Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles
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• IS Karsmakers co n tinued to dog Fal ta and ho ld off Pomeroy until he put the pass on J aroslav at abo ut m id way . The high ly partisan crowd went crazy as Pierre led Fa lta for two laps until Falta executed one of his trademark "bust 'em " passes whi ch left Pierre on the gro und an d Jaroslav in the lead. If Jaro slav Falta had been less th an the cro wd favorite before , he was no w eleva ted to Chief Bad Dude and the fist wa ving and booing com menced . Falta pulled away as Kars rnake rs, cheered on by spectators standing on top of each other, and hanging out of trees got a second chance to close on Falta after Steve Stackable and Falta collided as Steve was being lapped. Both riders went down but Steve was the first to rem o un l and get rolling. St ackable slowed down, pulled to the outside and motioned Falta past. Falta replied by trying to make Stackable part of the fencing. If the action up front wasn't exciting eno ugh, Kent Howerton and Jim Weinert we re holding a heart-stopping seminar fo r th ird. Pocket co mpu te rs were kept b usy tallying passes per lap . Weinert held a slim two bike lead over Howerton at the flag. Behind the other hotshots, Rich Thorwaldson and Mike Runya rd rode their Su zukis con sisten tl y an d without was ted mo tion into fifth an d sixth pla ce. Where did everyone else go ? Out. Th e secon d moto was domina ted b y St eve Stac kable. lIe grabbed t he lead go ing in to t he first tu rn b u t lost it to Falta. Pom ero y bega n ano ther cha rge and the Wein ert·H o werto n tango began aga in. Fa lta co ntinue d to lead an d Pom ero y to gain on seco nd place St ac kabl e. Pierre Kars makers was in the rear, circu lating a t mo derate speed as the rear motor m o un ts went so uth (as at Salt Lake) fo llowed sho rtl y by a rear brake ro d . Weinert soon faded back wit h a bro ken pipe an d Peter Lampp u moved up to battle Howerton . Pomeroy passed Staekable and then Fa lt a, but tired after a ru n in the lead . Falta got passed by Stackable and when Pomeroy dropped back, Stackable inherited the lead . When asked whal happened, Pomeroy complained of a continuing stomach infecti on and general physical fatigue . T he mental hassle of a dissappoin ting G P season was also me n tioned. S tackable won the final moto, beating Falta and steady Mike Runyard m oto red into third ah ead of Kent Howerton. • Results 250 International 1. Jaroslav Falla rczi 1-2 . 2 . Ken t H owe rton (HU5) 4-4 . 3. Steve Stackaote (Mai) 8 .1 . 4 . Mike Runyard (SUZ) 6 -3 . 5 . Ri ch Thorwaldson (SU Z) 5 ·}0. 6 . Pie rre Karsmakers (Yam) 2·14.7 . Peter Lam ppu (Mon) 1 1- 6 .8. Chuck Lampe (Ma i) 10-8. 9 . Arlo Englund ( Hon) 1 2 ·7. 10. Re x Staten (HOn) ] -1 2 . 125 National 1. Jim Ellis (C -A) 1-1 -2 . 2 . Marty Smith (Hon) 2 -2-1. 3 . C h uck Bower (Hon) 5-5 ~3. 4 . Bru ce McD ougal (Hon) 7-4·8 . 5 . Jan-E r ic 5allQvist (Kaw) 8 · S-6 . 6 . Jeff Foland (Hon) 9 ·7·7 . 7 . MiCkey Boone (Hon) 10-10·5 . 8 . Danny Davi s (Hon) 17 ·6·1 2 . 9. Jon Keese (Bul) 14·12 ·10. 10. Charles Cooper (Pen) 13-13·13. / Above: Peter Lamppu accelerates h is Montesa to a sixth in moto two. However, Kent Howerton stands up on his Husqvarna to finish fourth, good enough for second overall to wow race fans everywhere. At right: Canadian Swede dan-Er ic Sallqvist rode consistently to a fif t h in (What else ?) the 125 America n National class on the rotary valve Kawasak i. Bottom right: Bimbo the Pomero y gassed authoritat ively pa st a n unsettled Gaylon Mosier t il' his Bu l caught t h e breako s ... again . 7