Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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circuit shoes are seen on Saturdays Dave Powell (Suz] kept ahea d of Jimmy Garne r (Yam ) in t he 125 class at the DeAnza drag h illclirnb, bu t had to settle fo r th ird Overall . Getting upset on DeAnza's big hill By Ann A. Powell SUNNYM EAD, CA L., j UNE 9 Mick ey Dymond on his lillie Yam ah a min i took a firs t place win in th e DeAnza drag climb today a nd set the stage for a day of surprises. This was nine-year-old Mickey's first win and it o pened the do or for more upsets. In nearly every class, th e big brass 30 went t o either a brand new rider o r o ne who ha s not been doing well. The biggest single upset c arn e in the 400 Modified class. Kerry Peterson, o n his su p e r Maico, has totall y dominated this class and hasn't been beaten in nearly a year. Then he ran into Gary Parsons on a trick Grecves . Parsons has been out of competition for several months, b ut h e made hi s come-back with a bang, k nocking young Pe terson rig ht o ut of first p lace. Another surprise came in the Open class. Tom t.aRue showed h is rear wheel to both Neal Ma ckel and Ed Shaver in the battle of the super-monsters. All three ride Triumphs in the 750 to H20 ca tagory, all have highly modified bikes, and all bum fuel. Mackel, the most consistant winner in this class and the o ne who has ta ken the Overall win in the most climbs, was the first to fa ll behind LaRue. Then Shaver found himself in the same position. LaRue took the win and the battle be came o ne for se cond place with Shaver an d Maekc:l squaring off on the log . :>Iac 's bike, a n 820cc monster took the climb , and Shaver had to settle for a third place. The final battle o f the d ay came for the spot of top eliminator. Tom LaRue faced off with Ron Saffel. LaRue's 800 Triumph came out second best to the highly modified 650 fuel burner of Saffel. It has happened before, but it isn't often w hen the winner of the Open class fails to take the top award. Those big bikes re ally throw the dirt as they Oy over the super fast drag cli mb , but when the d ust settled, the flag went to Saffel. A reco rd entry o f 12 7 bikers turn ed o ut fo r today 's cli m b, and abou t 20 o f t h e se were first t im er s. Kenny T hompson, a f'o u r -y e a r -o ld , d idn't manage to win h is class ( th,' :>Iinis) but he gave it a try a nd that partieipation troph y was ea rri e d aw ay wi th as mu eh excitement and enthusiasm as if it had been for top eliminator. T h ese little one s ate tomorrow's hiJlt winners, a nd the y give the sport everything they have, even if they are " h and ;" a p p e d " by bike s that have the power of the family lawn mower. Several of the newer riders did their part in today 's upsets. Ro n T h om p son, o n a s tock 5 0 0 Yama h a , to o k firs t pl a ce in his cl ass, ju m p e d to th e :>I odified class a nd too k a t hi rd. Bill Nu ess e , 400 mod ified Suzuki, also m ade a good show ing. Alth ough he di d n' t p lace in h is 400 ~Iodified cl ass, h e did j ump to the 45 0 Modified, tak ing firs t p lace , a nd then to the 5 0 0 :>I o d ifi ed, w here he l:ot anot her first . Nuessc a lso rode ' a minib ike, bu t h ad 10 g ive in to th o se w ho we re lighter in we ight in t h at class. T he DeA nza d rag climbs gj,·e ne w ride rs a cha nce to ge l the ir in it iatio n in to hillclimbin g, an d m an y fin d tha t a good showi ng h ere is a ll t hey need to real ly ge t hooked. A lot of the n ew rid e rs are a lrea dy m akin g pl an s t o attend th e .July hillclimb a t DeAnza, and the fa ct that park owner Doug lI all is o ffe r ing S I 00 to the first r ider to top hi s new hill in com pet ilion will serve as an added in centive. The next DcAnxa climb, on a new, vi rg in hill , will take place on july 7. The next drag climb willbe the firs t Sunday in Augu st. • Resul ts in the Results Sect ion, tromp Saddleback By Tom Corley IRVI;'I1E , CAL.• j UN E 8 More of the fastest 250 and 500 Experts are turning on to the two 40 -minute motos. Trans·A~IA quite often . T oday th e lik es of Mike Run y ard, Ri ch Th orwaldson, :>Iike Yo rba. l. uk e Mes ser an d Ron BI•.m ton lor e u p the Sad su r face. R un y a rds w or ks S uzuki didn "t wo r k right a t a ll 'ca use the fl y ing m ach in e ga ve up io the beginni ng, \\ 'h e elsm ith 5 0 0 r: xpe rt ~l ike Yorh a fl ash ed o u I ahcad in rhc first rnoto and smoo thly gassed his ~I a i ,' o for the win . Charging from hehi nd was his chal lenger Luke ~ I esser ( ~ I ai ) , do ing som e heavy di cing with Thor of th e :! ~,()'s . Yor ba was snuf'Iing everyone in tht' seco nd an d final rn or o when his trans. wigged ou t . lie thoug ht rha t a gear w as m auled so he pulled to the sidel ines before everyt h ing sh att ere d. T he m ost ra dical and Ias re st Bul race r of this ran.' was ,,00 E xpert R on Blan to n wh o t ook th ird in the fir st m ot o hut m an aged to cap t ure th e se cond fo r t he po in ts win . T hor a nd Me sser we re j ivin g ba ck an d forth , so it was ca s)' to ge t a n excellent pi cture o f those tw o di cing aro u nd a cor ne r sid e by sid e. After the full 8 0 minutes of 'crossing was d one Thorwaldson swept the 250 E xp e rt class over Competition Cycles J erry Trojnar, Blanton ended handling the 5 0 0 c as h and nipped Luke o u t of it whi le unfortunately Yorba missed. Di ck Smallwood (Ma i] w as 4 -3 for th e da y • an d se tt led in fourth. R esults in Results Se ction. Road racer water-cools Corona R.A.C.E. again By Tom Blattler CO RO N.