Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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man agem ent o r nation al resou rce land in the J aw bon e Canyon area or eas te rn Kern Count v Cali r. T he gro up is composed 0'1' Xlr. Cody \\'illiam s, [rcp rc sc n t in g th e- California Vehicl e .\ssocia tion) . Dr. George E. Lawrence. (S ierra Club). xt s, ~lary De De cker, [Ca lifo r n ia X at ive Pl ant So ciet y ). ~Ir. ~li kc Hi n shaw, ( , \ ~ I. \) and ~I r . J . D . Dill ard, (rep re se n t ing the major landowner in the area) , The A rea ~I a ();lger of th e St ate Dep artm ent of I' a r k s and o fr- R oad Recreation is to coo rdinate the Park Depart rnents efforts at Red Ro ck Canyon with t hose of BL~I and th e citizens' group. Jawbon e Cany on is a popular r e c r ea t ion ve h icle are a with m a ny co nf licting resour ce uses a n d int e r m ingled public and private lands. The special study by th e group will atte mpt to resolve the c o n fl ic ts and provide fo r as m an y resource use s as possib le. U\Ve encou rage interested ind ividua ls to wo rk th rou gh thei r rcprcsen ta t ive in th e grou p ," Bo ll sai d: .. Because of th e man y co nfl icts in the area, we fe lt a small gro u p best sui ts t he to ta l pu b lic interest in th is area: ' T he next m ee ting will b e a field tri p • to t he area in the last part of June. NVT unveils lightweight Wankel! Norton Villiers Triumph is test ing a prototype twin-ro to r Wan kel m a chin e of un sp e cifi ed displacem en t, mou nted in a tri ck frame an d h oo ked up to Trident 750 runnin g gear, T he odd-looking chassis carries the e ngine ca ntile vered under a st ra igh t backbon e tu be th a t d oubles as an oil reservoir for the to tal -Ioss lubricatio n system. The configuration yields a very low ce nter o f gravity, and handling responses like a ligh t we igh t Single. The e ngi n e . d eveloped by 3ll -ye ar o ld David Garside of th e NVT Ki tt s Green Cent er. is the first practical f anle s s a i r-coo le d Wan kel to be d eveloped for m otorcycle u sc . British test rider J erry Clayton reports smoo th pullin g power from 2.000 RP~I to t he 8.500 R PM redline, 90 1\IPH c ru ising at 5 .750 RP~I . and a claimed topout of over 12 0 ~I P H . • Yamaha 250 Enduro takes third in CRCMX By G. J . MO OR PARK, CA L. • .1 UNE 9 The l\linis and Powder pu rrs were th e first t o hit the Valley Cycle Park truck today , and as usual, prett y Kim Herbert's pink Elsino re w as o u t fro nt every sing le lap of all three m o tus! V on Peterson held his C Z hi gh as h e o u t ra ce d an d o u t j u m ped t he re st of th e 250 Ex perts fo r two moros. T he third m oto was a duel bet ween Vo n an d Hal S trauss. lI al passed V on- on the windin g u phill duri ng th e last lap to take the win. It wasn't quite e nough t hough as Vo n go t th e Overall vic tory . T he 25 0 and Open Beginner s a nd Ve te rans ra ce was the bi gge st of the day . with classes separated b y wave starts. J o e Had le y an d h is Honda gr and-slammed his way into victory circle and Jeff Beard p laced seco nd but the big story lie s in the spe ctacular third mo to ride of R oger Maw, Roger had done we ll in his firs l two motus a nd needed ano t her high : pl aci ng to rece ive a trophy. He got an other good s tart and was way up in the Tan ks when he overshot a he rm and lost several pl aces before he Rot go ing ag-ain. Roger never lo st his co o l as he piloted hi s 25 0 Yamaha Enduro all th e way ba ck to sixth Ov erall and fourth in his class givin g him a third place troph y . Can you imagine t he lo o ks on the fa ces of those hot-shoe Ho nd a riders when a th re e year o ld Ya ma ha End uro passes the m ? • Results in l he Results Section. Upper central U.S.A. gets first major motocross Cycle sales have bee n b ooming in th e up per cent ral U.S.A., but the area has .go ne m an y ye ars with out a maj or mot orcy cl e race . T hat's going to change co m e the 4 th of August. Rad io stat io n KOI L in O mah a, Nebr aska has obtained an Al\IA Omaha n ear th e towns o f Blair and H e r m a n , N ebraska, KOIL radio is plan n ing on making the race an an nu a l a ffair . This even t bring s major motocross to t he Nebras ka , Iowa , Minneso ta and Dak otas re gio n for th e first ti me . ~Iotocross riders who d o no t hold an A1\IA pro license a t this time are urged to co n tac t the A~IA in Ohio a t o nce so the y will be eligible to com pete in one of th e highes t-pav ing ra ce s of the year. The track is over one m ile per lap an d features hill s. j um ps and bot h up and down h i ll straight awa ys. O ne of America 's to p !\IX racers has view ed the c o u rse and ran ks it wi th th e best in th e c o untry . KOIL radio is planning a Saturday nigh t pre-race registration fO T all ent ries. De t a ils on t he ev ent can be had b y writi ng to Don Tawse r, KOIL-radio . ll901 Ind i an Hills Drive, O maha . Neb raska. A ll riders m ust ha ve a n AM A p r o f e s si on a l MX li cense . Advanc e entries are not req uired. b ut riders wh o c on t ac t KOI L in advance will receive h ea vy pub licity o n t he stat ion's ai r- time p rom otion bro ad cast s. De aler / sponsors lake n ote o f th is. • san ction for a S 15 .000 professional m oto c ro ss event fo r t hal day. T he event w ill host 250 and Open class riders and mach ines . KO I L is the number o ne ran ked rad io stat ion in t he O maha area. The land for the event has been ob tained and the co u rse h as a lready b een put in for the A ug ust 4th eve nt, It is loca ted nor t h of THE OLYMPIA SUPERBOWL THIS SAT 6:30 COLISEUM

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