Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~(/n/(s (/Iof, BlM, Pfez Nixon (/nd J.R. Penny Sponsors of organized events will be required to post bonds or other security in the minimum amount of $300, obtain liability insurance,' pay a recreation use fee, obtain permission of private landowners whose lands will be crossed by the even ts, mark the course and confine vehicles to it and to clean up litter and route markers after an event. The recreation use fee charged the permittee or sponsor of an event will be 10 percen t of gross receip ts of the events, or $1 per rider event, whichever is greater. A "rider event" is defmed as one rider or vehicle riding in one even t not exceeding two daylight periods. Penny anticipates the "10 percent of gross" figure will primarily affect large commercial events conducted for profit; while the $1 fee will likely apply to smaller even ts held by clubs, associations and other organizations_ Liability insurance will be required in the amount of $100,000 for bodily injury to anyone person and $300,000 for anyone occurrence, plus $10,000 for property damage for anyone occurrence. The permittee will be required to name the United States as an additional insured and further to indemnify, defend and hold barmless the United States and/or its agencies and representatives from claims arising from ORV events. Other health and safety stipulations that will be required in most events include provision of monitors for spectator control, safety patrolling along the competitive course, adequate sanitary and trash facilities, first aid, retrieval and evacuation capability, and communications facilities. Permittees will be required to protect natural resource values, including cultural or historical objects and aesthetic values and any improvements, and may be required to undertake rehabilitation measures in the event of damage. Penny noted there were 150 organized off-road vehicle events on the public domain lands in California last year involving primarily motorcycles, bu t also four-wheel drive vehicles and dune buggies. The bulk of this use, which accounted for 800,000 visitor days of recreational use of the public lands, occurred in the California desert. Penny said California BLM districts will hold meetin!:s to explain special land use procedures_ The BLM official said the guidelines will be reviewed in the future and modifications be made based on experience with the new guidelines. Fees collected under the new procedures will be deposited in a special U.s. Treasury Account. Public Law 921347, amending the Land and Water Conservation Fund Act of 1965, authorized reappropriation of these funds to BLM for use in outdoor recreation. Penny described the new ORV guidelines as a logical step toward implementation of the framework developed by BLM's Off-Road Vehicle Advisory Council, outdoor re-creation regulations adopted by the Secretary of the Interior in 1969, and this year's Execu tive Order 11644 in which President Nixon mandated a program managing off-road vehicle use of all the public lands. ORVAC recommended, and the executive order requires, an inventory of all public lands to identify areas of non-use, adoption of. guidelines to implemen t existing regulations, and an extensive program of public information seeking to gain the assistance of ORV users in maintaining the public lands." The foregoing Press Release was accompanied by the revised instructions to the BLM District Offices and to persons or organizations promotion events. These instructions are printed separately in the last issue of Cycle News on P. 12. Also attached to the BLM's Press Release, were additional instructions pertaining to the required Performance Bonds. You will note from the instructions that an even t-sponsoring activity must post a minimum $300 Performance Bond, or at the BLM's discretion, they will accept alternate sedlrity such as: I. A cashier's check for the fult amount of the security required. This check would be returned to the permittee upon the satisfaction of all of its obligations under the Special Land Use Permit, or 2. An Undertaking and an Affidavit Motorcycle Industry P r a i s e d - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - The motorcycle industry received words of praise recently for its safety oriented advertising from the Maine Safety Council. In a letter to Husqvama Motorcorp West, Lloyd Drinkwater, President of the Maine Safety Council, a member of the National group, lauded industry advertising, particularly on television, stressing the importance of safety in the operation of two-wheeled vehicles. In the letter Drinkwater said, "It is our sincere hope that the members of your industry will continue this program of promotion based on safe, sane operation of motorcycles." Drinkwater adde"', "People cannot be told too frequently how important safety is in the operation of all such recreational vehicles, and we feU that your industry has set a direction which others should follow in promoting their products." The Husqvarna Motorcorp West is a regular member of the Motorcycle Industry Council which is actively promoting a large scale safety and education program among its members. MIC Safety Foundation Noise Study and Education Another step forward for motorcycling has ~een taken in the establishment of the Motorcycle Industry Council Foundation for Safety and Education, according to James B. Potter, Jr., Executive Director of the parent organization, the Motorcycle Industry Council. The foundation is authorized to use the MIC name and logotype and its programs will be administered by Potter. MIC is now in the process of selecting a consulting firm to assist in the formulation of the Foundation's programs. Basically, the thf1,lst of the Foundation's activities will be toward safety and education in the public schools and toward new riders. A portion of the Foundation's effort will be directed to making auto~obile drivers aware of motorcycles and to develop a closer rapport between the two types of motorists. The new motorcycle rider portion of the program will include actual operation of the motorcycle with range instruction in public schools, instructor education and the development of a variety of audio visual aids. The Motorcy,c1e Industry Council's Technical Standards Committee is now studying the capability of the industry to lower n~ise levels by t 10 decibels by 1975. These new sound levels for motorcycles are lower than those previously