Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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rn :- Can-Am Dealer Moto-X Pictu res of Yourself Introduct ory d ea ls on 443·8031. (26/2x ) 5lQI - Can-Ams, (07) all '69 BSA 441 Dirt iii: p a rts , 6-3628. (26) New 5lQI Who did what to whom? g ~ g "d" I"- battery, $350.00. (213) AT '72 P UCH MX 175. $325.00. '72, 100 Steens H Oda .... , $175.00. (714) 495-4008 . (26) Gas Shoc ked Pentons!! 100·125 an d cantilever framed 175 In stock Kern Cycles - Bakersfield (805) 393·0700. (26) $218.50 New Trailers $218.50 m ...... "TOOR" a 3 wheel o r ganizati o n of owners an d racers, needs a re p resentati ve t o tr'!l vel nati o n wi de, coord inating "T O OO R's " fiel d act iv i t ies. Backgrou n d in racin g p r e f er re d . howe ver, wheel goads i n d ust ry sales experience acceptable. salary . aut o, ex penses. Pl US trln~e benefits. send resume to: J. Keathley 84 Whittlesey A ven u e. Norwalk. Ohio, 44857, or call (419) 668-2571. (26) Wanted: Honda CB, CL, or SL 125cc engi nes. workable or not, preferably w ith 900d 9earbox. Contact Dave at (213) 678·2938 after 7 c .m, (26) Husky Basket Case ' 68 360 Viking MX. Mikunl carbo Needs some work. $250/besl offer . (213) 378-3394. (26) '72 YAMAHA 360 MX. + extras. $650.00. excellent condition. (213) 921 ·2J 77. (26) Fast Rick man-Yamaha 175 1973 R ickman frame. eetcrs, Cumutts, new 1973 engine. ported by E.C. Birt . 30mm Mikunl, Yamaha wneets, floating brake, a pr o ven winner. S500.00. (213) 695-4725 . (26) 250 Husky Reed Valve 3 bike/ram p - assem. or klt/F .0 .8. Torsion bar. suspension we i gh t 155 pounas. (213) 764-8392 or 762·3721 . Trans-Ex Company, 7361 Ethel A ven ue North HollywoOd, California. (22/TFN-E.b .1.) ::: ;... Read Ma k e that 25 0 a rocket. Comp let e installati on ( parts and la b or). SI 0 0.0 0. K it only f or Bing care ., $36.50. Kit only for M ikuni carn •• S3 0 .00. Malcolm Smlth's K&N M otorCYCle s. 1689 West La ca dena D r ive. R i verside, california 92501. (714) 686-801 4. (36/TFN ) Maico 501 m N EW 65 0 YAMA H A . N E W C H AM PIO N fram e, wheelS.! f ront end, tank. seat & m o t o r. Phone (7 07) 163-087 7 after 7 e.m, A l so 360 vemana , 1973. (25/4x) 19 72 S l, OOO 324 -7748 . (24/5x) ~ ( E UT R S L S] to p condit ion. (213) YZ Price Breakthrough ! can-am IIIOIOrcydes by bombardier Yamaha 175, Super Clean!!! 73 CZ 250 En gine co m p le te l y re b uilt , OIO' s, Mlk unl. And r e bars. ou rte s, H a ll m an ca b les , Ma gu ras, new seat . plast ic fende rs, & ai rb o x . a ll o y & p lasti c ta nk, So uth B ay Sunburst hea d, Hoover p ipe, Mid V alley ignition . GOing to Euro pe m ust see . After 5 p.rn. (213) 5 4 7-0 903. (26 ) Ust p r i ce S1795.00. Will sell limited number o f 1974 Y a m ah a 250 VZs in the crate f or SJ285 .oo. Call Rick or Craig at Maxey's, Omaha, N e braska (402) 397-0615. (26) Orange County Cycle (714) 530-7340 '7 1 Bultaco Pursang 250 Clean, 2 tanks. 676-8875. (26) extras. $450.00. (213) Norton /Husky Garage Sale Steves 8u{tQ€() w. specialize in Butta co on ly 7627 Van Nuys BIY~ .. '1'1' IJ I'l'" "''1',,, •• , •• , ,""'" 'e', " , , .