Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Newwinners at Pioneer! By W.H. Spencer OAKDALE, CAL.,J ULY 27 With Ted Davids on 'o f f to Laguna Seca to try the pro scene (he go t th ird Novice ) th ere were to b e some new winners. Lee Seidel took the o pp ort unity t o win the 25 0 Expert and Manuel Datan won the 360 Expert Main. Seidel and Geoff Lowe turned ba ck the res t of the 250 Experts with D-35's Mark Staab taking third over oldster Ray Huff. The two had a tremdous di ce for the ten lap Main with St aab holding a short, inside line while the old man would ba ck his Su zuki into the corner and stay wide to flush the c ro wd with rooster tails. Sherman Wong an d Nick McBride had a good d uel in the 250 Junior Main with Wong ho ld in g the edge at t he chec kere d while McBride h eld off John Pittman and Ted Rouse. Mitc h Davidson had to wo r k hard to keep o ff the pac k in the 125 Expert Main beating out Dan Van and Doyle and there are few pla ces to pass . Ott o tried just about every turn but couldn 't get it to gether. Whi le he was , getting read y t o se t up for ano t her try fro m high t o lo w gro ove in the big swe eper, he ca me upon Klien and Mul len ax in a pileup. He barel y manuevered aro und an d to o k th e secon d wh en the race was red-flagged t o u n pi le th e machines a nd men. The o ld par t shows up with Lane being o ver 40 an d Otto over 30. but retired class "C" Experts. So if tha t isn ' t bad enough, in the 250 Expert Main 44 ye ar old Ray lIuff beat o u t t he kids by a go od four seco nd margin. Even J erry Willis, winner o f the 125 Expert, is no spring ch icken and he be at out Greg Ferguson t he 17 year old who is leading th e top wh ite plate shor t tra c k points a t thi s moment. The Minibikers are the o nly o nes sa fe from an old man take o ver. Chris Carr, age 7 to o k the Pee -Wee class o n a lightnin g fast Mote-Vill a while J ohn l laa n beat out Ri ck Ry an for the 6 0 Expert pa rt of t he co m bi n ed event th at had Kurt Strait win the Junior and 1I1ike J ohnson the Novice. Haan ca me back to take a seco nd in the 80 Expert behind Fred Merkel while Strait captured the J unior portion over newly turned Ke nny McRae. • Res ults in the Results Se ct ion. T H OT E ORANGE COUNTY FA IRGROUNDS IN DOOR MOTORCYCLE 5 AP EEl! CLEAN OUT YOUR GARAGE AND BRING YOUR PARTS AND BASKET CASES TO THE NEW PRO· DUCT S PA VI LION BUILD IN G OF THE OR ANGE COUNTY FA I RGROUNDS ON F RI D 4 Y NIGHT. AUGUST 16th o C'J (p < fi; D EA L ERS: LOAD UP Y OU R TR UCK S AN D V ANS WITH PARTS AND ACCESSORIES AN D D RIVE o RIGHT INSIDE TH E BUilDING ! SELL DIR ECT EM FR OM THE BACK OF YOUR TRUC KI C> T I RES. HELMET S. RIM S, ENGINE S, SI LE NCE RS. SPARK A RRESTO RS, LE A THE RS. BOO TS. TOO LS. OI L . SHOCKS' NEW AND USED PAR TS AND ACCESSOR IES COMPLET E MOTOR CYC LES. (j} Sherman Wong (69H) edges Nick McBr ide (244) in an Oakdale 250 Junior duel that was close all night . DON'T GO TO SLEEP AND FORGET •• • Fr iday n ight . August 16th ,. " h New Products Pavi lion BUilding Oran ge County Fairgr ounds ' J ~ I .: / Speciat seller 's space pric e : Ten ce nts per sq uare foot ! Ten by te n toot . . 100 square toot spaces Just S10 1 1lnciude s two adm lsslonsl Gra nt 400 sc u te to o t a dt"a h~ 1 SPilCf'S BUYef s 5 1 love r twelve) Undl!T t w el ve: SOt v.r;' ~ .: ' '' ./ ~. .: ' , . ,. ' . .. _ ~'k . ~-;~.