Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 07 09

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Brad came bac k to th e US, hopped on an MK250 and styl ed b ut it wasn 't a GP bike. ban zai-berserko style yo u may h ave read about. T he co u rse d idn' t a llo w fo r too mu ch but u sin g yo ur he ad and picking go od " thro ttl e " lines . T he on ly rider still legitimately keeping the In te rAl\l A " in te rn a ti on al " in th is rnoto, Czech Zdenek Velky , su rviv ed into fourth be h in d S ta t en an d Mos ier. Both Swedes rode in the 12 5 National class. Potentially co nf using. Rex Staten, wh o claims to lik e Ho ndas a lot th ese d ay s, got th e hol e shot in the se cond m oto but Pierre was in the lead by th e en d or" th e fir st lap. "I put all m y co nc en trat io n o n th a t start," he said la ter . "I knew it m ust go well. " Nobody else led a f te r th at. see m 10 tire. Brad kepi gass in g the stocker even as it would bump alo ng w ith the en gine go ing "wah-wah " as the rear wheel ca me off the bumps and Peter see med to have ca ugh t fir e as nei ther rider moved away fro m him and he, in fac t, shook off both Thor a n d Mike R uny ard. Fal ta didn't start the second moto complaining of severe hea t exhau stion, headach e. and, probabl y, unhappiness a bou t the whole sce n e as Velky once aga in survived in t o the top ten. without lookin g to o in sp ired a b ou tit. Surprising many , including his dad, Mart y kep t c ha rgin g strong into the closing minutes o f the moto and , on the last lap, passed Eierstedt o n the bumpy PENNZOIL " TEAM HONDA ,STAR IN SUPERBOWL R EX STATE N At the second riders' meet ing, Weinert was a firebrand, Karsmake rs a rid er rep, and Thorwaldson , reasonable. 500cc Amer ican Class Winner Far ou t. Act ion in t he pits. J im we nt ou t again with mech anical s af ter m oving up to sixth from ab o u t 12t h w ith Brad righ t o n his fender . Eierstedt an d St at en were th e Honda threa t to Karsmak e rs this time , su ch as it w as . There was agai n a terrific toll in ma ch iner y. Mo sier's m o to r so un ded sou r. S uz u k i's Thorwa ldson an d Runy ard ha d looked good in th e firs t moto b u t th e too-soft front fo rks ke p t them fro m ge t ring it on in t he ir m ore tired co nd it io n by th e second rou nd. The best th in g to be watc hing in the se co nd round was very impressive. mo ve-up ridi ng b y Mar t y Tripes , Brad Lac key . and Pet er La m p p u . T hes e th ree were u p 10 fo ur-fi ve-six p o si ti o n s by midway t hrough t he m oto , Marty di dn ' t 1. Pierre K a r sm a k e r (Y am 1·1. 2 . Re x Staten CHOn) 2 -4 . 3 . Z denek V e lk y rcz i 4- 7 . 4 . Rich Eierstedt ( H on) 9-3.5 . Pe te r Lam p pu (Mon) 8 ·6. 6 . Mike Runyard (S uz) 5·9 . 7. Rich 'rncrwar cson (SU Z) 7·8. 8 . Gayl o n Mosier ( Han ) 3-16. 9. Bob Plumb (Ma i) 11-1 0 .10. R o n Po m e roy ( B u r) 10-1 1. However, M. Tripes kep t it screwed on to nail them both. Team Honda's Rex Staten nabbed the Superbow l of Mo to cross's Open Class tit le on a 400cc Honda Elsinore. He . took 2 f irsts and a fo urth en ro ute to th e wi n. Rex gets lasting engine pro tect ion fro m Pennzoil 2-Stroke Motor cycle Oil. J immy Ellis is abo ut to crash and lose the first 125 moto as a resu lt. sand y dip, p icking a go o d line and gassing it th e fin al quar te r-mile to th e n ag for secon d pl ace. Pier re was , however, a lrea d y p u lling into the pits. It was n't a gr ea t In ter Am but it reall y w asn 't as bad as a lot o f pe ople had ta lke d themselve s into be lieving . It ju st may hav e been th e longest d a y , th ou gh . Co ld d ri n ks, water melon . an d pin ea ppl e cam e out at the end, about a q u arte r to n ine th ai eve n in g as Utah started a spe ctacular su ns et. • Results MARTY SMITH Southern California High School Champion , Marty swept the high schoo l divi sion on a fact ory prepared 125cc Honda Elsinor e. He appeared to be the odds-on favor ite going in. Lik e his teammate, he gets champ ionship cali ber engine protecti on from Pennzoil 2-Stroke Motorcycle Oil. Take a tip f rom' these Team Honda winners, get the kind of lasti ng engine protection it takes to be a champion ... ask your motorcycle dealer for Pennzo il. PENNIOIL COMPANY Oil City , Pennsylvania . Western Hea dqu ar1ers: Los Ange les , California.

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