Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Fil'ecl'ackel' Family Endmo July 6th Lucerne Valley M.O.8.E. Benefit - 33 mi . of easy trails Stickies - Fin isher Pins Contingency pr izes $4 .50 single, $12.50 who le fami ly (inc! 1 yr . membership in M.O.R.E.) Send name w ith 1 S.A.S.E. to CTR : 7859 Quimb y Canoga Park, CA 91 304 Dist.37 Firecracker Endmo - Ju ly 7th Lucerne Valley M.O.8.E. Benefit 95 miles; 4 riders per minute Sti ckies - Fin isher pins - Trophies D-37 entry for m - ent ry : $7.50 (3 man teams add $1 each) send w ith 2 legal size S.A .S.E. to CTR : Box 147 , Newb ury Park, CA 91320 Rod Kentner gets the t rackside wate r cure for steamy leathers at Deschutes MX. Info fol' both eveDIs: 213 346-7168 714 639-2666 01' 805 497.2057 Cycle ews North RII!I Editor Lane Campbell PROOUCTS INC. 2134 OLD MIDDLEFIELD WAY MT VIEW .CA . 94043 0 (4 151 961 -2446 More Deschutes dusty muddy-cross LIGHTWEIGHT AXLES HOLI.OW. $12.95 HEAT T REA TED. Story & photos by Jan Newman 4 130 AXLES. WITH AIRCRAFT LOCKN UTS BE;o.;D , O RE .. jUi\:E 2 Ah a! Finally e nough sun to bring out the shorts and tank top s. It left a big job for the sprinkli ng system wh ich in turn le ft so me s po ts of deep powder dust mingled in with water hol es. Som e of t he local riders ha d a rooting section eq u ipped wi th 17MM REAR AXLES FOR MAlCO -8ULTACO- CZ- YAMAHA- KAWASAKI ANO 2!)OPENTON Fremont Raceway A mateur Shor t T rack Every Wednesday night Al l Sportsman & Mini bi ke for info: 415:327-4461 Motorcycle Insurance b 18 * Best Rates * Best Service *Best Pay Plan Multi·State Ins. (213) 788·5900 C r Keep those cards & le tt ers co m ing wa ter for dous ing the riders to cool th em off as they came through a slo w co me r. It rnight have he lp e d if their aim had been a bit better, hut at least they kept the corner we t down. Several piles of the 27 J 25 j un iro s were left in th e first two tu r n s as Tory Sapp in gt on (lIon) gra bbed th e lea d to go a ll the way in t he fi rst TaL'C. Mike T om as ini (S uz) t u o k the Il l' X I two wi ns for to p hr ass. Fred Tho m as (lIon) was seco nd for the day. The stan" in 12 5 Inter mediate was Na ncy T h o ~ as (lion), one of three Io{als ridi ng today. In the first fa ce :'\ancy didn ' t ~e l anythillK t ogcther and went UU \\'U at least three times. She was last off the line in the Sl"COnU and with some sideline coaching worked lip to seventh . I n the final race she was next lO last off the line a nd wo rked t hrough everyo ne to ta ke over seco nd before she crashed off the big jump in the final lap. Th is was all after she's been sick t he nigh t before an d th e ver y first crash p u t th e bars righ t into her a lready to uc hy tum my. You guys watch out! I-Iar k G regson (Hon) took t hree fo r the 125 Ex pe rt w in . Ric Bur kin sh aw (Hon) crashed hard in a ba ilie for second wi th Barne y Xewrnan (I-In k) in the first ra ce . Ric a nd Barney were bo th after thi rd in th e seco nd race when they wen t in t o th e b arr el. Ric ran out of track and went down. Jo h n Brow n (lIon) boun ced b ac k fro m a b ad first race to ta ke seco n d m o ney . Barney Newman (:\Io n) t oo k th e Open Ex pert wi n eve n th ough it looked like it wa s all o ver in th e first moto wh en he turkey e d a p lug lat e in th e race. Rod Kent ner (Yam) , wh o w as o ne o f those mos t I\' m issed wit h the water trea tm e n t , look second. • Results in th e Re sult s Section. CMC shoes at Chico By Rex Backman CHICO. CAL. ,jU"'E Del Silva (Ya m) got the jump off th e starter and led the sma ll gro up o f 36 0 Ex perts into t he first turn. In second place was sc ra tc hrnan J ohn G rant (Yam) wh o had survived th e sta rt a fte r he had locked bar s with S teve Dietz. Silva and Gra nt battl ed fo r the lead whil e Dietz re mained a safe th ird p lace. Gra n t dropped back as h is ex pansion cham b cr ca me off. With G rant gone a nd Die tz a d istan t second Si lva was able to keep his lea d an d gu o n for th e win to tigh te n th e hi gh point stand ings for th e ye ar. Steve Die tz (Bul) Kilt second wi th J ohn Gra nt hanging on for t h ird pl ace wit h h is h andicapped bi ke. At t he start of the 250 E xp ert Main .li m lI ubbard a nd n an Peterson went side b y side in to t he firs t comer . Hubbar d had t he inside lin e and w as a b le to p ull ou t the lea d over Pe terson (who was riding h is Hagon fra med Du c a t i ] . Hu b b a r d and Pe terso n co n tinued to figh t for the lead w ith Pe te rso n trying io get aro un d Hubbar d in the comers. H ub b ar d kept hi s lead and we nt o n for th e win with Peter son second and Cliff Hy lton m oving his Ya maha into th ird place over Brad johnso n . Jeff Fowler (13) and John Alves (174 ) lookin' good in the Ch ico 200cc Handicap Main until both crashed in a multi-rider tangle.

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