\, C.\L.. j UI'E ', J im Wright. a I (i-ycu r-old [ r o m Coro na Hi gh S ch ool, h as domi nat ed t he Corona Raccwav Flat T rack a nd 'IT races for t h~ las t coup le or years, and tonight was nu e xce p tio n. . A Novi ce a t Ascot Park, Jim ca me to Corona 10 get his new water-co oled 25 0 Yamah a t w in se t up fo r th e u p co rning pro races. Wri ght to ok a doub le in th e :!50 E xpert cl asse s on the qu art er-mile Short Track an d the big lIalf ~Iik, In the Short Track ei ght-lap Ma in event, .lim rode lI al Chce twood's 250 Bu ltaco to th e wi n, since h is Yamaha was se t up and geared j us t for the Hal f Mile , Ya maha-mou nted Chuck F ruc he y took the second spo t followed by Dewey Shurick (Yam ). Wrigh t then brought out hi s Yamaha twin for the lI alf ,\ I iI<' . jimmy just Oat hl ew e verybody away . The ei ght lap fea t u re w as no con tes t w i th \\ 'riKht winnin g easily. The secon d position in th e lI alf ~liIe ~I ain wa s a good battle, th o u gh, w ith Fru chey holding the secon d spol for the first s ix laps before Rich \\·arn'n. riding an o t he r Yamaha Tight scrimma ge: Luke Messer (25. Mai) and Rich Tho rwaldsen (3. Suz ) t ook turns chunk ing d irt at each other. twin. got by to lake second over Fruchev . In tile Open lI alf :>lik feature, it was Ch ri s Smith com ing l'ro m d ead last to wi n o n h is bi g T r iumph . S m ith gu t a te rri bl e s tar- r, h UI ca me fI)' i n~ Ih ; ough th e pac k to grah the lea d o n the se cond lap . R ich Holmes ( Ya m) fini shed se c ond with third go ing to Boh Fa rmer ( Ka w]. Results in t he R e sults S e ct ion, Carlson wins OCIR High School race for Katella By Gertrude Thomas IRVIN E. CAL.. A large on hand favorite growing ~ I A \' 30 en th usias tic cro wd was tonigh t to c hee r o n their High School in the ever Yamaha Series. It was \\·cstminster, M onroe, \ \·ilso l1 . \\·est ern, Kat ella, Va lley, and Hunt ington w ho did b a ttle, with 'h e Overall win going to Expert-loaded Katella. Scot Breith aupt from Wilson (BX pr omoter, M a uh ews Development consu lta n t , a nd Elsinore rider) took the Overall 1:!5 Ju ni or win after Ken T aylor from \Vcslern was ta ken out with leg -inj ur ies while rid in g hi s sec o n d divis ion . 2:,0 Juni or. Dave Ca rlso n racked points fo r Kat e lla takin g a win in the 125 Ex pert a nd agai n in t he Open Expert. Carlso n wo n l've ry mo to. • Sideways at OCIR By J . Thomas IR V I:'\E, C.\!... ~ L\ Y 29 The rac es went off very smoo t hly tonigh t on a well mani cured track u n t i l ra ce te n. Then Dave Vanl lorn a nd Dick Hanlev made a sha mbl es o u t of the st arting gate and timing eq uip ment. Dick and Dave [angled with eac h other in [urn four and hot h ran head long into the infield side ' of the ga te mechanism. I n the nex trace. (Division Three S cratch Heat}, Robert Steele ran over Mike Carver. Mike nipped h is bike be cause the starting gate malfu nc t ioned , Altho ug h h is lea th e rs were re d uced to shreds, he made th e restart a n d we n t o n to w in. 1\ few r aces la ter Dennis Armst rong tangled with another r ider wh ile try ing to pass. Denn is got in to a r eco rd breaking tank slapper all t he way down th e front straight finally ending with him goin~ o ver the high-side in turn o ne and be in g run into repeatedly by other riders. Then after all this, race 13 ca m e u p and a fter a fa st start Ra lph Castor go t his feet cau gh t on Phil ~1oon's bike in th e fir st lap. Phil got w ise to the fan th a t h e had a p assenger and pulice! over to avo id co m p le t ing the race with Ralph in tow, As they pulled over they forced Stephen Schlanser in to th e wall in front of (h e stan ds. All this time .I an Ballard was out fro n t a ll hy h imsclf. After t he restart R alph Stephen and Ph il played around in the back wirh ] an Ballard ou t fron t aga in wire 10 w ire. In r ace 19 Boh 1Ii11 after receiving a puor start in the H andicap consolation held his position a s e ve ry o n e else passed toward the b ack of the pack . Bob wc n t on to win . even I :! I . the Scratch Consolation a~;l i n with Phil :\loon in a sol id sc nmd pla ce hut some distunc c hack. The Scratch ~ Iain had some d iITindlil'~ aftcr th e rc -st art it w as : Boh hy Ross Iirs t , wit h Bill ~ Ia n lc y second and \\' aym- Lewis a nd .J a n Ballard ,hiru and fourt h. • Jawbone studied 1I.\KERS ltLLIl, C.\ L. , .JU :'\ E l :l :\ 'Pl', i.Ii ,·ili/.l·ll,· >:rollP h;LS h.-ld i i, rir,1 Ill....lill g 10 prm·id .. thl' Blln ':lll .. I' 1.11\(\ .\ l:lll:lgl' lII l' llt ",ilh recolllm elld:lt iOlls 1'0 1' multiple lise

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