Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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WRITIN' AROUND CYCLE CRAFT QUALITY IN PlOTO-X STYLING '" . . * =-~ I IS AVAILABLE NOW! . C;;- ~ J:::3 at. .:-. -- . -e M RF COV£A * CZR ' cd~ WR IT E FOR OUR BROCHUR E ON THESE AND OTH ER PRODUCTS . AND NAMES OFYOUR LOCAL DEALER OR DISTRIBUTOR ! * a reporter's ragbag ~ CZ~ I ~"-e: 1? / 0. Bits and pieces from 1572 S oquel Drive. Santa Cruz 95065 (4081476 - 4566 Stars Indi cate thermal formed ABSplastic parts- w only hite PERFORMANCE PROOUCTS NE PROD UCT R LE E W E AS : Noguchi Stage II Kit for Yamaha YZ80 with new t hr u-the-frarne silenced pi pe. Reduce weight b y 9'12 Ibs. B olt t he ki t o n and go with d oubl e t he h orsepower o f the sto ck e n gine . Kit consists of : Alloy cylinder head '* Hard chrome aluminum alloy cvuncer '* Head gasket '* Cylinder ~5ket '* Special sl ng lering p iston '* Pi st o n ri ng· Four petal reed val ve '* Large vol ume carb man ifold '* Reed valve gasket ... Noguch l/M lkun i 26 mm atum- Inu rn carb '* Carb damp " 2 extra ma in Jets '* Silenced p ipe· Decals '* Blendzall. SUGGESTE D RETAIL -Sl 9 9 .95 Ask for Kit No . NS4 7 -00 0 0 0·7 0--23 at y ou r Yamaha dealer or Noguch i Performance Center-or w r ite D ir t y D istr ibuting Co. tor the name of your nearest dealer! EXCLUSIVE W RLDWIDEMARKETING BY DIRTY DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. 31 25MARJAN DRIVE, ATLANTA. GEORGIA30340 .404 /458-9866 O TED , " 'I-IELBY 'PERRCa EVA • DISTRIBUTING COMPANY. INC. - EXCLUSIVE AUTOMOTIVE, MARINE .. 'O ISTRIBU T[)R FOR RAJAY MA RINA DEL REV colorful p a ge catalog w ith mo re tha n 5 500 ite ms. COMPETITION SHOCK ABSORBERS • • • • • 18 FIVE WAY ADJUSTAB LE CHROMED & PO LI SH ED DOUBLE DAMPENING REBUIDABLE STREET OR RACING DISTRIBUTED BY Sammy Tanner Distributin g 17213 Rose ton Avenue Artesia, CA 9070 I 21 3/924·21 II Betor Fork s an d S hocks Mak e the DIf f eren ce Spec ial engineering a s s is ta nce provided for street or ra ce turbo a pplica tio ns and t urbo kit developme nt. For information contact Shelby·Sp ea reo . 2054 Broadway. Sa nta Monica. Calif. 90404. (213) 829·1577. WHITTIER HONDA Moto rcycle T ra ilers Bell He lmets Full Bore Products 14324 E. Whitt,er BIIId. 12131698-0065 Complet e st ock o f parts and accessories for street and d irt . DSS~ Everybody who rides a cyclc in traffic, lik e a David among Goliaths, sur ely realizes that No-Fault Insurance is a dangcrous thing . Car drivers may already escape criminal prosecution for snuffing a cycler by saying"I didn't see him ." But at least they still have to pay the financial price for violating our right of way. Give Goliath a free hit and Davi d has on ly a prayer. Not that there would be any street bikes o n th e road under No-Fault any way, for the high ins u rance rates for mo to rcycl es would eliminate all but th c rich est an d most foo lish riders before the car dr ivers . lo cked them in their sights. Bu t I wo nde r ho w many small car drivers realize that they, too, would be at a great disadvantage under No-Fault. All the studies show that passengers in small car s suffer considerab ly worse damage in a collision wi th a full-size aut o , so the No -Fault personal injury rates for VW's, Veg as and Pin tos will have to be considerably higher than the premiums c h a r ged for Cadillacs, Lin colns and Chryslers. The motor cycle industry and enthusiast is opposed to No -Fault unless cycles are excluded. But it seems to me that everyone has a lot to lose if any form of No-Fault passes. Except the in surance companies and the limousine set, of course. ereu TURBOCHARGERS Send $3 .00 for 256 Whatever bec omes of the gasoline shortage, one t h ing I like is the current 55 mile-an-hour speed limit. Sure, it t a k es a little longer to ge t wh er e .you're go in g , but you have a better c h a n ce of arriving in one pi ece, and a much plcasanter time on the w ay. At 55, it is possible to flirt with the human beings in the vehicles aro und you - something I never co uld engineer at 70. Scenery passes in astat ely procession, thc world slows d ow n . Besides, it d oes improve gas mileage , It is reassuring t o notc the p ublic cooperati on wi th the govern ment's request to slow down. Even before the speed limit signs were ch anged, traffi c b egan to move along at a more sed ate pace . .. It seemed lik e the patriotic thing to do. This is a goo d example of how well go vernment operates, when it has the co nsen t of the gov erned Soon, I sup pose, the fuel will flow again and th e limits will rise to a madden in g speed. Traffic will again in crease by te n p ercent a year and life will be back to normal. When tha t time co me s , I'll look back on th ese Iigh t foo ted day s and sa y , ':'it w as nice while it lasted. " We've been waiting very impatiently for an expected influx of new American motorcycle manufacturers. ' Co nditio ns see m righ t , but for various reasons it hasn ' t yet occurred. One reason is America's lack of origi nal equ ipment manufacturers. Sure, we have a lo t of wh e e l m a kers, pipe mak ers, frame builders, etc. But th ey work in bat ch e s of one at a time, with prices to mat ch . Now t hat Kawasaki is build in g a factory in Nebraska, and Pow er -Dyne , A t t e x a n d Ro ko n are jo i ning Ha r ley -Davidson and Yankee with locally man ufactured motorcycles, and now that th rce maj or sn owmob ilc man u facturcrs have gonc o ut of b usi ness, leaving a number of Koehler fre e-air engines available, maybe so me smart money is reading thc signs and maybc w c'lI see somc O .E.M. plants star ting up on th ese shore s. Charles Clayton

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