Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1975 06 10

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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received the sam e answer to what he cons idere d noi sy . His answer to why we even buy dirt bikes and Green Sti ckers was he wish ed motorcycles were not even brou gh t into this coun try , then we wouldn't have any problems. All t he bo y s on our street are good hard workin g kid s who put every penny the y earn into their motorcycles. When they go out to ri de these cycles - staying out of trouble - n ot only do t hey have to con te n d wi th certain crabby wo me n bu t a. policeman who threate ns to do them b odily harm for enj oying themselve s. We reali ze there is a law agai nst nois e p ollution, bu t isn't th ere also a law against harrassmen t b y so-called law en forcement o fficers? MRS. DARRY LL BERG Po way , Calif. We certa inly nope you noticed the officers nam e. We advise you to tak e the matter up wi th his superiors . . . Editor INSIDE Poop Evaluation: Frontera Ascot TT Regional 4 8 10 Left, righ t, up and over Local 12 Viewfinders, CMC, an d o t her Biggies o --< Speedway 250 National MX 16 19 DiSte fano pulls it out National 250 MX 20 Husky and Howerton do it Italian Road Race GP 22 Personality: Cecotto 24 Greenhorn Enduro 27 Opinion , .28 North 30 Results ,., 33 New Products 36 Calendar 40 43 MX Cat Want Ads , . , ,44 COVER: Italian GP shot by Jan Burgers. Shuon aayton , Pu blisher Robert L. No r Velie, General Manager Edna Mewton, Secretary to Publisher . Ad•• rtisin; Linda au k, Advertising Man ager . Gil Brown. Na tional Ad verti sing M~nagt'r ; Quis Kolbet, Advertising Assistant. Editorial Richard Creed, Sen ior Ed ito r; Lane Campbell. Editor; Jeff Peck , Assistant Editor ; Bob i Scott. Secre tary and Calendar. Art and Production Catherine Lampton, An Director: Hector Aguilera. Lab Tech n ician; Marion Hatashit a, Typographer. Circulation Rheb a Smith. Manager : Pam Hobbs an d Cuis Andrew s. Assis tants, Accountin; Caylene Zai nnz, Manager; Twila Wheeler, Judy Fo uts. Mike Klinger. J eanne Hammond . Assistan ts ; Tom Hunter, Rhonda Van Doren. Credi t Dep artmen t . Services & Support Mike Ccltkas : Bruce MacGreg or; Bill Run yan ; Jeannie Dun ivan , Receptioni st , P.O. Bo x 498, Long Beach . CA 9 08 0 I. (2 13 14 27·74 33: L.A. Line 636·8844. East P.O. Bo x 80;. Tucker. GA 30084 . (4 04) 934·78;0. Central P.O. Bo x 132 4; . Austi n . TX 787 1 I. (; 12) 444·7;48. Subscription On e year. second class mail $ 12.50 : 2 years . sec ond class m ail. 522.5 0 : 3 years . seco nd class mail , 5 30 .00 : Single co pv pr ice. 50 cen ts. 2 (;o p yrl Rh l \.yclc: Sew5, Inc. 19 75. Tr ad e ma r k r('Ki Sl C: ~ t.I U.S. P..tent Orrin'. A ll riIChl re se rve d . Publish ed wee-kly ex cep t th e: first and l.iSt week o f the r-alendar yea r by C v c te :'\C:W 5 . In c , P.O . JInx 49R . l.o o K Heach , Cal ifo rn ia . ~ l' OI ItJ dd n pos tag e: pa id .. t Beach. Co'\ . Edilo ri.1I sto ries , ca r to o ns. ph ot o s. ('I C • ar e welco me . Ad dressed , st a m ped envelope, r er ur-n u f cnpu rchased e dit orial m.. uer. R('p rinti nll ill wh ol e' o r p art o nl y b y p er miwio n o f th e' pcblish er s. Ad\' C'rtising: ra te s .lIId l'lH"ul.aliu n ('qUC:St. See informat io n will he: se n t upo n T S.R.O's. Who was that man The MI C requests you r assistance I'm writing to thank you for your "Papa Wealey" blurb on the Motorcycle Industry Council/McDonnell Douglas sound tests for the establishment of equitable motorcycle sound test procedures. Within 30 minutes of receiving the May 20 issue we received a volu n teer call! One hour later another reader telephoned and loaned all :o ur of his motorcycles!! Super people, these ; they understand and they take the time ! If any more of your readers want to help establish California sound test procedures they should contact me at MIC, telephone (714) 752 -7 833. We must use only motorcycles with standard (as manufactured) exhaust and intake systems. The bike is in our \ keeping about one hour and we add a : whopping two miles to th e odometer. Tests are being carried on in Hun tingt on Beach and we can pick up and deliver cy cles. Two hundred m achines from 1969 until 1975 are to be tested - all we must do is locate the correct ones and get them scheduled for a test time. Thanks again for the excellent start. MICHAEL R. VAN CIL Administrative Assistan t ..x.. rated desert Today I read in your Voices of the West section that desert racers are stomping out bushes on the line to improve their starting positions. This statement can not possibly be true. Any environ men tal ist, Sierra Dub member, friend of BLM, etc. can assure you that the desert race courses, to say no thing of the start areas, have long ago been completel y denuded of all vegetation. M. A. STEW ART Big Pine, Calif. Now, no w, you kn ow that isn tt true . . . Edit or More Outdoor Nation inauiries I read Ray Moon 's letter re: " The Ou tdoor Nation " and th ought I'd better join. Well, I scroun ged up t he issue with Leslie Richard 's article an d co uldn't find out wh ere to sen d my four bi ts. How abou t p rin ting the address o f " The Outdoor Na tion" fo r th ose o f us who want to invest an other co uple of buc ks to help save our o ff-road recreation? WARD CUMBIE Do wney , Calif. Once again, information on the " Outdoor Natio n" is available fro m Bob Hayes, 15 23 5th Street, San Fernando , CA 91340 . . . Editor Attent ion cyclists ! I'm writing in rega rd s to a matter which co uld affect all m otorcyclists in the stat e. Ralph Goodson of the Calif orn i a