Mert's Week on the Ovals
Former p oin t leader Skip Akslan d
switched from h is two-time winning
Norton to a Yamaha an d ran third for
the second straigh t week.
Berry led all the way over Dennis
Briggs, who finally foun d new
carburetors that made his machine run
oil both cylinders for the first ti me this
For the third straight week it was
Elbert Turner showing the Novice riders
the fast way around. Elbert J r. won his
heat with the fastest ti me, t hen came
back to take the lead on the second lap
in the final from Dan McWhorter and
chalk up another supe r-smooth,
impressive eight lap s for the win.
Friday night's race was the first of
five May events at Ascot that pay a
$2,000 a week, plus bonus and
con tingency money to the top five
riders in each class . The grand total pay
for May tops the $30,000 mark. The
AMA regional runs next Friday nigh t,
May 17th.
EXPERT FINAL : 1. Mert La wwill ( Ho C ) .
2. Tom Horton (Vam). 3. Gene Romero
(Yam). 4. Ron Moore (T r l ) . 5. Rick Hocking
(Vam) . 6 . Eddie Wirth (Tr l) . 7. Terry D o r sc h
(Vam) . B. Pat McCaul (Vam). 9. Dewayne
Keeter (H-Dl. 10. Rob Morrison (Vam) .
JR F INAL: I . Tom Berry (Yam ) . 2 .
Dennis Briggs (Trl) . 3. Sk ip A k slan Ci (Vam). 4 .
Walt Foster (Trl/ _ 5- Denny Robins ( vam) . 6.
Earl Barker (Tr) . 1 . Ryan Gifford (Tr l). 8 .
M ike Myers (NOr).
NOV FINAL: 1. Elbert Turner (Yam). 2.
Steve Eklund (Yam ) . 3. Dan McWhorter
(Yam) . 4 . Mark Smith (Hon) . S. Jim Wright
(Yam) . 6. Murray Hoffman (Yam). 7 . Butch
Beard (Yam) . 8 . Ed Uekert (Yam). 9. Jim
Crowley (Kaw) . 10. Brent Knauer (Yam).
These products
Ask your M/C dealer for:
Gasket cem en t
Engine degreaser
Air filter oil
Ti re mount lube
Cha in lube
Points clea ner
Pene t rat ing oil
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