Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Sy..f;.f.~ 'V~r;, RACE PROMOTER ELMO ;.. To¥H.A.I<.....) ...s C..ilI5ED ~.:::l3b n' ever» 0"-:: OVeR A "ljll,te yee. R. per.loL> T~Il€' TO 4 IS weRt>, NOT A !>IN(,IE' ?oSiliR fl'/tR. , CP.. I"r'llV~R.TI5e Mel'll ....., ...S l)\lSry. '1~R.D. ro P W l QC£ HEl'UI'\, fa.t'tif£ of " 9l VJ<\di IIth~ ...... , Cou\ o m ,NI-Sil:eR ~ANT a t-li> R :WE' So L.o\J D TH AT T"E STot'Y'lP irJ6 o f HIS FOOT P-E6 \STER..E:D SEVE N C\r TH E C LAU SON SE IS fYl OGR.Pt PI-\ Ie. S1~A Ti orJl FlNi) i)iD EYE(2..'( SU Nvfl,/ ~OR ~ '{ ER R.. AMCMX I By Stewart B. Sapicoff ORA NG E, CAL .• APR. 14 Boots SUPER BOOTS MX or IST D Sizes 4 -13 $6495 Available in half sizes Toll Free - 1- 800-453-913 0 ....uen IIC ANTH En......_-", sou,.. MIS sTln . . . ., . Ul14107 l UI 2M-1131 BOSCO Specialties \ - J BARS Cy cle 22 8209 Secura Way Santa Fe Sp rings, CA 906 70 (21 3) 698- 1680 The Op en Experts wer e the first b un ch o f guys to get t he privilege of letting th eir kn obbies tas te th e firma o n th e gene ro usly wa te red , perfectl y graded Saddleb ack t rack tod ay. T otally de st ro ying the entire pack in all three mot os was David Williams (CZ). William s rar el y co mpetes in the b ig b ike class, but when he does , he cooks. Jon Miller (Mail, second pl ace Overall for th e d a y, and Flo yd Burke Jr. (CZ) , third O verall, occas ionally got past William s in th e fir st few laps in on e or tw o o f the m oto s but afte r that it was simply no co n tes t. The 25 0 Experts saw one o f A .M.C.'s more regular Exp erts, Dave Carlson riding one of the new Bultaco 25 0's, fly on to tak e the first pl ace purse, but not before di cing it ou t wi th tw o o the r fast dudes, Mark Anderson (H us) a nd new Montesa fa ctory rider, Bo b Messer (Mon) . Messer is tryi ng to get ba ck into shape after a bad crash a while ba ck tha t kept him o ut of rac ing fo r a co u p le of m o nt h s. He d id manage to take a con sisten t third in each m ot o t ho ugh, so he did su cceed in getting third place money for hi s efforts. I t see m s tha t David Williams was no t sa t isfied w it h taking the firs t p lace Open Expert m oney toda y. He went an d d id it to the 125 Experts as we ll. T he only guy that Williams had to be on his guard fo r was another Pen t o n rider by the nam e of Dave Miller , w ho is be ing spo nsored b y Uncle Donny E ml er 's Flying Mach in e Factory. In the first m o to it was Williams who got the hole shot. so m ethi ng he is notorious fo r. Right b eh ind h im was Miller, hot in pu rs uit. Miller gave it all in the hopes of getting past but h is front ti re looked as tho ugh it had fall en deeply in love with Williams' back tir e, con te n t to just stay th ere a nd dig on th e way sh e moved. He ac tual ly started -t o get th e m is-shiftin g blues ! T he ga te d ropped in th e second moto with Miller in first a nd Williams trailing in a d ist ant seco nd pl ace. Once again Williams too k th e lead a nd first place j ust as in th e th ird and fi nal rnoto. At th e end of th e d ay William s was first. Miller second, and J eff Bunn (Ho n ) tak ing third. • Sidewinder IT By Sand i Martin KING MA N, A RIZ .. A PR. 14 Fast track, top talen t and suns hine was th e [ormul a for 'IT Scrambles held six mil es east of Kingman, Ari zona. After a co mp le te ren ovat ion , Sid ewind er Speedway was in prime co ndi tio n an d rid ers were hauling. A le w slide ou ts and one spec tac ular endo kept the specta tors' ad renalin flowing. A Powder Pu ff class has be en ad ded this seas on with th e girls als o ra cing for total poin ts , Local cycl e rs dominated the 250 Novice with Kirk Hawkins ( Bul) running away from the field, second went to Pat Krugh (Ho n) and third to Saul o Huerta (Yam) . T o m Warn e and his Yamaha slipped in before Rusty Han cock's Bultaco for the Amateur trophy. , The winning duo from Bull head City. Dennis Roberts (Yam) and Jay Kidwell (CZ) made it on e and two again in the Open Novice with Roberts first. Roberts moves up to Amateur standing with this win . The only unexpected happenening in this even t was Tom Bliss loosing con trol af te r th e heat a nd br eak ing his foot ! With Mik e North and Tom Jone s co m pe t in g in th e Open Expert. you ca n co u n t on a wildly exci ting ra ce and as usual , fans w ere n ot di sappoin ted. No rt h kept hi s Yamaha crossed up most o f th e three rnoto s wh ile Jones di spl ayed eq ua l ski ll on his thundering T ri u mp h . Nor th to ok th e w in . No rt h an d Jones are both fro m Las Vegas b u t are cr o wd favo rite s wit h Arizona cy cl e affecionado s. •

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