Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1974 04 30

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Busqvarna, CZ, Penton owner.. have we got a Mikuni carburetor conversion kit lor you. Valerian's kits a re tested. They work. They fit. They SUbstantially improve gas mile age, HP, and torque. Stops load ing U\>. Eases startuos And gIves more docibility. • , J The ki t that comes with a complete range of jets good from sea leve l to e .ooo ~ The kit yOU can bolt on in less than an hOur. The eustom-oesogned kit thet loo ks li ke it' s "factory installed :' > Z o Order a whole kit and kabOOdle. or just tile Q8r!S you need. (Including our ve ry ow n manifold kit s.I r et ::; Call (2131 475-454 1 toda y. Or mail the coupon. Z et c PRICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 . .•• ..•• .... ••. . 8 •.•• 9 . . •• 10 11 12 13 • . •. ..• • • . •. • . •. 14 • .. • PRICE 250 CZ 32mm $54.95 17 125 Penton 32mm $54.i5 2SO CZ 34mm • .. ... • . .. . • • •. . 559.95 18 125 Penton 30 mm $54.95 360.... 0 CZ 34mm •••. •• .. .••• $59.iS 0 19 125 Penton 28mm . . ... .. . .. • . $54.95 360-400 CZ 36mm . . • • • • . . • .• . $72.95 20 ..• • 175 Penton 32mm • . • • . . •• • . - . 559.95 . 250 Husky 32 to repla ce 32 S61.95 21 . . •. 175 Penton 34mm . . • . •. •. .. . . $65.95 250 Husky 34 to repl ac e 36 565.95 22 125 CZ 32mm 554.95 250 Husky 32 to rep lac e 36 .. • • $61.95 23 •••. 125 Husky 32mm . . • . • • • • • . • • . $62.95 360 Husky 32 10 rep lace 32 .. • • $61.95 24 ..• • 360 Husky 36 to repla ce 36 . . .. $72.95 360 Husky 34 to replace 36 . . •• S65.95 25 •. . . 360 Husky 38 to repl ace 36 .. .• S75.i5 360 Husky 32 to repl ace 36 ... . $65.95 26 •. . • 400 Husky 36 to replace 36 • ..• $72.95 400 Husky 34 to replace 32 ..• • $65.95 27 • • . . 400 Husky 38 10 replace 36 • . • . $75.95 400 Husky 34 to rep lace 36 •• •• $65.95 28 • .•. 400 Husky MJ M K 36mm . . • • $72.95 250 Husk y MJ MK 32mm •. . . $63 .95 29 • . •. 400 Husky MJ M K 38mm •.• . $75.95 2SO Hu sky MJ U K 34mm •••. $66 .95 30 ..•• 450 Husky MJ MK 36mm .•. • $72.95 400 Husky U J MK :.Mmm .. . • $65.95 31 . .•• 450 Husky MJ T UK 38mm • •.. 575.95 450 Husky MJ MK 34mm •• •• $65.95 32 . • • • 400 CZ 38mm . • • • • • •• • • • . • • • • $75.95 supe r te fl on smooth ca bles are available lo r $3.85 and a Mikun l tuning Inf orm. lI on tor $2.20 . Plea se Inc lude • $3.00 shippi ng & hand ling lee . Cali fo rn ia res idents add 5% + + + + + + + 15 • . .. 16 •• • • Spec l.l boo klet .alel tax. Please Shl D COO 0 Char ge 10 NAME B~nkAmer tC. rd 0 _ AOORESS Muterc h ~ rge 0 M y account nu mber IS C,TY STATE MAI~TO : • ' ~ _ ~ TELEPHONE ZtP _ rw:w~~~~oy!:!!~~td. Sales - service - Acc essories - Parts - Rlvett s Champion Leathers HUSOVARNA ' JAWAlCZ' SUZUKI · PENTON A.J . Moceri, new Manage r and Promot er o f EI Toro Speedway Family Racing Club, " F. R.C." presents The greatest show to be held on the fast est 1/4 an d 1/ 10 mile track in the west. Grand Opening Friday, May 3, 1974 Speedway b ikes - Mini's th ru 35Oc c . (Mini & Speedway b ikes race o n 1/10 m ile t rac k). Wed & Fri rac ing . Silencers mandatory - class " C" t ires , T rial ti res O.K., no knobbys. Nov-tnt-Ex classes. Also every Sunday nigh t , Micro car raci ng & every o ther Saturday beginn ing Ap ril 27 . o ld -t ime m idget rac ing w ith mode rn T .0 . ca rs. The fas t est cars on a 1/10 mil e track . Complete food facilities. A ll paid specta tors will recei ve FREE HOT HATS (Ma y 3 onIV) . F .R. C . Membership fee : $5 .00 . Members: $4.50 - nonmembers $ 1 ext ra , lo ne troQhy for every 3rd r id erl. E xpe rts: $10. - nonmembers $ 1 extra (100% plus pavbackl , Sign",\> d oses: Prac : 1 Sf race : 5 p.m. 6 :30 6 -7 7 :30 Spectators Adults : 12 ·17 8-11 Un d er 8 : Pit Pass: $2.00 1.50 1.0 0 FREE 2 .00 A ll Racers pav $1.50 gate fee . For fu rth er info see Calendar listing or call (7 14) 530-0324 Mik e Pat ri ck 's 10. 1101 E . 6th St . - Corona (7 14) 735-772 1 CMC SANCTION WITH THE BEST P.O. BO X 1 4 02 COSTA MESA . C A. Ascot Half-Mile By Bob F. Reed GARDENA, CAL., APR . 