Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1973 08 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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This was an engine that was built in the mid-sixties. Several versions were run on a dyno, and a 150 cu. in. model rep ortedly developed 337 HP presumably an instant before it destroyed itself. Ronnie talked with Melvin Rolfsmeyer, the Vinnel's inventor and, rotating the problem over and over in his mind, began to zero in on the causes of the Virmel's hreakage problems. He designed an eccentric coupler linkage that eliminated all the internal geanets and relocated the power takC'A)ff nearer the outer edge of the wedge-shaped pistons (re~oning accurately that if the p.t.c. were direct from the central powershaft, the vanes would tend to break at their narrow roots). Ryen made his first prototype, filed patent papers, and interested the staff of an industrial design magazine. The magazine ran a sh ort, vague article which came to our attention about a month ago. Although rotary-combustion engines are almost common places these days, three claims in the article recommend the Ryenco engine as a potential motorcycle powerplant. The magazine described it as a lOOcc unit weighing 8 lb., "capable of producing up to 15 HP," and yielding virtually constant torque from 60 to 4400 RPM. Hmm. One immediately visualizes a featherweight 100<;c mini-motocrosser with an 8 lb. engine, no gearbox (constant torque, you know,) and a 15 HP peak. Would itbloweverythingnow on the market in to the weeds, given a brute-strong 10-year-old with enough hair to ride it. Could a 250cc version be made? And what's this? The inven tor lives in Cedar Falls, Iowa, not 150 miles from your correspondent! So I called Ryen; and the first thing he did was correct some of the vague reporting in the magazine article. What he said indicated that the engine had potential; and he was interested in discussing developing it for motorcycle use. Could I do a story for CYCLE NEWS? Sure, why not? On a Saturday, I showed up in front of the modeset Ryen home outside Cedar Falls with my wife and kid bundled into Moby Dick, our faithful van. My wife hit it off with his wife; J on-J on hit it off with his two older boys (the baby, sound asleep all afternoon, remained non-committal), and we men c10mped down to the basement, to rmd Ryen's den, drawing board, and desk IuJ] of papers on the engine. He handed me the rust little 100cc 8-pounder. It was partially tom down and one of the cases was cracked. So little extra metal has been left in the housing that after machining and re-machining in detail design • Ii' l1. M .... S!! (.) Nowl Get No Fade Stops From Drum Brakes-Equal to Disc Brake PerformanceI Introductory Offer LAKEWOOD METALLIC CYCLE BRAKES WON'T FADE FROM HEAT, SPEED OR WATER Here's how you get the shortest, fastest, safest stops you ever had with drum brakes. NO FADE -'EVER! Lakewood Industries, the leading manufacturer of I)igh performance automotive safety equipment, puts their know-how into no-fade brakes for bikes. And we're as near as your mail bolt with a fast relining service! • Higl\ energy absorbing, full metalli c construction of the Lakewood brake linings causes heat to dissipate - so no fade • Lakewood metallic brakes far outlast asbestos brakes • Tested - and proven - on the world's fastest cars • The harder you use Lakewood metallic brakes the better they work • Our precise grinding technique makes it essential for us to know the inside drum diamet~r - within .00t" • Special radial grinding for fast break-in ----------------------.. Dealer Inquiries Invited DIVISION or • Lakewood Industries, 5213 W. 137 SL, Brook Park, OH 44152 Fill Out This Coupon and Send with Old Shoes (Shipped Prepaid). Send Check or Money Order (S15.00 Each Pair of Shoes) With Your Order. Relined Shoes Shipped to You Within One Week After We Receive Them. THE SCOlf " r£TIER COMPANY Print Name , Address . State City Make of Bike PARTIALLY DISASSEMBLED ENGINE: left to ri!tlt-outer case with ignition breaker, shaft drive plate with links, double case section, vane backing plate, combustion chamber, and vanes in the mirror image ri!tlt - half of case. Zip Year Engine Size L . " , _.. Model . Inside Drum Diameter Within .001" . What Kind of Riding Is Bike Used For ~ . #~~ iii~ ~o~ Powershaft with vanes removed. Spiral grooves in vane backing plates carry oil. Virtually all parts run in an oil bath. ""'- . SALES SEPVICE Weldi... Porting Accessories -; / BAY AREA BULTACO * MOTO"C¥CL..S 785-4289 8730 Sepulveda, Sepulveda. Ca. (just north of Parthenia) * Inc. Los Angeles Corllerof Santa Monica Blvd. & Centinela JX1 - UWe have the parts" THIS WEEKS SPECIAL 125 MX $695 250 MX $950 . 1~52 C~nltnela. W. , :.., I• open NOON to 8pm Monday 9 to 6 Tues thru Sat $dnla MoNca Blvd. N ~W+E ~ S Moni('~ ~. ~ :.. 0 " ~ = " til Frw;.·. 213 826- 7856

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