Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 11 21

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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No, that isn't Cookie. It's a dog. could have prevented a long, cold, hungry night. The point I'm trying to make is that it could happen to anyone. A lot of enduro riders carry spare parts, cables, chains, etc., but neglect a few basic safety items. It doesn't take five minutes to put some wooden matches in a pill bottle and pack in on your bike tSGal. somewhere. With my cold weather gear of long johns, sweatshirt and ski jacket I was ready to tackle the course. It was a good course with some neat sections which provided a lot of fun even for the better riders. Speeds were slow but they were set with the women and kids in mind since it was billed as a family enduro. The sand was 'still wet from the rains and everyone had a ball. Just before the first check were some sand dunes and everyone came bombing over to find the check waiting for them. A lot of people hit it early because they couldn't resist riding the sand dunes faster than the speed in the schedule. There were even some mud puddles on the course. Most desert riders never see water when they ride and they were facinated by the stuff. PVDR located some neat sandy downhill canyons which were really a ball to ride. The wet sand enabled the riders to use the banks as berms and they were really letting it hang out. Then we hit a long sand uphill (did CERA help layout the course?) which gave some riders fits but the earlier riders had no. problems. PVOR though tfully had a flagman stationed there to direct the smaller bikes around the hill. An SL-70 would have had a problem getting up. We completed the 35 mile first loop, took a break, gassed up and beaded out on the second loop. The wind had died down a lot and it was magnificent riding weather. It's days like this that you are glad you are a motorcycle .rider. The second loop contained about the same stuff as the first .with orie exception. There is 1m abandoned quonset hut out there somewhere and the course went right through it. Naturally there was a check inside. After some more pleasant riding we hit the finish and received some very neat finishing pins. If your pin bad a green sticker on the back you also won a turkey! They were drawn out of a big box randomly to insure fair play. My pin contained the green sticker so I happily accepted a gift certificate for a turkey and I and all other turkey winners thank PVDR. There's not much I can fault the enduro. It was fun and interesting. The course was probably a little harder than a super easy family run but I agree with the PVDR that as long as you don't make it too difficult it's a good idea to throw a few sections to make the beginners work a little to develop their rider skills. YelLOW, SILVER (limited quantities in RED, WHITE or BLUE) NEW NYlON PETCOCKS 1-75 Gal. $39 95 • RED, WHITE, BLUE,YELLOW, SILVER-NEW Nylon Petcocks not included) . o~~~rg~ STOC/( UP on tt~t§M Gu",nleed IJnb",k,b1e (IN WRITING I) GasTanks ABell Helmel ~ 3 Gal. FREE (IF WE CAN'T FILL YOUR ORDER FROM STOCK FOR ABOVE TANKS. te·~~~~edh:b-::,~:ited qyontities ore RED,WHITE, BLUE,YEllOW NEW NYlON PETCOCKS R·acing Jerseys COTTON JERSEY NYLON JERSE·Y.l00"f. full fashion elnterwoven for minimum shrinkoge • Machine washC?ble, no shrinkage .GREEN, RED, or BLUE sleeves,WHITE b?dy. .SIZES: S,M,l,XL • Reinforced neckband & cuffs .SIZES: S,M,L,XL $l95' ~I;:!h~~~~r avaolble. JlEG.S7.~ $6 95 • PERSONALIZE YOUR JERSEY! WHILE' YOU WAIT/ Bike Emble"" . .. 99¢e,~h PERSONALIZED Imp,inll_ ...10¢pe, lefle, EMBI.EMS FOR ALL BIKES Chicken le,'hell got lotsa class (?) (add 50. for rintin onto Jerse s) RED, BLACK, BLUE or TAN .TOUGH Ame'rican cowhide leather Sizes: .TOUGH Nylon thread . 28,30,32,34,36,38,40 .FUll NYlON Lining.9" leg zippers .Wallet pocket with Velcro fastener .FUll PADDING at hip & knees .2"wide RED,WHlTE & BLUE Stripe $59.95 TOP GEAR MX BOOll (Means what it says!) _STEel BUCKLES _STEH TIPPED SOLE and HEEL _SHIN & ANKLE PADDING _DAY-GlO RACING STRIPE REGULAR $54.95 VALUE 'T' Fiffinll T,nk Mou",i" ;'44-95 f, ' 11.90e,~ NEW-HOLIDAY SEASON SHOWROOM HOURS Mon. thru Sat 9t09 Sundays 10 to 5 1 1201 A East Ball Road Kil 3.45 Anaheim. California 92805 UJ " UJ ..J ..J C U UJ I-

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