19 "Give him a bike that will run and he's hard to beat." That's what has often been said about Tom Rockwood. Tuner Sal Acosta had the Triumph ready to go and the co mbination was unbea table in the fifteen lap Ex pert final on the half-mile, luse .,• • COde I Loo-'C.lllomlolOOlt-T_: (2'3,475-45'1 Schedule : Gates open : Aldana gobbles Lawwill shortly before a fall cost him the Expert Main. 9 26 26 Tom cloc ked in sixth fas test, on e o f the six t o ti me in th e fast tw enty tw o seco n d bracke t. The Harley-David son team was out in force with Mert Lawwill , Gary Sco tt and J ohn Gennai. Dave Aldan a had re t urned from his English road racin g advent ures. It lo o ked like ano ther Natio nal nig h t at Asc o t for th e t hird round of th e weekly Friday n ight races. Lawwill and Ge n nai we re th e tw o fastest in time trials with Aldana th ird best. Mer t, J ohn an d Aldana we re th e t hree hea t race wi nn er s. In the Aldana he at R oc kwo o d was rig ht behin d in a clo sing se cond after being det oured for th e second week b y rookie Rex Bar rat t, wh o again cr ash ed in fro nt of hi m. T he n th e fir st of two British bike efforts happened. Aldana topped the two Harl ey rid ers in the Trophy Dash wi th Gennai getting by Lawwill fo r second. Eddie Wirth came up with troubles o ff th e line and pulled in . The Expert final was one fo r the Ascot history book. Of t he ten rid ers o n the start ing lines, ni ne carried National n umbers with only rookie Genna i breaki ng the st ring. Lawwill and Gennai were off to a fast o ne -t wo fo r th e first lap . Aldana was a close thi rd with Ro ckwood a d istan t fifth, beh ind Gary Sc ott. Ald ana p unche d his Norto n into second at t he e nd of lap two. Sc ott an d R oc kwood bo th passed Gennai o n Lap Fo ur, mo ving Scott to th ird , Rockwood up to fo ur th . La ww ill , racing th e Asc ot half-m ile fo r th e first time th is seaso n, held off the bid by Aldana fo r tw o more laps but gave way an th e last t urn on Lap Seven . It looked like an ope ni ng night repeat run for Dashing Dave - b ut a surp rise was yet t o com e. The crowd sho t t o their fee t when Laww ill, Scott and Ro ckw ood wen t in to th e far turn o n Lap Eleve n . In one swo op Ro ckwood passed th em b oth o n the insi de an d m o ved to a distant seco nd behi nd Alda na . Ti me and lap s were run n ing out. Two laps lat er T om was righ t o n th e rear wh eel of th e lead er as they headed fo r th e fir st tu rn on lap thirteen. Scott and Lawwill wer e having th eir own duel fo r third not t o o far bac k d own th e tr ack . Aldana w ent in high and R oc kwood dro ve to the insid e, pulled even , th en ahead. Dave tri ed to stay with him and wobbled. It lo o ked like he was goi ng to recover to hold second whe n he los t it all th e way, crashing hard goi ng on th e backstret ch with less than two lap s to go . Sco tt mad e a game a tte m p t t o catch Tom o n t he last lap but it was no go at the finis h with th e Triumph turning in the fastes t Main eve n t total t ime so far this season. It took only three weeks to sor t d own to what appear to b e th e top two Junior rid er s in th e West this season . Ron Tobey, Bak ersfield and Skip A ksland, Man t eca wen t at it from tim e tr ial s on to t he finis h . It was a two ride r race right from the start o f t he final with Tobey's Triumph up fron t. On Lap T hree the race was stopped wh en Arizona's R ick Kr aft hit the d ir t hard, fight ing fo r thi rd place w i th fe llow Arizona rider, Art Freden b urg. On the re-star t it was again Tobey leading A ksland. He led all the way to the st art of Lap Eigh t before losi ng the lead and the ra ce to Akslan d on the borrowed AI Har mon Norton. Third place was a three rider fight to th e fi nish with Tom Berry pulling it ou t on th e las t lap . Tom Rockwood crosses the line in the mo ney.

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