• , f , , I . , 1,,.: I ".",~ ".,,~ I ... ' . " 1',"" ~l "" ,'.1 ,~ ... I"~' r.' I Kawasaki Mach III 500 Excellent cpnd itlon, rode only $575.00. (213) 244·7712. (26) six times. garage ility 15% savings o n Dea le r ' S bon d s. JOHN W . MA YNARD INSURANCE,. 3447 Motor A ve., Los Angel e s, Calif. PnOM : (213) 836-5211 . (TFN) FOR en gines, (24/3.) SA LE 8 HP J06cc Tecumseh ne w . $85.00. ( 213) 316-8 225. Need 750 Honda Frame Stock w ith paper . (71 4 ) 839·5367. (23/4X) ' 70 YA MA HA 125 MX . SUPE R FAST , Akronts, eetr vs, C urn utts, atr bo x, $375 .00 or offer . E ve. (2 1 3 ) 329·9534. (26) KAWASAKI HUSQVARNA DUCAT! CZ MAleo E NG IN E ON LY S ALE O R T RAO E : '73 , 25 0 CZ, 5 spee d for la te CZ 4 00 , 4 spee d . Ma k e offer . (2 1 3 ) 330·6171 . l?&L 19322 Beach Blvd ., Huntingt on Beach (714) 968-3306 ' Ken ny Weems' ' 70 YAMAHA 360 E N OURO . N E W T O P END with z er o m ile s o n i t . I liked It - yo u will too. $425 .00 . (213)4 55 -1 146 . (26/ 2 x) frutJ AcCt'uone.l r--------- -~~ I --, 10 ~~~~~~~~ND PARTS . . . Town & Country Cycle _ \) I I SU Z UKI 411 S . Brookhurst ~~ I I FuUer ton , CA c":;:;;, " L.. I 714-871 -2460 DUNE C~~LE~I::..JI r TRAIL BIKE second sale - at : Cycle News. Jeannie, Lon9 Beach. $3.50. (35/TFN) Late 72 Husky 250 MJ model. bought Dec. '72. Two tanks. late mooet fenders, Mikuni eare .. p o r t s matched. Many other extras. $800.00. Xlnt. con dition . (213) 444·3629. (26) Harley-Davidson Baja Owners N ow those ha r d t o fin d H-D Baja pa r ts are ·avail ab le at K r lz man En gi n ee r i ng & Sales Co. We have ge n u ine H·O pa r t s .and accessories in stock f o r I m media te de livery . R ac i n g g OOdie s. port i n g. a n d dyno tunin g. W r l t e o r phon e : K esc o , 1299 0 -0 Br ad f o rd St.• A r le t a. CA . 91331. (213 ) 768·2233. (TF N) 9 90 Ea st CZ GP Replica Frames 41 3 0 C hrom e·Mol y Heliarc welded . Accepts all stock co m po n en ts , Com plete with brake pe d al an d holl ow rear ax te, $ 39 5 .0 0 . SWi ng arm o nly (fi ts stock CZ ) Wi th axte, $ 9 9 .9 5 . THE FR AME WO R KS, 7893 Clal remont M esa Boulevard, San Diego, C a li f o r n i a 92111. 1 ·(714) 560·8412. (22/TFN) M AICO " 74'" 450cc. Like factory, m oved sho cks. ta nk.! DIDs, et c. SI.200.00 . (213~ 378·67 9 4 ·1 2,,/4x) T hat's all y o u pay f or V am ah a an d H od aka case sp lits. A ll work guaranteed . Crank reeuues, $8 .5 0 . A sk - Steve, aft er 7: 00 (7 14 ) 528 -4538 . (2 6 ) KAWASAKI 1 0 0cc CEN T U R IO N F LAT T R ACK ER. E ngi ne com p letel y re b uilt , just brok e in. T w o seats, extr a sprockets. cu stom ai r tIIt er a n d m any e x t ras. V ery f ast, must see to ap preci ate. S400.00 or w ill t r ade f o r de c en t r u n n ing spee d wa y b ike . (7 14) 8 39-5224. (26) ' 67 B ULTACO 2 00 S HE R P A , A K R O N T ri ms , Miku ni carb •• hea vy d u ty f r ont en d, ex p an si o n Ch am ber, new seatl. S2 75. 