Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 08 20

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• u.» fI rIllI ;= rIllI .... g ~ g ~ r- en 0 N ..... v:l ... 00 ::: < By Dennis Greene Ventura, California Tuesday, August 6, 1974 United States Speedway ChampIon Mike Bast continues to display the form that made him number one in the sport. Mike worked his way into both Main events during a thrill-packed show. Dan Becker, J cff Sexton and Bill Cody went to the starting line with Mike in the Scratch event. It was Mike breaking out on top in Tum One with Jeff and Cody fighting it out for second while Becker rode high to the outside throwing a giant roos ter tail of dirt to the delight of the railbirds. Sexton gave way to Cody at the finish line. The staggered start of the Handicap Main saw Mike Bast. Sonny Nutter and Rick Woods unable to close ground on Scott Sivadge who won . Scott started on t he 20 yard line behind Randy Marsh wit h Woods on th e 30 and Mike Kon le, Nutter an d Bast on the 4 0. Mike d id work h is way into fourth whi le Nutter lost gro und a nd fini shed sixth. For Sivadge it was a wi n in great style. Orange County Int'l. Raceway Wednesday, August 7, 1974 Bob by Ross is the official points lead er at th e Orange County Speedway track a nd h is win in th e Handicap Main runs his streak to nine Main even ts th is season on that track alone. Bobby's only competition came fro m Bill Fim haber and Ralph Castor. The ever increasing crowd watched as Randy Marsh took the Scratch Main just inches ahead of Jim Ashworth. Bobby Ross finished fourth just behind Keith Tennis. Bakersfield, California Wednesday, August 7, 1974 On a track surface that had holes in it so big it would give Evel Knievel nightmares. Steve Nu tte r bounced his way to the victory circle after holding off the brilliant c harge of J eff Sexto n. Both Nutter and Sexton were at th e furthest yardage mar kers in t he Main event. Both riders got a gian t ro und of applause for staying uprigh t whil e wea ving in and o ut of the o ut-of-con trol field . In the Scra tc h Main . it was Sexton and Nu tter again ; bu t this tim e th ey were both chasi ng Bill Cody to th e checkered flag. Finishing fourth was Steve G res ham who just turned up after di sappearing fro m th e Euro pea n ra cin g circui t wh ere he has been riding fo r th e past severa l m on th s. Steve go t h imself in tr ouble n ot more than five seconds after putting a wheel o n a U.S. track when he pulled two burn outs o r cl utc h starts . The SR A referee issued a ste m warning . Steve did earn a ride in the Scrat ch Main but The Kingbird of SoCal Speedway, Mike Bast with the checker at Costa Mesa . . " Jeff Sexton (r ightl cut inside Danny Becker to take the Scratch Main at Irwindale. " " " and four of the guys who'd like to unseat Mike, caught in a tight group at the Costa Mesa bowl : (left to rightl Bill Cody, Danny Becker, Steve Nutter, "Lightning" Larry Shaw. ." 12

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