Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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REGULARLY SCHEDULED Calendar listings are a free Cycle News service . Check on an event by caIling the phone number listed before going. Information, changes, and cancellations are the sole responsiblity of the promoters. All information MUST be in writing. We will not accept calendar items without the name and current phone number Attention Promoters Place your listing for your regul arly scheduled events here. Just send your copy (40 words max) and a check for five issues ($25.00) to Cycle News, P.O. Box 498, Lon g ,Beach, CA 9080 1. 21 3-427 -74 33 or 636 -8844. Every Saturday _ Moreno Valley M.C., MX all classes, Ga te $3., Race Entry $5 . Sign in : 7:30 a.m., Race : 9. Min. 33% nice trophies. De Anza Cycle Par k, 15 mi. east Riversid e on US 60, Take Th eodore off-ramp to Iron wood & follo w signs. In fo: 714-6 53 -2633 or 7 14-735-1301. Every Saturday Night Elsin ore Raceway IT Scrambles. Gates open 4 p.m., sign-up 5 to 7:30 , p ractice 6 :30, race 8. Ad mission $1.50, race $2. Camp ing Free. Sunday p rac tice $1 p er bike, silencers required. 714-826·2386. Every Saturday MX - Cor on a Rewy. Na tural terrain . Contingen cies 30% tr op hies, 100% payback Sr. Gates 9 a.m. pra c. 10 , race 11. Gates: $2, En trY, : $3 , Sr: 58., Non-member en try : $5. R.A.C. E:' Membersh ip : $5. (n o t req'd). Silen cer s required. Beg-Nov-Int-Sr-MiniOld timer (32 +). 18 yrs bring par ent or notarized consen t from ' parent, Corona Raceway, Fwy. 91 at Buchanan, Corona, CA. 714-689-1913,735-1705 or 688-5484. 1st & 3rd Sundays MX Lake Dolores, ap prox. 15 mi eas t of Barsto w off Las Vegas Fwy , 1-15 , take Minneola off ramp. Limed. 8 a.rn, sign-up, 10 race. 3rd Sunday 100% payback to pro riders. SIO entry . 33% Gold to Jr & Sr. $3.2 5 ride, $1.50 & .75 wat ch . Prim iti ve cam pi ng, sw imming & fish ing. Info: 7 14-257-33 15 0: 714-252 ·2070. Sunday MX Valley Cy cle Park, Moorpark . Moto cro ss AME lst & 3rd Sun : ,CRC 2nd Sun; NR A 4th Sun. All classes, prac. 8 a.m., race 9 a.m, Op en 7 days. 470 acre s open rid ing. Phone : 805-5 29-95 4 6. Every Sunday Motocross Rawhide Par k, All classes. 100% payback to Experts. Gates open 7 a.m, Overnight camping. Between Perris and Elsinore on Hwy. 74, 2Y.z miles east of Hwy . 