Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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R.A.C.E. MX 125 250 400 By Tom Blattler CORONA , CAL ., A PR. II Th e "C ap lain Marvel" o f th e C or ona R a cew a y motocross co urse, Mark Tyer , was back at it again in th e 125 's, as Mark took the Overall class hon ors over a very det ermined Dave Williams. T yer, this time showing up with a Ho nda instead o f his usual Pen ton , had a ro ugh st ar t in th e opening moto as Williams (Pen ), captured th e moto with Honda-mounted Steve Baue r r unn ing sec o nd and Tyer third. In t he secon d mo to, the usu al T yer brilliance came forth and blew his compe titors in to the wee ds. Williams ran se co nd fo llowed by Bau er and Lennie Garter on a Ho nda. Mot o number three again saw Tyer take o ff and leave th e field to tak e the win an d the Overall class honors. . Going into th e final 2 50 Senior moto, Brad Lyn ch (Mai ) and Bru ce Baron (Yam) were tied in Overall p oints. On ce again, the Corona Ra ceway experience of Lynch was enough to hold off the newc om er Baron, and th e Maico rider ca p t ured his second 25 0cc Senior cl ass. Baron finished second Overall with Tamiet ti placin g third. A wh ole swa rm of 125cc Junior rid ers were on hand to try th eir luck. Eigh teen rid ers t ook t he green flag in th e opening moto. There were six different makes of motorcycles inv olved in th e 125 Juniors. After all the dust had cleared, Mike Luna had ridden his Yamaha MX to fin ishes of second , first , an d second in th e wild and exciting di vision to grab the first place trophy. Suzu ki-mounted Rick Rogers rode t o th e number two po si tion . In the 25 0cc Junior s, Bob Sk ocilich , afte r trying fo r some tw o months, fin ally go t himself a clas s victory ab oard • his Husqvarn a . Snake River trials By Sally Carpenter ...... IX-DESERT 125 175 STREET Step up and see CZ this year ! You'lI like what you see . Some motorcycle manufacturers might offer new and more drastlc changes every year, some just for the sake of change; but CZ offers features that function. If they want it to be stronger, lighter, and better .. . it's a serious business . . . because they also want to give the rider mor e for his money! FOR THE COMPETITOR: You'll always see the name CZ in the win column - if it's in a backyard rnoto-x, in the Trans AMA series, in any one of the major desert races, or in the world rnoto-x championships. This year you can expect it in all three classes becaus e there are some new featu res that only add to their winning ways. NEW FRAME DESIGN: Maintains good ground clearance, but lowers the center of gravity to give added traction and response . VELOREX SIDECAR TWIN FALLS, IDA. , APR. 7 The BLM boys got ' news of the trials locat ion during the weekand prom ised to be there to write us all up if we n umbered 25 or more. Th ey were fox ed 'cause a real ni ce farm er - John Boyce - let us use his land adj acent to the BLM land. The terrain was new and the cl ub mem bers had a bal l with all the ne a t th ings to ride over. John Bush of Pocatello was riding his second trials on an old 12 5 non-tri als type Yamaha, and after 16 sectio ns he had o ne mark. He _ asked t he offi cials if he co uld move up a clas s. John took sec o nd in t he Novi ce class. Expe r t Section II was th e one th a t separated th e men fr om th e b ikes . It started up a hill co vered with softball sized roc ks, mad e a 90 degree left abou t 5 0 fee t up, t raversed over about 30 fee t then an off-cam ber downhill tum and out th e exi t at th e bo tt o m . T he re were no cleans on it. Section 12 was t he cro wd ple aser, Located in a dry wash, it had 6 ro ck Ied ges and all of th em loca ted in the right places to make it a super tough b ut ride able secti on. T rials riding in So ut hern Id ah o is j ust c o m i n g i n t o i t s own and th e c om p e tition is ge tting roughe r at every tri als. In 19 69 there was on e trials bike. Now t here are o ver 200 ac ti ve rid ers. • cz '74 NEW NEW SUSPENSION: More travel (8 inches) gives the rider, especially the dese rt racer , the most outstand ing handling charact eristics on those high speed cross country runs . And the new rear swinging arm with its oil dampened rear shocks (200 cc's oil in each leg) even makes the ride comfortable (if that's possible). AND MUCH MORE: New cylinder and cylinder head. new carburetion, new exhaust silencer, new fuel tank, new plastic fenders. FOR THE STREET RIDER: You need not be frustra ted by the gasoline shortage - these machines are designed for economy. In Europe, where the motorcycle is a major form of transportation, it is imperative that a machine is both economical and comfortable. CZ offers the best of these features and even more. Quick response. superior handling, smooth gear changes , styling and function. What more can you ask for? THE VELOREX SIDECAR: Stylish and comfortab le and adaptab le to any of the super bikes. Now you can have family motorcycle transportation and economy with comfort as an added attrac tion. If you want more, and MORE FOR YOUR MONEY-See ez In '74. dealer inquiries invited . . . for more information write : ...IE ICAM J WA LTD. 'I 11401 U UREL PARK ROAD. DRAWl. 15. COMPTD CALIF, 10224 N, W1'1 115 EXPRESS STIUT. PlAINVI EW. LONCi ISUII O. NEW YOI. 11103 --- IMPAC LEVER ASSEMB LIES $6.95 pe r set o r $3.50 eac h lwant _ I've enclosed I want you to ship C.O.D. _ _ Del iver to "my" house: Name Address -' _ State _ _ Zip I L City Membershipand save. Cost_ _ IBuy. $5) a..;; _ Results E x : 1. C h uck Ca r pe n t er (Mon) ; 2 . T om Huff (Bul) ; 3. Bill Ba ker (Mon) . Am : 1. K evin Bry son (Bul): 2 . Mik e Bak e r (Bul) ; 3. M i k e D ec n evr jeu x (C ot) . Nov : 1. J im R oad s ( M on) ; 2 . J ohn Rush (Yam) : 3 . R il ey S tocks (HOn). 2. Beg & N ov T r ia ls : 1. Dean M cNu rlin (SU Z) ; Vaughn J one s ( Su.z) ; 3. C la rk Everson (Hod) . K ids A : 1. Jerry Huddl e son (CO l) ; 2. Ly nn T horpe (H od) ; 3. M a rk Li be r t CHo n ) . K id s B : 1. M i k e Smith ( M o n); 2 . J e ff W i lliam s (Ste ); 3. R ic k M c N ur l in (5U2) . ROKON RT 340 ENDUROS Save $200.00 - Limited offer. CArneS Cyde Shop 84 59 - Foothill - P.O. Box 60B 213·352 ·1458 Sunland. CA 91040 Most Powerful Best Handling MAleC West o f Mississippi COOPER MOTORS 110 E. Santa Anita Ave. Burbank. Ca. 91502 37

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