Recreational Trails Co m mi ttee is not co mpe ten t in th e important rol e he is p lay in g in plan n ing the state's trails system . Besides the fact that he ca res little abo ut public in quiries dir ected towards him , (I called his office three times) he made a motion at the May 20th meeting of the committee to eliminate plans for Oeotillo Wells as an ORV area. His reasoning was that according to his poll of ORV users at the site, the area is not desireable for ORV use. The chairman, Mr. Dean, was ready to second the motion, based on these "facts" , when Ron Rawlings of Parks & Recreation mentioned that M.O.R.E. and CORVA were backing this area for an ORV facility. This demonstrated to me a disservice by Mr . Goodson . to everyone involved in recreational trails in the state. Fabrications and misinfonnation such as he presented have no plaee in planning the Recreational Trails System. He certainly doesn 't have our best in terests in mind. Write Mr. George Dean, Chairman, California Recreational Trails Committee, 540 Laurent Rd ., Hillsborough, Calif. 940 I O. Tell him y our desires and concerns. I've only attended one meeting of this committee so far, but believe me, far less consideration overall, is being given to motorcy clists than to other sports. Motorcyclists the sport and responsibility is yours. You can 't pass the buck, there 's no one to pass it to. PAUL HEFFERLIN Oceanside, Calif. Than ks to one and all I would like to e xten d a public, and heartfelt thanks to all the nice people who were kind enough to take the time to send me get well cards and letters after my recent crash and injury at Ascot. I am healing satisfactorily, although slowly and un comfortably, and expect to be up and around this summer. I also wish to thank two very special people: Walt and Dan Mahoney, who donated on e hundred photographs, which will be sold to help defray some of the medical e xpenses. These two nne ge n t le me n h ave my deepest appreciation . RON TOBEY NO. 65z Tr oy, Mich . Can you believe thi s This past Wednesday afternoon at abo ut 5 p m , my husband took our eigh t ye ar old son in to the field at th e end of our stree t, which is not p os te d, to rid e his m ini-bi ke. Af ter an argu men t with an irra te n eighbor woman , a sheriff's car arri ved . In a di scu ssion abo u t motorcycles, this law enforcement officer m ad e stateme n ts in front of m y three children and five or six m ore young teen agers th at in pursuin g a fleeing cyclist, he would shoot to stop th em or hav e a hel icopter co me and knock them off of thei r motorcycles. Tal king with these boy s we wer e am azed to hear th at this sam e deputy had issue d citati on s for speeding and unnecessary wheelies - in the dirt ! An d whe n my husban d and I que stione d him abou t what he calle d spee ding , he replied, " Anythin g over an idle." And Help!! I need some info to settle a bet I have with my husband concerning the Sacramento Mile race held a few years back in Sacramento at the old fairgrounds. During the race one rider bit out , taking a cameraman with him . (The accident was included in the film On Any Sunday.) My husband says it was Mark Brelsford, and I say it was Jim Rice. Who gets the $15.00?? VERNA L. COLLIN You win. It was Jim Rice . • . Editor Mr. Coors and the Sierra Club ... again Quite obviously, some of our detractors, possibly our compeuuon and even more probably our noble adversary, the teamster union, are out spreading malicious and untrue rumors about us again. Neither I nor my Company has ever contributed as much as one dime to the Sierra Dub. Further m ore , we see no valid reason why we should. The Sierra Dub deserves a certain amount of credit for alerting us all to the impending dangers of irresponsible environmental controls. However, their present posture , which is apparently one of preventing growth and progress of any nature, is definitely contrary to the public interest and cannot be supported. I cannot, myself, put preservation of the ecology of a few miles of stream above the value of impounding these waters with a dam thereby making them available for generating electricity and agricultural purposes through irrigation. Yet, I do not know of a single purposed dam site that does not bring the wrath of the Sierra Dub down upon the heads of the proponents. The biggest bone I have to pick with the Sierra Dub is its efforts to have skiable mountain terrains designated as wilderness areas thereby denying recreation to hundreds of thousands of skiers in favor of a near handful of ba ckpackers who may have the time and the stamina to use these areas - that to me is selfishness personified. Th is great country of ours has more than enough magnificent wilderness areas for all of the backpackers we will ever have withou t sacrificing th e rare mountain te rrains for that purpose that happen to be skiab le. Sinc e th e Sierra Dub ap pe ars to be opposed to all progress and sin ce I am comm itted to ord erly progress for our soci ety , there is of co urs e, no way that my in terests philosophicall y coincide with those of the Sierra Dub and consequently no possible way that I coul d ever support it. With my warm regards. Cordially, W.K. COORS Adolp h Coors Co. Golden, Colo. Pop a top, again . . . Editor The views ex pressed in this colu m n and oth e r colu mns app earing on th e fo llowing pages are solely th ose of the auth ors and do not necessarily refle ct the official position of Cycle New s West or Cy cle News, In c. Qualifi ed readers wishing free and equal rebuttal space should co ntact the Editor.

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