71. Open riding on 840 acres every day from dawn to dusk. (2 13) 963-7255. Motocross Every Sunday San Fran cisco Champion Raceway , AMA Motocross. Open 6 :30 a.m , Race 9:00. Bonus Trophy payout. $5 . pre-<:ntry , $7. post entry. Saturday practice. In San Francisco, on Bayshore (101) Frwy., directly acr oss from Candlestick Park. Info : (9 16) 35 1-0 27 1. P.O. Box 13027, Sacramento, CA 95815. Wednesday, Apr. 24 HIGH SCHOOL MX I "dian Dunes. Hwy. 126, V.I.ncl.... CA. John F . Kennedy vs. uranada Hills. First mote 3 p.m . 805/259·8000 or 213/360 -2361 or 213/368-3711 . Thursday, Apr. 25 ~1~~JR~X ,.~:g .MILE Corona Rcwy., o ff H~,. 9 1 . Corona. CA. oeen 5 e .rn., sign 6 . race 7 :30. Sanda k ,714/870-5 220. TT & FLAT T RAC K Troj ~ n SPd w y .. 5601 Sou the r n Ave .!. S o ut h ga te, CA 9 028 0. roo, 125: 175 , 2 5 0. S ign 6· 7:30 e.m, 213/861·432 4 o r 213/923-9132. R.A.C.E. N IGHT MX ccrena Rcwy. \ Co rona, CA. Hw y 9 1 to Pierce , Rt . t o Ma gnolia, R t . agai n to Buchanan , t o t raCk. Open 5 :30 p.m.• r. c. 7: 3 0. 714/73 5·17 uS. C LA SS A S PDW Y . Irw inda le Rcwy . , Irwindal e, CA. Spectators $3/$ 2/$1 Adult s/JunIorS! K ids . Under 8 free. Program begi ns 8 p.m . Friday, Apr. 26 0-36 SCRAMBLES Vallejo Spdwy., V allejo , CA. Class C tr action, su, rqd . 92db limit meter on grounds. M inis. 100. Slgn,,5 p.m'J pr.c to 6 :3u. 707/o44~741. AME NITE MX Ind ian Dunes, Valencia, CA. International Course. First race 8 p.m . , 8 0 5 / 2 5 9 -8 0 0 0. CMC NIGHT MX a e wv . ' r wl n d a le Irwlndal., CA. En t ry $5 classes. J r., rnt ., Ex. .. Pro. Pros race fo r guar. purs• • Open 4 :30 p .m. S ign up closes 6 :30, race 7 :30. CMC IIc. rQd. $3,000 se d. e ov, 2 13 / 3 34-494 9 or 714/557 ·3323. .1 ' AMA HALF ·MILE A s co t Sliv e r Meda l serie s. 18 3 0 0 S. Vermont , Gardena. CA. $ 2 ,000 p u rse ea . race. $500 Pt . f u nd ea. ra c e . T o t a l l o r se ries $10 ,000 pu rse, $ 5.000 cont lngen c ies . see a d, clip co upon, sa ve spec tator $$S. Pit s eeen 5 e.m ., p rac 6 :30, ra ce 8. A MC N IG HT M X O -r a n 9 • C 0 u n t y I nt er nati onal Rac eway , Ir vine , CA . Open 5 p.m. , prac: 6·7 , fi rst race 1 :30. Me mbe rs $5, $1 0 Expert , n on-m e m bers $ 2 extra. 1 0 0% p aybac k . '714 / 5 3 2 -3 9 2 3 R.A .C.E. HIGH SCHOOL MX Corona Rcwy ., Corona, CA. No. Arlington, POlY, Norte V ista, U Sierra, Ra mona High SchOOls. Mail entry $3 CIO,.s April ~~ P·~i7~~~ i ~~ac~or~:'1~ p.m • • r a ce 714/688 ·5484. 7 : 30 . 0 ·36 NI TE SHORT TRACK F remont Rcwy . , Fremont , CA. All classes & m in is. S II. rqd . $ 3 ride o r watCh. Open 3 :3 0 p.m., p ra c . 5 , race 6: 3 0. 