00. V ery goo d co n diti o n. (213)-693·S3~3 (26) . Exc ellent con diti on, r i d d en tw ice, ra ced. $8 5 0 .00 . See to eeu eve. 69 5-1939. (26) n ever (2 13) 26 FOOT THUN DER BI R D S L O O P. M otor, cabin. head, gall ey . extra sail . slee ps 4 . ch oice sli P. 2 y ear s new . r ecent su r vey. $4100.00. Chuck (213) 370-5651. (26) Street Legal MX'ers : Do It yourself with our ste p b y ste p i n st r u ct i o n s and d i ag ra m s. Covers most mod el s inclUding the 1973 an d '74 SC -500 . Rink·A ·Dlnks Yamana, 1595 Carr Street . Lakew coe, Colorado 802J4 . (l7/TFN) Trick 175 Pursang '73, 175 Pursan g - por t ed , n t-co mc. nead, 36 m m Arna l, cut flyw h ee l . etec . i gnitio n. set -en for d esert. big tan k , skid pla t e , p ad ded seat su pe r quick an d rea d y to w in . $6 5'O . 0 0/ ott er. Ca ll eves./ nl ghts (2 13) 459-2 067. (24/ 3 x ) '71 Sportster L o w m il es. e x ce ll en t c o n d itio n . Mu st sell. extras. 59 0 0 m iles, orig i n al engi ne , 8" exte nd ed f r o nt en d . 16" r i m. all ch ro m e sPoke!l chrome chai n guard. (213 ) 633-0334. 12 2 / T.N) ~~~~~t1~~~ sGOI~~~~i1v~~9~1~~~9. ~ohi:Yo~~ Anneue F inish, or a variety of colors. Prom pt Delivery - write or call : A CSC O Products, Inc. (213) 849·5776.l 313 North Lake Street . Bur bank. California ~1502. (24/4x) Bran d new ElSinore. SI045.00. Glendora (213) 963-5984 . (21/TFN) Expansion Chamber Cone Sets 20 Ga . steel rolled and seam spot wel de d rea d y to d esi gn your own chamber. 3 Pc. sets . $ 12 .00.4 Pc. sets. SI4.00. 5 Pc. set s. $16.00 Post paid . californ lol resid en ts ad d . 5 % tax , Quan l tl ty d iscou n t s avail a ble . Se n d y our d ime n si o n s to A lr c o Sheet Metal 15209 G rev illea Ave.:.r La wn da le , Calif. 90 2 60. (2 1 3 ) 675-5.2 90. (T. N ) Superfast Honda CR 250M '73 Suzuki TM125 ACTION CYCLE SaJ~J S~,.uicr M OT O RC Y C L E S , 74 CR125 Elsinore Become An Expert fo r $3.50 The new ESCAPE BY edition 15 out - and on P.O. Box 498 , Dept. california 90801. send Finisher Piris Uke n ew w it h all the extras . Must see to b e liev e . (714) 776-9977 . (26) ~ Ier Why buy used!!! Payments In su ran ce (n o d edu ctib le ) , $60. (S2.000 c overage $30. ) Ph one or w rite for a pplication. (2 i 3) ~95-4468. California MotorcYcle Insurance Agency Box 4215, IngleWOOd, California 90309. (26/l0x) 73 Maico 400 Radial, $895 25% Savings on Insurance "~no $5,000 Motor Vehicle Medical Front fork a n d c ro wn asse mbl y , b r and n ew , SI00.0 0. 21" f ront wneet , tire , brand n ew. S75 .0 0 . Rea r w heel. sli ghtly us ed!. S5 0. 0 0. Rear w hee l . tir•• bran d new, $80 .u O. (213) 69 5-4725 . (26) Good shape, fast, S675.oo. Call after 5 :00 (714) 630·1272. (26) OSSA HOO AKA MAI CO PE NTON 10427 Pra ir ie A""_ .lngllWOod . Ca _ 121 31 673-5562 "" DG Perform ance Specialties SWlngarm assemb ly de signed an d produ ced by Pr o · F'ab f o r D . G . Perf o rman ce . Th is ar m, mad e o f 4 130 ch r omoly has moun t p o si ti o n s for fo r w ar d or st ock moun t ing. A lso av ailable kit fo r m o v in g fo r w ar d o n t o p w i t h n o frame mods re q u ired. Bu shin gs i ncl u de d . (11 4 ) 639·702 0 . (25/2x) SUper fast. p o rt ed, hea d work, 32 Mik uni , K on is, T M p ipe. K & N air filte r and very reuae re. G oing to b igg er b ik e, $750 .00. ( 7 14 ) 637 -9736. (26) ~weU LO U IS Yamaha $25, Hodaka $15 125 YZ Yamaha Parts 74 Elsinore 125 1 140 S . Cypress U n it A LI H a b ra . C A -9 0 6 3 1 (714) 5 25-1504 INT ENSIFIED GUY WillOW. L o ng Beacn , Ca lifornia. Ph one (21 3 ) 4 26-1 3 58 . (1 4/TF N) 250 YZ's Cheap, In The Crate Another winner from "We Moved" 2 5 0 YZ s regula r. $ 174 5 .00. NOW O NLY. S1395.00! L imited su PPl y. Call now (7 14) 530-7340. (14 /TF N ) OIO· s. for k k it. ported . ra ci ng p i st on. r ad ial hea d . ree d valve . J & R Chamber, extra p a r ts, tOOl S, st r eet eq u ipment an d muc h more. M u st ..e, $ 4 0 0. 