Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 17

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Cycle News NOli It was the Faria brothers leading out the 10-lap main with Pearson moving by Dave on lap four. Gary Orlando pulled up to a fourth behind Dave while Mark Protz had hi s best finish of the year in fifth in front of Chris Hudson, Ken Dalla and John Tavis. Hennen flat put it on the 250 class with an easy wire to wire win despite being ch ased at the end by the ever- winning Faria brother. Hennen appears seri ous abo u t his dirt involvement and has been TT racing as well. Mik e Delacy on ce again put it away in the 250 Junior and should show up next we ek with gre en Expert pl ates to do business with his brother. Rick Siote rode to the second for his first Junior try wh ile Steve Grier took home a third in th is show and a second to Don Kirby in the 360 Junior. Guy Miller conquered the 125 Novices again with a wire-to-wire win over Tom Reynolds and Joe Horton who traded the second spot about every lap. Super racing in this very competitive class . • Results in Results Section. - Far out TT By Lynne Diltz SUNNY VALLEY, ORE. MAY 25 Ask the 142 riders how they liked the second race on the half-mile IT at the Sunny Valley Speedway and they 'll answer as one, " Far ... Motorcycle T railers Four rail custom bu ilt motorcycle tr ailers 240 .00 Ken's Custom T railers 16421 Illin ois, Paramount, CA 9072 3 213 -633 -2411 When Contacting Advertisers Tell Em You Saw It In CycleNews I 38 THE WORLD'S MOST UPENSIVE OPTION. LAST YEAR IT COST 19,000 LIVES. out !" The 500 cl ass was omitted so anythin g o ver a 25 0 was run as an Open and that made a class or some 30 riders with 360s scram bling to keep up with the big 75 0s. T wo or the hardest scra m ble rs were J eff Campbell and Wh ite y Mar ks who finis he d third and fo urth in t he A Main . The third heat ha d its problems, as tw o ride rs hit an d we nt fo ur ways . A hot sh oe we n t wil d d uri ng th e tan gle, hitting a rider sta ndi ng in the pi ts , causing a gash that required stitches. Another rider stan di ng cl ose by was h it by a bi ke an d shak e n up so th at he wasn ' t able to ride the rest of th e day. The restart had six ride rs out o r th e pack, the n Randy Mel to n laid it over on tum o ne and co uld n ' t go bac k. Ron Hurd oversho t a co m er but managed to finis h . Th e Op en A Main showed two restarts beca use o f goosey riders but onc e it go t going, th at race alone was worth the price or ad mi ssio n . The Elderly Gents had difficulty in tum tw o , wh en two bikes went down in a heap and two more flew over th e berm to miss them. Joe Duncan from Cres cent City pulled Big Jimmy Miller on the straigh ts to cap t ure the TD win and Chuck Bradley wiped out again! The Mini class was a mess! Andros Bales hit some tires and somersaulted ove r the handles leaving the bike firmly wedged in th e tires. Troy Duncan lost fr on t wheel co n tro l and left over the high side, lan di ng belly-down and digging up the track. Little Rex Haskett won th e B by a half lap, transferred, then carn e ch arging off the third line to shak e Rick Bradley out or his usual No. One sp o t. Ken Per cy won the Kids 100 TD by a squeak and spe edster Bob Nichlason got his rev enge in t he A Main with a show or skill and speed. Cliff Allen had a bum mer or a he at, flew through the C Main, transferred and pulled a fourth in the B. The 125 heats were heavy on the act ion . Brian Peterson was arguing with Rich Word and lost, although he recovered fast enough to finish second. Todd Chestnut was pulling a fourth until so meth ing about the stockpile of gravel fascinated him. He wen t out to have a goo d look before returning to the rac e ! The fourth heat was red-flagged when three riders went down in the second tum; no injuries. A restart had cre eping riders Harless, Lilya and one other put bac k to the third row. The two mentioned took their punishment

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