Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Look out Marland, Bernie &Co. CZ, Penton owners- have we got a Mik uni carburetor conver ion kit lor you. Basqv~na, • Valeri an's kit s are tested. They work. They fit. They substantially improve gas mil eage, HP, and tor que. Sto ps loading up . ~ ase s startups And giv e s mo re doc ibill ty. • r j The kit that comes with a comp le te range of iers good from sea leve l to 8.000' The kit vcv can bo lt on in less than an hour, The eustom ~e sign ed kit that looks like it's " fact ory installed:" Order I who le kit and kaboodle. or just the parts yo u need. (Incl uding our ve ry own man ifold kits.) call (213) 475-4541 today. Or mail the couoo n. PRICE PRICE t . . • • 250 CZ 32mm . .. •• . • ..• . . . •• $54.95 2 • .. . 250 CZ 34mm .. . • . . .. . . . •. . .. S59.95 17 18 125 Penton 32mm • . . .. . • • ... . $54.95 125 Pe nton 30 mm . .. . • . • • . . . . $54.95 360~OO CZ 34mm $59.95 19 125 Penton 28mm . . . . • . . . • . • . $54.95 36D-COO CZ 36mm $72.95 20 175 Penton 32mm $59,95 250 Husky 32 10 repla ce 32 $51.95 21 175 Penton 34 mm . . • . . • • . " • . $65.95 250 Husky 34 to rep lace 36 $65.95 22 125 CZ 32mm •• • .•. •. . . • . . .. S5-4 .95 250 Husky 32 10 repl ace 36 S61.95 23 125 Husky 32mm •• . . .. .. . . . . . S62.95 360 Husk y 32 10 replace 32 S61.95 2"' 360 Husky 3610 repla ce 36 $72.95 9 • . . . 360 Husky 3'" to rep lace 36 .. . . S65.95 25 360 Husky 38 to repl ac e 36 $75.95 10 • • • . 360 Husky 3210 replace 36 •. . • S65.95 26 .. . • 400 Husky 36 to rep la ce 36 $72.95 11 .. . . ~ Husky 34 10 rep lace 32 S65.95 27 .••• 400 Husky 38 10 replace 36 $75.95 12 • . .. .400 Husky 34 to rep lace 36 . .. . $65.95 28 • • • • 400 Husky MJ MK 36mm $72.95 13 . . .. 250 Husky MJ MK 32mm •. .. $63.95 29 .... 400 Husk y MJ MK 38mm .• . . $75.95 14 . • • . 250 Husky MJ MK 34mm S66.Sl5 30 •.•• 450 Husky MJ MK 36 mm . . . • $72.95 1S •• • • 400 Husk y MJ MK 34mm $65.95 31 450 Husk y MJ MK 38mm •. .. $75.95 16 450 Husk y MJ .+ MK 34mm $65 .95 32 400 CZ 38mm $75.DS Speci al .uper tetlon smooth cabin are available tor S3.85 and a Mikuni tuning inf or mation booklet tor $2.20. Please inc lude a $3.00 ship ping & handling lee. Califor n ia reSIden ts add 5% .ale. tax. 3 .. 5 6 7 . .•. .... •. . , •.•. ••.. B .••• + + + + + + + Plea. $hIP COD 0 Charge to BankA me nc ard 0 Maslerc harge O M y acc ount number IS N ....E _ .. OORESS · W _ CITY ST.-TE MAI~TO :' TELEPHO NE ZIP _ (u se are a ccce t ~w~~~~..~!!~.:n~td. loll Ange6M. Call1omll lClCl64 - TeIephc)ntI: (213) &75-4SC 1 sale s - service - Accessories - Parts - Rivetts Cha mp io n Leat he rs HUSOVARNA· J AWM CZ· SUZUK I · PENTON SPRING for KONI THE SPRING RECOMMENOAnoNS lISTED HEREIN ARE ON LY TO SERV AS A G E UIDE f O AVERAGE W GHT RIDERS R El USING SHO KS AND SPRINGS MOUNTED IN THE CONVENTI ONAL POSIlI DN. lENDOf SWING·ARM). f O C RNORMAL US . E btinE Comme nts 9SIb 126/b. KawasakI 750 Suzuk I 7SO . lW' K I Sprinr; :: ON 18511 7 185 . 