00. (213 ) 6 99-6007 . (2 6) 44 Race Director All clu b m e m b er s mall me your name. ad dress, raci ng n umbe r a nd c l ub. Get on my mailing lis t . N ot h i n g to buy. Write : Mike Linge r. 3170 Clare mo re, Long Beach, California 90808. (213) 596-8072. 124/3x) Honda Factory Shoc k Coolers Moved your shocks forwa rd, shock setting hot , dampening goes away ? Larger oil reservoir an d aluminum finned coolers solve that. Fits any shock, $48 .00. (G .q. . Chaplin, 61 5th Street. Cayucos. Califo rnia 93430.) (805) 995-3462 . 125 /2x) CS5 Yamaha 200 Elect ric Small p lay racer . 1972 with flat bars an d extra set of tires. $4 5 0 .0 0 or tra de f or reall y fl ne Metralla or funk y Br i t i sh sing le or street side hack or (? ). EI Ch ea po G rande. (2 13) 439-8239 . (21/TFN) Wanted : Exp. Yamaha People New dea le r nee ds t o staff entire shop. Sa les, pa rts. m echani cs, ser v ice ma nager. e tc. Top pay an d bene f its. Se n d resume to: Cycle N ews. I nc•• P.O . Bo x 481 W A·M . Long B each , Ca lifornia 908 01. (24 /4x) Such A Deal!!!! ' 71 P lymou t h Fury. V8. z -coo r, Power ste e ring an d b r ak es. Da rk gr een . Interi or EXCELLENT. 16 miles to gallon. Bra n d new rear en d an d r ear tires. Runs E XCELLENT . Asking $1100 .00. Ca ll after 5 :30 p . m . (213) 598·178 2 or (714) 897-3349. (24/TFN) Rickman Triumph Wanted WoUld like Rickman complete without en gi ne - to take Triumph 500. Call evenings (714) ~86-7043. 12 4/3x) For sale or tra de for an enduro. '73 CZ 400 , $600.00. (714) 688-1291 . (25/2x) Journeyman Mech anic T op p ay an d benefits. H ar le y -D oIv ldson of Long Beach (213) 426·7101. (17/T F N) Dirt Bike Rentals Lo w rates. Western CYCle (114) 673·3465 or (714) 530-3333. (25 /4x) Earn Extra Money in Spare Time Sell Cycle News at cycle events Plus winning a $ 100 bonus a month! Be a Cycle N ew sc eeson an d ve nd A m e ri ca ' s tevo rrte motorcycle newsp aper at e vents i n your area . GoOd pr o fit s. No r i sk d ea l . Se ll t h e most ecctes in a month an d w e ' ll p ay y ou a $100 bonus! Bo n u s paid to someone every month. why not you? Write o r ca ll " C y Cl e Newsperson,"' A tten ti o n : R n eb a.t.. c/o C ycle N ews. B o x 498. Lo ng B eac h , l.,;A . 908 01. (213 ) 42 7 ·7433. (17/TF N) '70 MAICO 400, S595.00. - '72 Y AM A H A 360 MX. S 700.00. Excellen l co n ditions. (213) 329-7687 . 123/4.X) Wanted Sa lesman. mecha n ic in n ew large d ea ler sh ip. Buena Park H onda , 8641 Commo nwea lt h , B uena . Park. Califor n ia 90621. See F ra nk Newbur y . (2 3fTF N ) S U PER T R ICK Yamanas 125 360 $ 400 .0 0, $500 .00. Call (714) 530. 0450 . (261 Light Weight 360 Yamaha MX Lowere d frame, exten de d sw tna a r m, K a n i s. '7 4 hon t en d, B assenr pi p e. p or ted , c c u snec engine an d much more. excellent con dition . (213) 997-8604.1261

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