Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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yo u o lde r guys " borro win g" yo ur son 's bik e an d giving A l some co m petit ion? • Results in t he Res ults Section. to get th e win and a lso have an other fi ve ya rds ad de d on to h is handicap. • Res ults in the Resu lts Section . o.35's top tootsie in hospital Bob Grant forces Mike Freeman to give ground as they tangle at Cydeland short track. By Bob DeMuth o C\l o z > IlJ « Oay Azar flies; Gene Sm ith Faltas. and flag flops. There must be a Message here. someplace. .J .J « := IlJ > next week: BONNEVI LLE ROTARY Aussie streamliner PP NAT'L. CHAMPION Nancy Payn e (7 i4) 894 -2623 <, Penton. Monark & Tyran & Rupp Fun Machines Sales Service Parts Accessories' D&R Cycles 7181 Westminster Ave. Westminster . CA 92683 parts accesso ries metric hard"" re ...J. L. ~ 3038. Fu llert on, CA~ §ales P.O. Box 92634 213-697-9674 71 4 ~70 .s2 44 WOShe . _ O . b, Hand St ay Soft ,. ' • .... * Riding • Rac in g * St reet ., - ~ G L OV ES ." . ~. ~ ~ o, nm,," 0.\lf, ,, u1109 Co . J8 1 27 Lud lOW 51 . N or ln"dge , C ol. 9132 4 O~. le l In o u lf '''' Inv Ited 12131363 ·6 230 "- ,« 0 Riders Unltd. MX By Devore Fortney Elmer Gantry, again SAN TA CR UZ, CAL.,JULY 28 Ron Self came ba ck from So . Cal. tod av to check o ut th e act io n at the fairgrounds, and swee p the 25 0 Expert class , In the first moto Ro n was o ff to a middl e-ofthe-pac k start but qui ckly moved beh ind Rock y Pocock's l\laico to play foll ow-t hc-lcadcr for a wh ile 0-35 IT Scrambles: Fast track, good riders RACING IN MEXICO CRC gasses it " '- retired early without a chan ce to show t hei r stuff. Later in the day (during the 250 In term ed iat e mota) t he spectators we re entertained by th e dari ng "Phan tom Streaker" who ca me fl yi ng down the big downhill, made a com plete lap for the cheering cro wd and disappeared into the pines at the top of the hill. Clad in only tennis sh oes , hel met and goggles, the Honda 125 pilot immodestly zinged ar ound the track and 1 o nly saw him lose a footpeg and come down on the gas tank once. Ouch ! I wonder if he knew that there was a girl racer in the class that was o n the tra ck ? • Well fol ks, District 35 spo r ts referee Harvy Bakker is having to co ok his own d inner lately as his wife and secretary for the dist rict, Sandy Bakker , is in the hospital with a ser io us back problem. We here in the district wish to say howdy and for her to get well soon so she can cook o ld Harvy his dinner. as he's been a real gro u c h latel y at the races. Anybody wanting to write Sandy and send her a get well card, send them to : Sandy Bakker, Sacred Hear t Hosp it al , Rrn. 330, 1025 North Douty , T ulare . Californ ia 93277. before passin g hi m an d taking th e win . In the second m ota it was Da n Roberts j ump ing into th e lead with Ron quickly pass ing . Dan hung in secon d holding off Char les Ho lco mb fo r one of hi s better rid es. Standing on th e inside of the hairpin turn right o ff the s tar t it was clea r Ron was the quickest rider this track's ever seen. \Vhat was even clearer was the hundreds o f hours the Ridgeru nners spent preparing this track. In another Expert action it was Michael Middleton a nd Larry G ur ley playing their wee kly ga me of follo wing each o ther aro und wit h Michael hold ing out for the win . In so me of th e m ore exciting No vice racing t o da y was Denn is St apleton finally getting it together fo r h is first win. De n nis is one of th ose guys wit h a ha bit fo r je tting his Bultaco into th e lead and th en taking 'so me painful detour into the t rees never to be seen again . In the Old Timers it was A I Cavanaugh push ing his Maico in to another easy win . 1I0w about some of By Bob DeMuth TULARE, CAL., AUG . 2 With 260 riders present, plus pit crew and o f course pit tootsies, it looked like a rock concert in the pits , except they were no t tun ing guitars, th ey were tu ning their bi kes for a n igh t's racin g. Open Juni or was fast as Do nni e Head (T ri), J erry Blair (Tri ); an d J ack Ro t h Stine (T ri) put on a great sh o w, exch anging fir st place n o less th an thr ee tim es. Donn ie to o k the checker with J erry Blair close o n his heels. J erry just started racing aga in after he crashed an d bo ugh t a piece o f t he track about two month s ago . Open Expert also was very fast and exciting as Ly le Moore (Ya m) an d Rick Zim merman on a 1200 Ha rley-Davidson (which he rode on at Pike's Peak last month) had a contest on who could kic k t he biggest amount of dirt in the air t o keep . the other riders behind them. Lyle Moore wo n it. The closest race was between 350 Juniors Glen Fujioko (Bul) and Lee Shepherd (Hon) as Lee beat Glen to the sec ond row starting line, but Glen be at Lee to the checker just 15 feet later. • Results in the Results Section. By W.H. Spencer BRENTWOOD, CAL.,JULY 28 Larry Lane, the Elmer Gantry of motorcycling, did it once again. folks, After winning Lodi on Friday night, he came right back and won the Sand Hill Ranch biggy and with it may have put himself on the Blac k Plate list, Larry is in the over 40 set o f o ld timers that just don't know when to q uit and, disguised as a mild mannered sma ll applian ce repairman continues to show the young kids of the district even old men racers can win and have fun. A llen Yarrow ke pt his t ight ho ld on the second place Black Pla te point co unt by beating out Joh n Hlebo who had mo re than his fair share of tro ubl es fo r th e hot afternoon. In t he Hea t whi le chas ing Yarro w, he had a ll the rivets in his fly whe el co m e o ut an d was lu ck y to be ab le to have time to borrow from br o ther-in -law Scott Williams for the Main. He though t a gea r change might also help , b ut it didn't and Yarrow's 500cc motor o ut pulled the 360 fo r the win. J ohn Mart inez won h is ver y fir st Open Novice Main on bo ard a Triumph o ne-Iunger. J ohn was ecs ta t ic abo ut it all and is now a confirm ed rac er . supreme . • Resul ts in the Resu lts Section, Jeff Fowler (130) hustles to stay ahead of John Alves (74) in Chico 200 Handicap. Bul-doggin' at Chico By Rex Backman CHICO, CAL., AUG . 3 Shane Scott of Chi co, riding hi s first race in over a year, look th e 250 Expert class and he did it with style. At the drop of the flag Motorcycle Insurance * Best Rates * Best Service * Best Pay Plan 20 ,'.illIIISt.:IP 111\ 121317885900 Scott darted out t o an early lead with Jim Hub bar d (Ya m ) chasing him in second . Scott, riding as if he had been racing all seaso n, continued to lead . Jeff Fowler riding a Bul instead o f his usual Kawasaki jumped to the lead a t the start of the 200 Handi cap. lI e had to have jumped pretty far, with the Handicap he has, to lead o ut o f the fir st corner. Fowler led from start to fin ish o z > IlJ « .J .J « := IlJ > «' 0 --'

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