22 5 8!\. " 215.1 4 181 b Frte Ne t ilh 7 1J~ " Good lor saper b,kt5 W Ith Appliu tion 16f 13 16f 1325 01. 16f 130 16f 1326 1. two up or heavy loads For memum bikes to SOOtc Solo SportsRldmg 16f 1182. 16f 1117 16r 12S0SPI. . 76F1296 - W,th K spacer =76 29 II ONt 020 0 (I Omml. 76F 1302intha spacer UI 8',-" 215.20 8"<." 8··.... 9,," 9,," 1I2 1b For bikes w'lh two up or bIg b,kes WI th onender 22tl 11 1 62lb 220.~ 140Ib Good lor Ott The Road for suPtr btkts W two ith up or heav loads only y 240.95 240. 14 S21b 18 1b Good tor Olf Th e Road only For Medlumblkes to SOllee _Itt! one nCltf 76f 1282. 16f 1271.16f 121OSPI. 76f 1296- W,to K Ispacer 1629 I I ON 0200110mml. 76F 1302 Without $fIace, 16f 1282, 16f 1271. 16f 121OSPl, 16K1343. 16f 1282.1 6f I 2%PI 76f 1271 .16f 129li 76f 1283. 76f 13'9 76f 1283. 76f 1349 = = 10NI MO TORtY l ESPRI",S ARE$10.00PU PAIR 's paCE C , R 16 2911.020.0 - $.50. 10N SPAN NER WRENCH fOR SP. I N~ I 10JUSlMENT _ $5.00 NOTE, TNE ABOVE SPACER IS 10mm YH IC AND IS INTENDED TO ESTABLISH PROPER PRElO IN THE . K AD APPl.JUnONS INWHICN ITAPPEARS. For details and t ickets, Write: POCONO INTERNATIONAL RACEWAY, Inc . P.O. BOI # 500, M Pocono. Pa. 18344 l 717 646-2300 Telephone Tickets ava~ab le at all TIckelTon l ocations 74 400 GP CZ's for $1 190 . 74 250 GP CZ's for $1090. 74400 MX CZ's f or $ 910 . 74 250 MX CZ's for $ 88 0 . 1 (714) 645-8008 C~~ ALANDERS B ULTACO KAW ASAKI 1401 So. Beach. La Habra. CA 714 -870 -9990 or 213 ·943-61 16 Here come the kids! By Lane Campbe ll SOL ED AD SAi':DS. CA L .. J UNE 30 Th e nex t generatio n o f ATA Expe rts is warming up in tr ials like this seco nd round of the ATA Kids' Championship. It w as an all-boy fiel d (Wha t . n o m in ilibbers ?) on eve rything fr om 12 3 Cotas t o a Honda Mini -T ra il. H oste d by V.O.T.E.. th e m eet h ad thre e loops of ten se c t ions eac h . a n d the organ ize rs sho we d n o me rc y on th e "A' rid e rs (th ose wh o ride a ny size trials bike ). Especi all y a t Trap Six, where o ne gia n t log held m ost of the "A" class in fear fu l awe u n til th e fir st o ne cle a n ed it. Th e "B" and " C" ride rs (th ose on 8 0cc m ini cy cle a nd minibikes ) had it ea sie r, b ut no t mu ch . It was a hi gh scoring: meet : "A" winner Ric k Spruell co p ped 32 1 p o in ts, .. B" w inner Mike St on e drew 26 . an d many wer e in t o three figures b y tri als e nd. When we as ke d Bernie Schreiber (w ho later ca me o u t o f th e swimm ing) p o ol LO le ach an in formal trials) if he th ought any of these gu y s w ould b e pu sh in g him soon , he w ou ldn't sa v, • Results in the Results Se etion '- Rob in Tolleson co ncentrates on way to second "A'· rider .

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