Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 06 25

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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• ~ C'l aJ I Busting the berm, hanging off, sliding left-handers and gaping at t oots ies = By John Huetter ;j -, RIVERSID E, CAL.,JUNE 15·16 One of the most imaginative course layouts the SRA has ever devised for their Riverside Scrambles, an event now in its sixth edition, was the highlight for most riders in two days of Beginner and Nov ice raci ng at world-famous Riverside International Raceway. Dirty bike riders invaded the domain of the Ca nAm cars and d ug it. The SRA was the first organization to use the combination of cross country and road race asp halt for sportsman racers at Riverside and is still successfully drawing over a 1000 racers to a very loose racing format in which the emphasis is completely on fun. SRA head Ron Vincellette put toge ther a fairly easy but interesting fas t course that offered something for every inclination of rid er, including about as much elevation change as p hysically possible at Riverside, maybe 12 feet over the jumps. There was enough hard road to satisfy the veriest pavemen t freak and even some berrned, wet co rn ers for those who knew about l\lX turns. Most of what you bounced over was bumpy, u phill-downhill fast stuff. SRA rid er s' instructions about jetting rich and gearing high were dis regarded only if you liked to buy new bike parts. Despite the pre-race pessimism of CN racer-writers, d ust control was the best ever seen at Riverside. You could actually see around all of the co ur se past the start and avoid hitting a rider if he fell in front of you. Unofficial fastest ride of the weekend was turned in by young Baja veteran Bruce Bomhurst on a KX450 Kawasaki. lIe was ranked as an "advanced" Novice and we guess third in Baja is pretty advanced. It see moo like almost all the class winners ran away with the lead over the six mi le course, able to stretch out their advantage running free of traffic, The interesting racing for spectators was almost always for positions two t hrough five. When you read the names of those finishers in the results pages, you'll know that it was pretty close with some determined handlebar banging in many of the Novice classes. If you liked bike racing, any type of raci ng, and dig fun in the sun, that's what the SRA dished up at Riverside last weekend. To see how you finished, tum to the results pages. They m ust have stayed up all night figuring. • High school race results protested By John Ulrich The SRA held a High School Team race at their Riverside GP, follo wing th e latest in " high schoo l" sports. The non-school- 6 sanctioned race drew about 25 bikes ranging from 400s to Yamaha Enduro 90s under riders with varying skill levels. Most of the riders ra ced in other classes, too, and looked like racers anywhere . After protests claiming that two high-placing riders on one school's team were actually graduates and not students, the results were held for clarification. When we find o ut who won, we'll let you know. • ei~t foot bank into the dirt . This was no place for grandstanding, though. The surface was cobby and it was t ime to gas it. Off the asphalt, after a 90 degree righthander and up an This is all any racers saw of 500 winner Bruce Bornhurst. Purty quick. When it was all over, Uncle Ron waved a checkered flag over you, a nice lady stuck a pink polka dot on your head and you got a trophy. Act ion in the pits was hot. See what we told you about the close racing back of the runaway leaders? These three are heading for the corner together. •

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