adopted by the Council; however, MIC specifically recommends that regulations requiring lower sound emission levels than those are self·imposed not be established because the possibility of implementation is questionable at this time. James B. Potter, Jr., Executive Director of MIC, said that in principle the Council will not oppose state legislation which establishes operational noise levels if those levels are in basic agreement with the ones established at the Federal level for the manufacture and sale of motorcycles. Potter also stated that the Motorcycle Industry Council will support and assist th~ invQ!ved Federal agency in promulgating sound level regulation for motorcycles to establish a system of testing, approval and certification under certain prescribed test procedures. completed by two sureties. These two documents must be in the following form: UNDERTAKING WHEREAS,--------(name of organi· zation or applicant) desires to give an undertaking to secure each and every obligation which he undertakes to perform as set forth in Special Land Used Permit No.---date----------. NOW. THEREFORE, we the undersigned sureties do hereby obligate ourselves jointly and severally to the United States of America in the sum of $------. If it is determined by the authorized officer of the Bureau of Land Management that permittee has failed to fulfill or satisfy any or all of its obligations specified in such special land use permit, we will pay such amounts as the authorized officer of the Bureau of Land Management may determine will adequately compensate the United States as a result of permittee's said failure to perform said obligations not exceeding the sum above specified. - - - - - -, one of the unde"igned sureties is engaged------(occupation) and resides at------, California. (Surety) ------------r(Surety) AFFIOAVIT STATE OF---------COUNTY OF----ss. Comes now------and deposes and says: That he is one of the sureties to the Undertaking which was filed to insure the performance of permittee of its obligations incurred as a result of the issuance of Special Land Use Permit No.------on------ (date); That he is a resident and householder or freeholder within the State of California; That he is worth double the amoun.t specified in said Undertaking over and above all of his just debts and liabilities exclusive of property exempt from execution. (Surew) Veritication by Notary Public. WHERE DOES THIS LEAVE US? At this point, we should stop and take a long hard look at what the BLM is doing: 1. We, the ORV enthusiasts, are tax-paying members of the American public. 2. The BLM has singled-out our form of sport and recreation and stated that we must pay to use the public lands when more than 25 ORV's compete on a derIDed course. 3. We must pay: A. A minimum of $10 for a Special Land US!' Permit. B. The price of a minimum $300 Performance Bond or follow one of the two established alternatives. C. A fee of $I per participant or 10% of the gross receipts, whichever is greater. D. The price of an insurance policy. 4. It is interesting to note that the BLM instructions don't apply just to events which are designed to make profits. They apply to any situation where 25 or more ORV's compete on a dermed course. You had better be careful[ If your club bas an outing on BLM land at which 25 or more of your club members attend, and someone says, "Let's race over to that tree", HOW CAN THEY DO THIS? We might ask ourselves where the BLM obtained the authority to take this action? The last two paragraphs of Mr. Penny's Press Release state that Executive Order 11644 authorizes his actions. On the other hand, the White House letter from the President's Deputy Assistant stated that the objectionable part of the Executive Order applied only to "formally designated National Parks, Natural Areas, Wildlife Refuges and Game Ranges". FOOD FOR THOUGHT By now, you have read many times that the American Motorcycle Association and the Motorcycle Industry Council both support Executive Order 11644 because it is beneficial to motorcycling. The most recent issue of the AMA News takes great pride in the fact that many thousands of signatures were obtained on ALERT petitions supporting Executive Order 11644. In my opinion, if Executive Order 11644 is truly good for us, then Mr. Penny and the BLM have certainly misinterpreted its intent. What's your opinion? - U - WHAT NOW? There is an old saying that, "The squeaking wheel gets the grease"! Don't you think it's about time that we not only- "squeaked", but descended upon Washington, D. C. with a THUNDEROUS ROAR of protest. If you think the President is right, in his executive order 11644, vote for him in November and return him to office so that he can issue some more neat proclamations. I f you think he is wrong, tell him so, now. It isn't too late to straighten out this mess before the November elections! Address your letter to: THE HONORABLE RICHARD M. NIXON OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT WHITE HOUSE 1600 PENNSYLVANIA AVE., N.W. WASHINGTON, D.C. 20500 If you thin k Mr. Penny is wrong, write a letter to his boss: MR. ROGER C.B. MORTON SECRETARY OF THE INTERIOR DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR WASHINGTON, D.C. Be sure to send Mr. Penny a· carbon copy: MR. J .R. PENNY, DIRECTOR CALIFORNIA HEADQUARTERS, BLM 2800COTIAGE WAY SACRAMENTO, CA 95825 And, if you think I'm wrong in objecting to Executive Order 11644 and/or the BLM's money·grab, send me a letter. Address it to Russ Sanford, c/o M.O.R.E., P.O. Box 26062, Sacramento, CA 95826. EDITORS NOTE: Next week's MORE Column will .be the fifth article tn this series and will cover what the US. Forest Service Is doing with respect to Executive Order 11644. Stay tuned. • TURKEY A8C)--.. TRACK . '\ "I RANCH 6000 Acres of Open Riding OPENING OCTOBER 14.1972 Hod.1a ~~~~~~ t~~~: Motorcycles 111ut.uutM Sport Cycle Gu \' R. Loui s (114) 893-1051 7219 W;"tminster Ave., Westminster, Ca. (:') W~:~E~~I;E STROKIN'rr SOUND COMT OL "y" It's Cheap When You Buy The Best From Jim Davis Molosport Eltlowp«k .... Stlln~. Chest prutecton . Shouldel' p80s .. MOU1hprcb .. And lots Knee Pi'ds . more available . SOLO 6Y BETTER CYCLE STORES THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. CHECK WITH YOUR LOCAL DEALER. .....iiiiiiii lox JIM DAVIS, I I, you're in trouble! This is why we asked the BLM to define "event", but they chose not to do so. .. 1002, 8urIMnk,

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