4 15 / 3 27-44 6 1. NMA N ITE MINI MX Ind ian D unes, Va lencia , CA . Sig n 6 : 30 p. m . CLASS A S PD W Y. Orange Co unt y Fgcls. , Costa Mesa. CA. Open 6:30 p.m., rac e 8 : 15 . April 27·28 of the person sending us the in form ati on. We are ab solutely no t resp onsible for any information given over th e phone. We reserve the righ t to edit all calendar listings and to reject information not meeting our guidelines. All calendar items must arrive by noon Thursday for the following week's issue. AMCMX Ca r I s bad Rcwy .• Car lSbad, CA . No mall ent ry , $5 post. S10 Ex. NRAMX V~lley Cycle P k ., Moorpark . CA. 30% brass same day, no memb. rqd., all classes, 100% Sr. P.b. 714/688·1291. ~~~ b;~~ ~r::~e~aY20~~~ ;:: I.S.O.T , QUALIFIER Ba rstow, CA. Approx . 400 m l., 200 m l./d.y, Exper. riders only, no - nev tce desert or "c" enduro, please. ShamroCks M.C. 744 Doan o r., Burbank. CA 91506. HI VISTA WILDFLOWER FESTIVAL HI Vista, CA. Ave G & 2 00th St . N .E . 01 Lancaster. Entert ~lnmen tl f u n , games, bazaar & bee d inner Sunday. Donl1t1on $2.50/$1.50. 0 -35 SCRAMBLES Visalia A irport A re n a , Visa lia, CA . M ld·Cal. 805/734.0212. Saturday, Apr. 27 ROAD RACING GERMAN GP, NURBURGR ING. C R C GRINGO 10 0 ENDURO E nseNida . B.C . , Mexico, 1 m i. pa rade t h ru t o w n, st art outside t o w n, ••st to Mounta lns /trees & retu rn . Pennzo ll pr. m lx p ro vided at gas chec ks. li mit ed e ntry , 515 . 20 % b rass. fin . p ins. Trophy party Sat . nl t e In E nsenac1a. 10 a. m . st a rt, CRC, 6625 Dorinda , R i v e rs id e , CA 925 0 3. 714/ 6 88·129 1. MOTOCROSS Moreno Valley M.C. De An za Cycle Park , 15 m i. E. of R ivers ide on US 60. T h e o d o r e ex tt, f o llo w sign s. S ign 7 :30 a.m., race 9 . $S all classes P.O. Box ..r. 297, Moreno t \,;A 9 2360. 714/653 -2633 o r 735-1301. MOTOCROSS E scape Count ry, T rabuco Cyn. , CA. Open 7 :30 a.m., prac 8 , race 9 :30. New course . 714/586-7964. R.A.C.E. MX Corona Rcwy. Hwy 91 to McKinley. All classes Inc . oldt lmers (32-up). 30% brass, 100% P .b. to seniors. New course. Open 9:00 a.m" race 11 : 0 0. 714/735·1 05. SHORT TRACK Petaluma FgdS. SPdwy..1 Peta luma, CA . Open " r ace 6 :30. p .m . , 7 0 7 /7 6 2 -8 5 8 1. SHORT TRACK & TT -NITE Per ris Rcwy. t Pltrrls, CA. Must be ~r 18 w ith 10 or notarized st a t e m e nt · on fil e f o r 74. Open 5 e.m., S.T. 6 e.m ., TT f oll o w i n g s ho rt track progr.m.714/657·3678. 0-36 N ITE SHORT TRACK S tock ton Fgds . Stockton. CA. CI... C tra ctl o n R ide r m ec1. co v. $2.50 r lde or watCh. S ign 5 : 30 p.m., ra ce 7 : 3 0. 5 t 0 ck t o n Scramb le r s 4 15 /463-41478. motos. Open 7 :3 0 a.m ., r ae e 9 . 