Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMA ~ Mile APRIL SILVER MEDAL SERIES $ 10,000 in Purses $5,000 Contingencies Steve Staats wins D RA hare scrambles By Dale Brown CALIFORNIA CITY, CA L ., A PR . 21 Th e wildflowers wer e out in abun. dance. The air was warm, not hot, and still. In t his atmosphere, today's Desert Racing Association EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT, 8:00 PM . (ORA) Hare Scramb les fired off. T he course itself was fast , no t difficult, but very fast. The starting a rea was super smoo th, with onl y an occasional p uckerb ush to re m ind th e rider t hat he wasn 't flying. After t hat there were lots of whoopdies, one go od size d uphill (wi th a good st eep descen t ), and a fas t straight to the finish. T he finis h area incl uded some so ft, loo se be rms t hat m o rocros sers wou ld kill fo r . A t the smoke bo m b, Novi ce George Harv ey and Ex pe rt, Wayne Garrett, b oth pushing bi g-b ore H uskies, we re side by side . Sh o rt ly afterward, Garr ett star ted pulling away. Steve Staats, ab oard a very sano 35 0 Ho nda fo ur -stroke sing le , was moving up . Fif th at the bomb, St aats passed Gar rett for the lead sho rtl y before th e hill (abo u t three-quar ters of the way around th e loo p ). Staats and Gar rett swa ppe d positions tw ice while the ot her pitted, but Staats led t he sec o nd loop. Gar re tt finished second . Har vey , wh o has been co nsis tent since he go t the 400 Husk y , grab bed th ird and first Open Novice. J ohn S teen , ano ther Novi ce, rea lly pushed his 25 0 H onda, finis hi ng fourth, first 25 0, and first 25 0 Novice. Gus Paul, who carried the DRA Num ber One Pla te, fini she d fifth, third Open Expert. Bill Carr was first Ama te ur , fin ishing six th on a 25 0 Yamaha. J im Irby, w ho had be en di cing wi t h Carr, b ro ught his 36 0 Yam ah a in next for first Open Ama teur. The Begin ners, who had started afte r t he dust had cleare d from the earlier star t, were led to th e finish b y Rich ard Feltz, rid ing a 25 0 Bultaco. Th er e were on ly th ree girls riding to day, an d Leslie Klu g (25 0 Hon ) was in first , co mple t ing bo th laps . Rep o rt er 's Notebook : T h e DRA used a Grand Prix finish , so o nc e Staats fini sh ed, th e race was o ver. Many begin n ers finishe d o nly o ne loo p . . .AII resu lts ar e un o ffici al. . .T he co urse was well m ar ked ...With the fast co urse , there wer e a few ge t-o ff's , but on ly on e inj ury . . .Ho wev er, on e guy fin ished with his handlebars held togeth er by a sp lin t made of a tw ig and a bandan a. • Results Open E x : 1. Ste ve S taat s (Hon) . O pen A m : 1. J im rr b y { V am} . Open Nov: 1. G eorge H a r ve y Ifl (H us ). 2 50 E x : 1. Dav id L og en ( H o n ) . 2 5 0 A m : 1. B ill C arr (V am) . 2 5 0 N o v : 1. John S te en ( H o n ) . 175 E x : 1. Dean Hammo n ds (Bul) . 115 N ov : 1. Ph il Stum bo (Yam) . 1 0 0 Ex : 1. Jo hn M cConnell ( H Od ) , F irst G i r l : L esli e Klug {Hen} , Begi nner s: 1. R i c h ard F eltz (2 50 Bul) ; 2 . Lar r y H o ld en ( 3 60 Yam) ; 3 . Pat K our i ( 250 Nov.Jr-Ex Gates open: 5 p .rn ., Close: 7 p .m .• Prae: 6 :30 p .rn., 151 race: 8 p .rn , $2 000 flat pu rse each race $500 po int fund each race (Poi nt fund di stributed e nd of April) .. 18300 S . Vermont, G a rdena, Cal iforn ia .. .--------------------------. Save I II I. ~ I V $1.00 on Adult tick et for an y regu lar A MA ~ 1l eve nt. You m ay bring a frien d & save S2.01 .- --. Regular pnee Ad ult 3.50 Jun ior 2 .50 9 -12 1.00 8 and under FR EE I I II II I ._------------------------_. CARNEGIE CYCLE PARK may 5 Hom . 250 cc AND OPEN CLASS . F IRST RACE 1:00 P.M. Co rner s in a desert race? Steve Staa ts smokes. Carnegie Cycle Park Livermore, Californ ia TWO 3D-MINUTE MOTOS FOR EAC H CLASS TRANS-AMA and INTER - AM4 QUALIFIER $1800 PURSE OOOOOOl)04l)04:)OC)O()CO::M-G::M-G::M-G::M-GKl-.oooooOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQ ORANGE COUNTY SUZUKI-BULTACO (John 's Racin g Cycles) 2 255 Har bo r Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA ICorner of Harbor & Wilson) 714 -646 ·24 28 or 64 '5-4655 19

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