Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Novice p o in t lead er and Main even t win ner two weeks ago, Don McWhorkr failed to show up, leavi ng the door wid~ open for Bert Turner to become the third Novice in three weeks to win the Ligh tweigh t final. Turner took the lead ~~y and led all the way after winning hIS heat race on the Yamaha with the best five lap time of the night. Dave Racine and Brent Knauer ran second and third with Steve Eklund in fourth for a Yamaha sweep, Junior Larry Schultz set some type of record. First he crashed in practice in the North turn. In the heat race he nearly crashed twice, one in each turn, before he finally did it again, crashing super heavy in the south tum, taking five hay bales with him. H~ walked away from a very short/long night. _ 1974 Irnlco shock Results Exo.rt F inal : 1. Tom Rockwood (Trl)' 2 Gary Scott (H-OJ: 3. Mert Lawwill (H-D): 4 " Tom Horton (Yam) ; S. Ron Moore (Trl)i 6 : Edd ie Wlrtn (Trll; 7 . Frank Gillespie ( Yam); 8. Tom W h i t e (Tr ); 9. D a ve Aldana (Nor) ' 10 Jolln Gennai (H -D). • • Junior Final: 1. Skip Aksland ( NOr)" 2 Ron Tobey (Trl) ; 3 . Tom Berry (Vam); 4: A le x J orgensen (Trl): 5. A r t Freden burg vaml; 6. Scott Smith (Y am) ; 7. J o hn A ll i so n Y am ; 8. R ick K raft (Nor). Novi ce Final : 1. B er t Turner ( Yam ); 2 . D av e Rac i ne ( V am ) : 3. Bren t K n auer ( Y am )" 4 . S tev e Ek l und «Yam) ; 5. G ary Wh it e ( Yam); 6. Dou g H an n on (Bul ) ; 7. Eric Gifford l ( Yam); 8. Mar k Sm ith (Hon) . Tom White (80) gets set to dive under Eddie Wirth (77 ) in Expert heat action. Novices Thomsen, Crowley and Hannon did this nasty-looking numbe r and (luckily) walked away from it. ME night MX By Dale Brown - You've read th e glowing repo rts and heard a lot of tal k about th ese remark· able new space age shocks. Now they are even better in 1974 1 More bullt-in dep endability, with added strength in vital stress areas and new competition tested oil seals. Lightest of all name brand shocks. ..only 2 Ibs. 8 oz. with spring! VA LENCIA, CAL ., APR . 19 KAWASAKI As the AME night motocross program continued into its second week, a large contingent of P?wder-Puffers showed up Friday CZ night, MAICO SUZUKI Among the entries w;re Jan line (Hon), a regular winner at Indian Dunes; Kelly Bartlett HUSKY STEEN Yam ) , Kf in e 's mos t c o nsisten t pp o n ent; and Bultaco speedsters anene Turton and Cherry Stockton. ruly an all-star cast. Kelly Bartlett led the troops through e first turn, but Jan Kline passed her n the second half of the lap . Kelly did good job holding off Jan~n~ Turton or second, Cherry Stockton finished ourth, w~1I behind the leaders. T he second moto belonged to anene, Jan and Kelly arg ued over econd in the early part of the moto . nt!l K~lly missed a shift. Jan m oved up o ISSu~ a challenge to the leader, b ut anene wasn't having a bit of it . T he third moto be longed to Kelly. he took an early lead, never bobbled d he ld it to the nag. Jan~n~ wasn 't fa; hind, barely edging Jan for second, All three riders were tied at six oints apiece. Since the AME has gone o the Olympic scoring system the final oro finishing order turned out to b~ e Overall positions. Kelly got the first lace brass, wi th J anene second and Jan ird, Cherry Stockton put together ree fourth place finished for fourth verall, _ eeter rides arley to outh Bay win Bob F. Read HULA VISTA, CAL., APRIL 20 rofessional AMA half mile racing et umed to South Bay Speedway n Ch ula Vista for the second ti me n t he lo ng hard surfaced oval hat is w ithi n a stone's throw of he Mexican border. • For t he second straight time, numph mounted Danny Hockie ook fast tim~ tr ial honors. Tom ockwood brok~ out a Harl~y for th~ rst tim~ and was second fast~st wi th wayn~ K~~t~r (H.D) third. Both Exp~rt h~at victori~s w~nt to arl~y rid~rs with K~~t~r ~njoying n~ar ~rf~ct starts off the Iin~. K~~t~r and om Whit~ turn~d back the Experls in YAMAHA PENTON OSSA SUGGEST£D RETAIL PRICE ~90 ... ,... both heats with K~'et~r t he fastest of the two . Keeter recorded another of his p~rf~ct starts in the final and jumped mto the lead with Tom Whit~ a close second, Wirth was in t he mid dle of the pack in the early laps but passed both Hockie and Rob Morrison on the fifth lap to move from fifth to third. Rockwood, who has r id de n Triumph-only since turning Junior in 1968, was seventh for the first ten laps but then moved by both Hockie and Ron Moore in one tum to take over fifth . On the final lap he overtook and passed Morrison for fourth. Stockton's AJ~x Jorg~nson added hi. name to the fast growing list of Junior main event winners when he put his Triumph on the pole for the final and t hen wen t on to record his first hal f mil~ win. Tom B~rry hdd off Scott Smith all th~ way for second plac~ in th~ rac~ tha t was stopp~d on c~ du~ to crash~s. A total of thr~~ J uniors w~n I down, Art Fr~d~nburg, Mik~ Clark and Earl Mcy~r. Art Cart~r also bail~d, but was back in act ion on the re-start. San Jose's St~v~ Eklund b~cam~ th~ first Novic~ in th~ stat~ this y~ar to win two half mil~ Lighlweight main ~v~nts. Th~ Yamaha rid~r who won at Sa n Jos~ a f~w w~~ks ago won his h~at rac~ and th~n look an ~arly l~ad on th~ firsl lap of th~ final, I~aving th~ racing to second p lac~. Th~ rac~ for s~cond Novic~ we nt all th~ way lJc,lw~~n Brent Knau~r and Craig Robinson . Th~ rid~rs chang~d position eleven times before Robinson ~dg~d his Kawa..aki ah~ad of Knau~r's Yamaha. Dave Racine. Ascot's current high point Novic~, was fourth aft~r starting from th~ back row. _ Results EX F I N AL: 1. Dewayne Keeter (H·O) 2 T o m Whi te (H-O) . 3 . Eddie Wirth (Tri) . • • JR FINAL : L Ale x Jorgen son (Tu) . 2 . T o m Berry (Vam) . 3 . Scott Smith (Vam) . NOV F I N A L : L Steve Eklund (Yam). 2 . C r ai g R obinson (Kaw) . 3 . Brent Klauer (Yam) . Benton Indoor By Shirley Campbell CORVALLIS , ORE., APR. 6 With the Indoor Short Track season ending tonight, most Flat T~ack ra cers are wondering if it will ever stop raining. The outdoor flat tracks won't start on schedule if there isn't a break in the weather soon. In the Minibike Trophy Dash, Loren Erickson (Hon) popped into the lead with Shawn Steinbach (Hon) and Scott Toy (Yam) battling for second, Toy got by Steinbach on the third lap to take sec on d , Eri ckson c1aim~d th~ top spot and w~n t on to tak~ a first in th~ A Main. Toy had 10 s~ttl~ for s~cond in th~ Main but put up a good f,gh t to th~ finish. In th~ 125 A Main, K~nt Goar (Hon) got off Ih~ Iin~ fast and was in th~ I~ad all th~ way. Wayn~ L""sch (Suz) tri~d to c1os~ in but Goar had no troubl~ winning: S~ott .N~lson (Puc), a v~ry young nder 10 thIS class , look a third. Th~ 200 class action was a Iiltl~ on th~ wild sid~. It took four r~starts in th~ Trophy Dash to g~t · th~ show on. Eddy Dun can (Puc) finally cam~ up wi th th~ win. R ick Hill (Bul) and Jack Mott (Hon) w~r~ I~ading th~ A Mai n with K~n C~lori~ (Bul) in third. On th~ whit~ fI:l.g, H,li and Mott langl~d with ~ach ot h~r and C~lori~ mov~d in for th~ win. S~ason High Point rid~rs w~r~ as follows : Minibik~ Shawn St~inbach (Hon) from Eug~n~. 100 class - Nick Nelson (Ric) from Corvallis. 125 clas s Wa yn~ L""sch (Su z) from E u g~n~. 200 class - Alan Busby (Bul) from Eug~n~. 25 0 c1.ass - Rick Oliver (Bul) from Corvallis. 36 0 class - Jack H~~t~r (CZ) from Eug~n~. _ Now, for the first time, you ~n order Arnaco shocks directly from the d istr ihutori INSTANT MAIL ORD ER and we mean fast! When ordering specify make, year and model bike, spring rate desired, weight of rider and shcek length 112, 12%, 13" ete.l, Enclose cash, check or mo ney order. Personal ~hedl; :!!~st dear prior to shipping. Prepaid orders will be ~iJijl~~d freight free! C.O.D. orders will be accepted. California residents add 6 % sales tax . A LSPORT DISTR IB UTI NG CO. 233 So u t h Seven th Ave. City of Industry . Ca . 91746 (2 13) 336-4502 ~~t.~~"t.\)\)\. ~ to\\tto ~ Learn how to '\\\'" . tune bi kes fto m the BURAK TUNING SCHOO L fo r a profitable career or hobby. BURAK BYE-PRODUCTS 15170 Raymer 51. • Van Nuys. CA (213) 780·1 768 (7 14) 894·2623 Penton, Monark &Tyran Sales Service Parts Accessor ies D&R Cycles 7181 West minste r Ave. West minst er. CA 92683 11

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