Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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a: IJJ s :; « a: til til IJJ '= :> --"'''_'_"""":........::...:c.c:.:....... 1~ Short tracker champ Lar ry Drew (1) tried scrambles for a ch ange, ran mid-pack. be hind wi nner Greg Ragan (Suz) until from away back ca me Robert Lee (R ic) • to ta ke second p lace from Co x. Marathon madness By Bill Spencer FR EMO NT , CA L., A PR. 14 While th e organi zers of this t wo- ma n, tw o-h o ur ma ra t ho n wer e a bit tired fro m all t he Evel Kn ievel ac ti on ()f t he previo us eveni ng. they b rough t o rr th e d ay s racing actio n we ll. It was time fo r ~o m e new winners and the Ha lloc k br o th ers of Sa n Jose were primed fo r acti o n. T hey led fro m start to finis h and won by nearly half a lap o ver J eff Co le and his partner, Bill T y ran o, a firs t ti mer. Dan Reill y rode the d ist an ce h imself, coached on by last m on th 's wi nner and Wilseyvi lle hero T roy Du rham. Mike Peavle r and Lar ry Frey te amed up today 's 125 and fini sh ed righ t on the rear wheel of Hall oc k bu t were so me two lap s back and sad to hear t ha t , Wayn e Morrell and Ro d Si mas once again teamed up o n t hei r tr ick 25 0 Yam ah a and led the me dium size class for the 8 0 odd m iles to win by a full two laps an d average sligh tly o ver 28 MPH . It may no t see m fast, but any end uro rider will te ll you di fferen t1y . A new comer made t he sec o nd p lace fin ish rathe r exciting with a wi n o ver Ian Mc Lac hlan, a ve teran . S teve Abbott a CMC Novice ro de his first-eve r marat h on an d sq ueeked o ut the first Nov ice trophy over - th e veteran motorcycle sh o p ow ner of Grand Prix Cycles. While th e fir st tw o classes were all one-sided for the first spot , the Open run wa s just th e o p p osit e. J ac k Jensen rod e most o f the di stance aboard one o f th e J ensen Suzuki's t o beat o u t Scott Pea rson with so me hel p fr om Sam Are na. At t he shou t of go. it was Rick Ho cking on a new Honda two-stroke with Pearson firm ly in t ow and di cin g. For the fir st 20 mi n utes they stu ck close together wi th Hocking ahead an d Jensen in third abo u t 100 ya rds to th e rear. Hocking then p ulled off with car bure tio n problems an d all in one fell swo op , Jensen took t he lead as the Arena Maico pitted fo r one of five stops. A t the half way poin t Sco tt go t the lead back w he n Dave Rosen quist took the he lm of the Suzu ki on ly to run out o f fuel. It was n't too m uch of a prob lem tho ugh , with the Suzu ki co mi ng back to ta ke the wi n . Chris Wille ms of Oly m pi c Cycles had moved in to third spot w hen Hocking p ulled off an d was h oldin g h is ow n against Ned Mar randino o n one Maico an d R ob ert Henricus on a Husk y but whil e running a co m fo rt ab le th ird in the last lap s, he d isappear ed an d failed to finish, leavi ng Marandi no t hi rd 'an d Henricus wi th his second st rai gh t fourth spot. Marath on action sh u ts d o wn un til Memorial Day, an d the an n ua l barbecue • . will defin it ely be t he ne x t biggie. Travel with,the U.S. Team to the ISOT! For $549 per person pl us a $ 10 registrati on fee , y ou can fly w ith th e official ento urage to It aly fo r th e 197 4 a: IJJ U Z IJJ a. til oJ oJ til Sam Arena Jr. took second at Fremont, with teammate Scott Pea rson. S ix Day s. E xec uti ve Travel , Inc. , co n cessiona ire to th e A. M.A . fo r group t ou r s , h a s re leased the fo ll owi ng itin erary : Sep t . 4 - Fly by DC-8 , Ch icago to R om e.« Sep t . 5-7 - Two days ' sigh tseein g wi th h otel and breakfast in Rome. Sep t. 8-16 - Bus to th e Adriatic coast. Ho te l, two me als eac h da y, an d b us tr ansport ation t o/from the I.S .D.T . during the com pe titi on . Se p t. 16 - Bus to Rome and an eveni ng's R & R. Sept. 17 - R eturn fli ght to Ch icago. T his is th e firs t of a series of group tours for m ajor eve nts t ha t will be offered to A .M.A . members and their families. Better make reservati on s so on. Write to Exec u tive T ravel , Inc. , 1720 Peachtree Street N. W. No . 424, A tl an ta , Ge o rgi a 303 09 , or call (404) 876-4433 . Aluminum Shocks Body $&8.50 pro For 11.4 -11.9 - 12.4 -12.9 Koni Shocks Complete shock; springs, oil & Konis $140.00 Frame Modifications (Move up shocks) on Maico - CZ, Husky, Suzuki, Penton $150.00 + shipp ing Aluminum Tank $ 7 8 . 0 0 e a. $ '~ ~ ~ S UZUK I __ ~ Custom Motocross performance Engineered, Designed & Guaranteed by TROPHY CYCLE $99.95 Aluminum Swingarrns saves % unsprung weight wit h or without frame modifications 184 San Antonio Circle, Mt. View, CA 94040 415-941 -7317 Mail order Send 25 cents for catalog 21

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