714/532·3923. Nc n -m e mb ers race $2 Sunday, Apr. 28 ~eC;Vca~~?e~~~c~~~kC~i . FRENCH ROUND TRIALS AF M ROAD RA CE S ea rs P o i n t Rcwy. • Rte s. 3 7 & - 12 1 , So noma cw , CA. Pit pOlsses $ 3, Pr e /Post e n t ry 512 /$ 18. Extn b ikes $ 4. Send money , ' n a m e , addr:..j en., . b ike CS), cl a ss( s) , AMA & AFM No.' s t o AFM , S.F. Ch Ol Pter , P.O . Box 705 , Brisb a ne CA 94005 . Open 1 e .m. , fi rst race 12 noon. BE NEFIT MX 395 Cyc le Par k , e?~~~n:~{ I f:' ~~~eedJaf~ O'seas tour. Contingenc ies by l o c al me rchants . Sil e n ce rs. All CIOlSseS, 40 ,., b rass . 7 14/245~5282 or 2 4 6· 6 1 0 9. MI N I TT s a e e r e e a c k Par k , O ra nge , CA. M in is & Ltwt. motorcycles. S ign 9 a.m.• er ae. 10 .7 14/552-76 4 3. 0-36 ROUGH SCRAMBLES LOll G range, CA. Open traction, also m in is. $2.50 ride or watch. Sign 9 a .m., race 12 noon . West S ide Eagl . .. 415/634·3 202. 0 -36 MOTOCROSS m l. CN~~yor~frna;Y~A ~~ Hwy 101. Sand p it track. Ride $5 watch $2, k ids $1. S ign '7 a.rn., race 9:30. 408/42 2 ·9809 . NORCAL/CMC Ml( Alt ~mont 3 p d w y. , Livermo re/Tracy, CA. Gr antllne Rd . off '-lw y 580 to M idway Rd. Trophies & ca s h . All erasse, ; m ln is e e r r , O .T . Norca 1 Mo tocross, P.O. Box 3181, H ayw ard, CA 94545. 415 /276 -4152 o r 886·5182.. 0·36 TT SCRAMBLES Sand Hili Ranch , From Livermore, CA. Hwy 580 to Vasco Rd .. No. t o Cam ino D iablO. Rt . to track , 511 . rq Cl. , no motors to st a rt before 8 a .m. 415 /689 -6722 or 634·3328. Clns C t ra cti o n. 0·31 MOTOCROSS Ar i zona Dese r t R aceway S, 9 m, W of Avondale on 1-10 to Airport Rd . Am . & Ex. sign noon . race 2 :30 p..rn, All others sig n 7 a.m.. race 9 :30. $50 f irst each Ex . cla ss. 602/25 2·1900. 0-36 MX Argy ll Pk .• D ixon , CA. 12 m i. So on Hwy 113. All cla sse s & m in is, free Ins ur ance. Discount to car pools, 4 or more. 3 motos. Fre. ca m ping. S ign 7 e.m.• fi rs t moto 9 :30. Ra in . ph on. 916/678·28 09. 0-35 SCRAMBLES Hwy . 190 & 65 , Porterville, CA. Portervi lle S p I nners. 805/784-3719. MO T O C RO SS Peace fu i Cove, Ida h o. 3 ml. o u t 0 1 Baise, foll ow m arkers from end o f Harri so n B lvd. S ign 7 :30 a .m.. ra ce 10. Owyh ee M.C . 2 0 8/3 7 5 · 6 8 6 3 or 375·12 31. C MC/C A L CROSS MX S u n n yv al e PAL t ra Ck, CA. Carlbea n wY. off Hwy 2 3 7 . E x . $10 mall/$15 post, other $6/58 . P.O. Box 1348 , Cupert ino, CA 95014. Open 7 a.m ., race 9. 4 0 8 / 732·2 7 5 2. 0 · 36 NITE SCRAMBLES Frem ont Rcwy. , F remont. CA. All classes, no minis. 511. rq d ., $3 ride or watch. Open 3 :30 p.m ., prac . 5. race 6 :30 . 415/327-4461 . MATTERHORN HILLCLIMB Sadel leback Pa rk ., O range, CA. Min is tl'1ru Open, stock & mOd ., $5 entry. Gate 7 a .m., first run 9:30 a.m . , 714/ 64 6-7 355. TT SCRA MBLES E l s ino re R cw y . • Elsinore , CA . Si gn 5-7:30 p . m ., p rac 6 :30, race 8 . SI!. rqd. F ree c~mp l ng . 