No Minis Entries from : Speedway Ent . 14 Camp Evers Lane Scotts Valley, CA 95060 Info: 415-327-4461 37 .. '

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