~ Doo rs ope n to t hr pu bhc hom 6 P,M. to m id n Ight. S40 ' (In cl ud es etght ,ldml sslo ns l Set -up begins .11 2 P.M.. Fr lddY. A uqust 16 th FOR INFORMAT ION ANO TO RESERVE YOUR SPACE , CALL 714/63J.1835. THERE'S NO HOLDING HIM DOWN ON THE SALT... Cook. Actua lly Dan Van is really Danny VanNiewenh uysen b ut that's that hard to spell. The Seidel 's made it 100% with Lee's little brother winning the "A" 125 Novi ce IIlain over Jim Palsey and J ac k Kilgore. Red Needham man aged t o ge t up o ff a cras h to restart and win the I 25 Junior Main over Steve Ad kin s an d Conrad Fournier. • Results in the Results Se cti on. Old mans lib By W.I-i. Spencer LODI, CA L.,JULY 26 The sport of motorcycling is supposed to be the great est for th e young kids that are lithe and agile, whi le the o ld men sit aroun d and talk o f th e good old days. Not so in D-36 as th e top spots in the Exp ert classes we re a ll tak en by th e older generat io n. . In t he 65 0 Expert class it was Light ni ng Lar ry Lane t he winner o ver Rick Otto in a good o ld fas hione d cras h an d burn Mai n. Lane led it all t he way wit h su pe r buddy Tif Mullenax rig ht behind until the last two laps . T if was run ni ng a cl os e second with Joe Klien right on h im wh ile R ic k Otto tried to find a line aro und Klien to no avail, T h e track has changed so me wha t (p u tt ing it mi ldl y ) in th e past month WHArs HOLDING DOWN THE 2()(}tMPH BIKE OF WARNER RILEY Wlen he's not chalking up new records at BONNEVILLE? ANCflA tie-dO'MlS ! R iley and other rea l pro's in t he sport t rust their superb mach l""s to on ly the most teCUr8, fail-safe straps. fittinga and mount. - ANCRA. S8tr t he m at your leading b ike shop. And write for ou r free catalog of motorcycle accessories. Smith halts Eklund ~ By W.H. Spencer FRElIIOI\'T, CA L. , JU LY 24 Mark S mith (H on) turned back Steve Ek lund's three in a row win streak in a Main event reminiscent o f th e 25 lap National :-'lile at San J ose ba ck in May . The two supcrspccdsters never were more than a few feet away from each other for the entire dist an ce sliding through th e corners, much to the delight of ne arly 1000 pe ople. The lead changed hands down the ba ck st raight so me seven times but down through the sta r t/fin ish line, it was Smith all t he wa y with little Chuck Ko le ho lding third in the earl y lap s o ver AI Ke nyo n and Bob Scally. Scally moved by Kenyon on the secon d lap and by Kole two laps later to take th ird with Steve Carrillo righ t on h is tail. Ricky Bib le becomes the lat est in sensations wit h a win in 36 0 Novi ce af ter o nly his second race here. Don Kirb y leads t he clas s for the Wednesday night series but moved back from a s ur e fire secon d when T om Ko lod zieski put the hex o n him an d made him m ove ove r. or so m eth ing like th at. Rand y Gibbs s tu n ned man y by winning th e 25 0 Expert fea t ure from wire to wire over point lead er Rick Del acy. Dela cy put th e p ass o n AI Wood on th e METZELER TIRES motocross and street treads in stock wholesale . retail ZDS MOTOR CORP. 4655 San Fernando Rd., Glendale, CA 9 1204, (213 ) 245 -8695 Distrib utors fo r 5 Western states . ARDS RIVERSIDE DJAVE (8, 8ene llll RILLA PRIDLO 'AGUSTA 25D ANCHI PRI SCOOTERS PARTS World's largesl invenlory lor Italian motorcycles Rebuill Engine Exehanges toSMOl'OlIT".. MOTOAS. INC. Hat bor o . Pa . 19040 Crank shaft R ebuil d ing DRlCO'. Fla3~~rL~~i!'a~~::: S ~ n t .a A na , C A 92705 ( 7t4) 541 ·5 2 t7 Dealers We lcome 21

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