714/8 2 6 ·238 6, 674 -3 6 58. cluses. su. & Spark arr. rQd . R ide $ 5 , watch $2.50, klds fre e. S ign 6 :3 0 a..m ., r.ce 9.916/35 1.0271. 0-36 SC RAM B LES Happy Va lley Rcwy . 5 mi. So. o f Redd ing. Ca . on Hwy 99 t o Canyon Rd. o r Happy V. lley Rd .. f oll o w Class C tires. s i gns. R iders s ilencers r e e , Insured. Si gn 9 a.m., race 12 n o o n. Shas ta M.e. 916/241-7724. 100 MILE OESER T HARE S C R A MBLES So. of Hammet. Idaho, fo llo w sig ns. 33% b rass, T -shirt all entr ies , $ 1200 cas h. F l n. p in s, class w inn er JaCk ets. Entry $ 10 m a ll/S1 2 post . Mt n. Home M/C Ass 'n., Bo x 5 46, Mtn. Hom e , Id a n o 8~641 . 2 0 8/5 87 -755 5 o r 587·3859. 12 5 cc MX SW ISS GP. SHORT TRACK PRACTICE N IT E Cyc le land 5Pdwy ., Ch ico. CA. Hwy 99E & Gage Sh ippee Rd ., $1 ride/Watch, plus $1 rider Ins. 8 p.m. 9 16/342-930 2 . A.M .A. NITE TT SCRAMBLES V I sa lIa Plaza Arena, V isa lia , CA. So 0 1 Hwy 198 & 'h m l. E . 01 Hwy 99. $1 rid e , 52 ga te. Pra c. 5 : 3 0 p .m . ra ce 7.209/734 ·021 2. A.T.A. TRIALS SCHOOL Soledad Springs, near Acton, CA off Hwy. 14. Free lunch & be ve rag e s. In structors ar. A .T.A. riders who competed In the Spanish round at Tarrassa_ 10 a.m . start. 0 -36 MX World Ch~mplon extra. TT - CMC MOT OC ROSS Car Is ba d R cwy . , Ca rlsb ad , CA. Open 6 :3 0 a.rn ., first rOlce 9. Me m b. rq d . Mall e nt ries t o C MC b y F'r l. a .m. Bo x 140 2, COsta Mesa. CA., 92 62 6 . AM C M X Pa r k , S a d dle bick C "ange, CA . No ma il entry, E x. 5 '; p o st , $ 10 Non-r.lembe rs $2 ext rOll. 4 0 % b :-a ss same day 10 0% E x. P.h. O pen 7 :3 6 a .m., ra o. 9 , 7 14 / 5 3 2· 3923 . NII.IAMINI SCR AMBLES Sacram ento Rcwy•• 5305 E xcelsior Rd J sacram ento CA . 33'7b brass. NMA m emb. rqd. Sign 8 ·9 :30 a .m. 916/481 ·1418 . • A 0 ·37 HARE & HOUND Lim ed from Fou " Corners, CA. No. on Hwy. 395 from Hwy. 58. 10 a. m . ~~rt;. ~~m~l ,:, a~ley . ~";i nov. all w.y . 80~/g~l.2684. santa Barbara Starters t rack, Santa Barbara, CA. Y, m i. No. of Isla Vista on Los Coneros Rd . $4 ride, $ 1 wOltch. All classes. m in is, puff . S ilencers mandOltory . S ign 7 : 3 0 a .m. t r. c. 9 :30. 805/968-3 662 . ~I~fni ~: . rO~ HW~. .: ~1 : RRA MX Rawh ide Pk.. Elsinore, CA . $500 Ex .. purse. 4 f t . brass . No memb. rqd. 9 . .m . st . r t. 714/689·0871. 0 ·2 7 S CRAMB LES Jolly Rogers C lub Grds•• Kent, WA . Great .r Seattle M.C . 2 0 6/723 .0964. 0 · 27 HAR E 5 CRAMB. 14 m i. No. of Wh ite 2 0 6 / 4 9 3·2663.

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