Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 08 14

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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AMC at Osteens ;"~ " • . ," .. M .. If Q. By Scott Heidbrink .... a> -M . ~ POMOlfA, CAL., AUG. 5. ~ With Arroyo Cycle Park (also known as Canyon Cycle Park) closing, American Motocross Club was left high and dry with no place to race. Then, a few days before Sunday, they arranged to race at Osteen's Cycle Park in Pomona. Due to the resul ting low turnou t, there were only two separate motos, over and under 250's. Fredo Rodil led the smaller bikes in all three motos, to take the overall win for his sponsor, Cycle House, and get his name in the paper. In all three motos Fred dominated. And when things got a lit.tle boring, he would slow down a bit to duel with some of the slower riders, making them think that they could beat the Cycle. House Stormer. Top Junior, was Mark Hanington on a Suzuki, followed by Barry Nackos. In the Novice Hass it was Paul Strickland, also from Team Cycle House, taking top honors while Bill Myers won in the beginner ranks. The other end of the stick turned out to be a battle between CZ·mounted John Pavich and Maico pilot Ted Metzger. Both these E.xperts lead the way in all three motos, ~ith John bein.g the quicker overall. In moto one, Ted pulled the hole shot, only to be quickly passed by John. Tlien after a few laps, Ted regained the lead only to fall, and later hit a fallen rider who was spread all across the track. In moto two, everything seemed 'about the same, with Ted and John switching back and forth, until John pulled away, never to be threatened again in that nioto. But in the third, Ted got it all together and won one. I figure tIlat John decided to take it easy, as all he had to do was finish to take the overal win, which he did, and took all the money with him. In the the 250 Intermediates it was Fredo's brother Cesar Rodil that· took top honors by winning all three. It did seem that today was brother day, as the Willis' brothers came in second and third. Results: 100 BEG: 1. Jeff Yrsell (Pen). . 100 NOV: 1. Kevin Klinsing (Yam). lOQ, JR: 1. Jeff Heigl (Yam)j 2. Bob Marino, (Hod). 100 INT: 1. Mike Lasker (pen). 125 BEG: 1. Bill Myers (5UZ)i 2. Dave Gover (SUZ): 3. Mike Liddle (Hon). 125 NOV: 1. Paul Strickland (Suz); 2. Mike Senczyszyn (SuZl. 125 INT: 1. Freda Roil (SuZl. 250 BEG: 1. Martin Baker (Hon): 2. John Holt (eZ): 3. Ed Nanorro (CZ). 250 NOV: 1. Greg Sexton (Mal); 2. Cal Reiten (CZ);3. Russ Balzer (Hon). 250 JR: 1. Roy Halsheimer (CZ); 2. Mark Lauzon (Hon): 3. Mike Saunter (Yam). 250 INT: 1. Cesar Rodll (Yam): 2. Kevin Willis (Mon); 3. Kirk Willis (Hon). 250 EX: 1. Doug Benjamin (CZ). OPEN BEG: 1. Louis Haehnlen (Suz). OPEN JR, 1. Rick Rolko (CZ): OPEN tNT: 1. Jim Beltnlck (Yam). OPEN EX: 1. John Pavich (CZ); 2. Ted Metzger (Mal). ~ 0( til :: w Z W ...J l) >- U .. ,,' and open your"mind. Bel-Ray introduces Me·l. a synthetic 2·stroke racing oil that outperforms any other motorcycle oil on the market. We know because we've tested it in the lab. on the road, and in competition. LAB RESULTS: BeI·Ray's MC·I was subjected to four critical lubrication tests. The "Falex Test" showed Me-I to have a load carrying ability of 2500 fbs. Competitive oils failed between 500 and 1250 Ibs. The HTimken Test" showed Me-l to carry a 70 Ib, Timken O.K. Load. Most two·stroke oils only carry a 15 lb. Timken O.K. Load. The "Shell 4·Ball Wear Test"' showed that MC·I produced the least wear of all·two cycle oils tested. Dyno testing showed MC-I to produce a substantiaL drop in engine operating temperatures and an increase in horsepower on all cycles tested. . FIELD RESULTS: Road racing and Motocross competition proved MC-I to be the most reliable two-cycle lubricant available. Maximum performance was attained with a 40: l. ralio. But we don't expect you to take our wO'rd for it. We know that the only way you're going to prove to yourself that Me-I is the best is to put it in your machine and test it, which is exactly what we'd like you to do. If your machine doesn't run faster, run cleaner, and smoke If'ss. we want to know about it. No matter what motorcycle oil you are using now. you' o-we it to yourself to try the finest. Try Bel-Ray's Me-I . . . it is the finest. 1------------------------, Io TRl _ . _.... about BEl·RAY motorcycle products, e"dosed is 50¢ to cOlier postage and handling. N.tme e,ly I I MAll TO; BEL-RAY Co. Inc.; Termalene Ollt.. 80x 526· IN W Farmingdale, N.J. 07727 Add,e.... SUI!: _ _ _/,j) I I • • • • ._----._---------------.~ I I TEMPLE CITY KAWASAKI First Fatality at Iridian Dunes for KawilSaki Norton VALENCIA, CAL., AUG. 5 A.J.S. .- speed collision with fellow rider Chuck Flack of Pico Rive.ra. The accident occurred during the second Old Timers' moto in the Amateur/Novice class at Indian Dunes. Flack, who underwent surgery for a broken leg, is listed in fair condition. DiPietro apparently lost control and slid into the infield on the Dunes' international course, and in attempting to correct he came hack on to the. straightaway and into the path of Flack's machine. Following the accident, the Old Timers suspended competition for the rest of the day. Requiem Mass will be held Wednesday, August 8, 9:00 a.m. at OUI Lady of the Valley church, 7II 7 Topanga Canyon, Canoga Park. DiPietro is survived by his wife, Joanne, three daughters and one granddaughter. I • • I Dunes death Frank DiPietro, 40, of Canoga Park was pronounce~ dead on arrival at Golden State Hospital in Newhall today, following a high I : Osu DKW Monark Penton Moto Guzzi Steens CZ Jawa Well, HOT DOG! That means you've got another coupon to fill out. After all, we have to send your 5300 North Rosemead Blvd. Temple City, Ca 91780 Cycle News somewhere and what better place than your new address? So don't delay, do it today. (213) 287-6167 I I CYCLE NEWS P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, Calif. 90801 Now you can have a MX .machine that fills all . your· needs in the super hot 125 class MONARK the out of the box winner, with our new MV pipe. Sure fire on the line. I I 1 Old Name -:1 Old Adcl"ress I ----II I New Name 1 I New Address I I I I New City New State New zip 1 L must give us all this information or you will die! ~You I Old City A~~II·~~lllla1 1550 8~lbo~ Blvd. VI" Nuys, Cal. 91406 213 - 11>-5136 ~ -, Old State Old Zip ~

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