Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Husqvarna,CZ,Penton owners- have we got a Mikuni carburetor conversion kit lor you. Vale rian 's kits are test ed. They wo rk. They fi t. They substantially improve gas mileage, HP, and torque. Stops loadIng up .Eases startups And gIv es more dOClb lli ty The ki t th at c o mes With a co mp lete rang e of jets gOOd fro m sea l e ve l to 8.000' ' The kit you can bo lt on In less than an hour The CUSfom-deslC., ned kit the t loo ks li ke it s " factory in stalled :' Order a who le k it and ka boodJ . or just e the parts yOu need. (InClud ing o ur ve ry ow n man if Old ki ts J Call (2 131 4 75-4 54 1 1 0day Or mal l the couoon . Steve Bast sticks it under Big Mike Conle as Guy Waterson ha ngs it outside and covers up the railbirds . th re w it away when h e w ent in too hard. hit a hole , did a wheelst and, and stepped off. Mike Bast missed gett ing into eit her Main event. He broke th e tapes in his Scratch race and was excluded. He missed his chan ce for a Handicap ride when he d id a 360 to avo id hitting Dave Sims who had gone into a power slide in the last turn. Irwindale, California Thursday, August 8, 1974 Jeff Sexton be came the hero o f the night when he got the jump on Dan Becker in the Scratch Main and after two laps of he ad -to-head co mb at with Bill Cody , Jeff took o ver the lead. Bill Gray took several tries at Cody to take over second but only in vain. As the flag fell it was Super Jeff Sexton , Bill Cody. Bill Gray and Dan Becker. Cody came close in the Handicap Main but this time it was Mike "Bast all the way fro m th e 40 yard line, Wild Bill took the number two spot, Becker was th ird and Steve Bast, Dubb Ferrell an d Brian Short round ed out th e even t. Jeff Sexton reigned supre me in the match race, r unning away from Sonny Nutter in th e two-lap feature . Division two honors went to Lee Crecilius with previous winner Randy Marsh righ t o n his tai l. Costa Mesa, California Friday, August 9, 1974 T wo ti me s thi s past week, first at Ventura, then at Cost a Mesa, Scott Sivadge won the Handicap Main . But j ust saying he won it would be to overlook the fact th at b ot h times he held o ff the t hree tim e U.S. Speedway Champ Rick Woods. The Costa Mesa wi n by Sivadge fr om th e 20 yar d line was gre atly assisted wh en 40 yarder J eff Sexton ca ught Woods who started fr om th e 3 0 . Sexton and Woods hit T um One togeth er a lo ng with Dubb Ferrell. Dubb had th e sec o nd spot for just o ne lap as Jeff and Ric k swapped back and forth. All the whi le Scott stre tc hed out h is lead. the time lost by Woods when he found Jeff much more t o handle than he re ckoned for was j ust wh at Scott needed to take th e flag for a standing o va ti on . Dubb Ferrell, Bill Cody, 1\1ike Bast and Danny Becker made up the Scrat ch Main Event. Bast is o ne or is t he fastest man in Speedway wh en it co m es to getting off the st arting line. He was se t up for the first turn before the other guys had put their foot down. It was Wild Bill Cody next as Ferrell and Becker watched them steadily pull away for the fastest ra ce of the nig ht. Mike picked up the flag from the starter and made a victory lap for an app recia tive cro wd . PRICE PRICt 250 CZ 32mm $54 .95 17 125 Pen lon .32mm • ......... .. $54 .95 250 CZ 34mm $59 .95 18 . .•. 125 Penton 30 mm $54 .95 360·4 00 CZ 34mm $59 .95 19 125 Penton 28mm , $54.95 360-400 CZ 36 m m $72 .95 20 175 Pen to n 32mm $59 .95 250 Husky 32 to rec race 32 $61,95 21 175 Penton 34mm $65.95 250 Hu sky 34 to rep la ce 36 $65 .95 22 125 CZ 32mm , $54 .95 250 Hus ky 32 to replace 36 $61,95 23. . . 125 Hus ky 32mm $62.95 360 Husky 32 to r ep l ac e 32 $61.95 24 .. 360 Hu sky 36 to rep lace 36 $72 .95 360 Husk y 34 10 rep la ce 36 $65 .95 25 360 Hus ky 38 t o" rep lace 36 $75.95 360 HUSky 32 to replace 36 $65.95 26 .. 400 Husky 36 to rep lace 36 $72.95 400 Husky 34 to rep la ce 32 $65.95 27 400 Musk y 38 to rep lac e 36 $75 ,95 400 Husk y 34 to rep l ace 36 $65.95 28 400 Husky MJ MK 35 mm $72.95 250 Husk y MJ + MK 32mm $63 .95 29 400 Husky MJ .... MK 38mm $75.95 250 Hus ky MJ MK 34mm $66.95 30 . . . 04 SOHusky MJ MK 36 mm $72.95 400 Hus ky MJ MK 34mm $65 .95 31 450 Husky MJ + M K 38mm $75.95 450 Hus ky MJ + MK 34mm $55.95 32 400 CZ 38mm $75.95 Speci al super renee smooth cab les are avai l abl e lo r $3 .85 and a M lk un i 1uning .n fo rmat ion booklet fo r $2.20. Please ,nc lude a $3.00 sh Ipping & ha nd ling fee . CaMorn,. res,dent ., add 5% .,ales I .... 1 2 3 04 5 6 7 8 . . •. 9 10 .. . . 11 12 13 104 15 16 + + + + Please sh. p CO O 0 Cha rOe to B anl\A mer lCard 0 M as le rCh•.,oe O M v ac coun t nu m oer IS MA IL TO: NAME _ AOORE SS CI Ty '~ _ STATE Z, P TEL EPHO N E _--.,._ _ -r-r ff\\ V~~~w~!c~!.~..~!~i::~u. ut _ _ lot Anget. .. C. hfomi. 80064 _ Telephone : (213147s-..SC1 Sales - Serv ice - Accessories - Parts - Rivetts Champ io n Leathers HUSavARNA • JAWAl CZ - SUZUK I - PENTON Speedway fans have seldom shown their ap preciat ion to Mike Bast as Un ited States Speedway Champion as compared to Kenny Roberts . the United States Gr and National Champion on t he 1\1\IA ci rcuit. but with st unning victories, 1\like will win the respect due him by a young an d fickle cro wd . Results in the Re sults Section. Rick Smith tried the wrong line around Bill Firnhaber at OC IR. That high k ick 'lI never get you into the Rockettes, R ick ... t0 32 W. BROOKS Sl ,ONIARIO.CA 91762 · 714983·5871 13

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