Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 09 26

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Dir t••• -Treasure I n l a o o - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Novices , IN Y O U R EA R by Alice Rhea "We've got a Sled Rider. Numbe r 1326. Dale Rhea," the voice crackled over the ractio in the Rescue 3 van. "Broke botb arms and possible hip. We are heading in now. What would we do withou t Rescue 3 to drag the broken bocties out of the desert for us? We knew that he was hurt, but we didn't have details. We knew where he was, but a four-wh eel drive vehicle was needed to get out to him. And, the inOatab le splints and back board which Rescue 3 utilized preven ted further damage d to the injured areas when the vi tim was moved. Rescue 3 solved a serious problem for me in bringing my husband out to where he could lifted into my van, and four strong men did the lifting that I alone could never have accomp lished. During the wait they also offered comfor t to one very nervous reporte r who paced up and down in their air-cond itioned van. You have been told over and over to join a club if you don't already belong to one. That poiot was slamme d home last weeken d when Dale broke both arms and his hip during the race. Rescue 3 provide d an invaluah le service by renderin g first aid and transpo rtation back to the campin g area. Butl still had two motorcy cles to load, one of which was fifteen miles out on the course over terrain that was too rough for me to handle. My camp was set up comple te with awning and tent stakes and I was too distract ed to get things loaded even if I had the physica l strength to do it...whic b I don't. This is where the club came in. Norm saw thc acciden t and stopped and directed traffic un til Dale could be moved off the course. Wben he got word that Rescue 3 was on the way he continu ed the race. Backjn camp Norm informe d me of the acciden t and he and several other club member s waited at the Rescue 3 van with me, doing their best to distract my atten tion with corny jokes and bench racing stories. The pit boss assigned two club member s to ride out and bring the Yaminy in if it was rideable . He also both tp - get arrange men ts made motorcy cles home for me so I would have room to eave the bed down for the trip to the hospital . Rod went back to camp and started loading my van. He took down the tarp, made the bed and arrange d things so there was room for Dale to lie down. By the time Rescue 3 's four-wh eel drive got in with the injuries most of the club member s had gathere d to see if there was anythin g they could do. The moral support was wonder ful. Had I been alone I would have been in serious trouble. ] am a capable woman , bu t I could not have handled this one alone. Dale's bike would still be standin g in that rock pile, unless it had been stolen by now and my bike would be sitting in the campsit e. Withou t Rescue 3 I would have had to drive to the nearest telepho ne and called the H by Cary Zuercbe r About six years ago, Modern Cycle sponsor ed an Easter Egg Hunt, "family event" run in the Mojave. The idea was to drop a bunch of brigh tly colored con tainers from an airp lane in to an area witb the object of finding the contain ers and claimin g the corresp onding prizes. Tbe trick was to do tbe searchin g from the back of your m_otorc ycle. One fellow looked for over two hours for a con tainer and saw nothing but sand, puckerb rush, and lizards. He returne d to the pits in disgust. After a cool drin k and a stick of Double min t, he decided to give it one m re try and started back to the drop area. A quarter of a mile later, along the side of the road he found the grand prize - 1,000. Six years later and family enduros are looked upon in a differen t Iigh l. They're quite popular now; one sees family enduros advertis ed every month. .And why not? What could be beller than taking the whole family along on a pleasan t ride through the desert? Well, Larry Morgan , has corne up with a better idea - a Treasur e Hunt. What's better about it? Morgan plaris to offer over $6,000 in prizes includin g a Yamaha 250 Enduro , a Yamaha Mini-En duro, a ten-spee d bicycle, over 300 prizes in all. Many of the prizes. all guarant eed to be worth more than the entry fee of six bucks, will be motorcy cle-orie n ted: leathers , boots, helmets , chains, shock tires, rims, handleb ars, absorbe rs, swingar ms...som e nice stuff. Other prizes, howeve r, will appeal to other interest s: campin g gear, leeping bags, lanterns , a one-yea r subscrip tion' to a magazin e, a $100 gift certifica te for women 's doilies, plus special prizes for under 12, over 50 and lad.;es. The Treasur e Hunt sounds pretty simple - number ed Day-Clo contain ers are dropped from an airplane in to a twenty- square mile area. The riders leave five at a time from the starting line as sson as their tank cards are stampe d. But what bappen s after that? Will the racer types speed to the drop area and find the best prizes before everyon e else? Not really. Morgan has the starting area set up so there will be a five-mil e wide strip to the drop zon~s plenty of room for the race·r types to . get it on. Next to this area is a road that will have a eo mph speed limit - easy access for the slower riders. The drop zone itself is located just east of Soggy Dry Lake with plen ty of varied terrain sheriff for assistan ce and who knows how long it would have been before they arrived and found him? (Rescue 3 . took 20 min utes.) Need ] say more about the value of belongi ng to a club. Or about the value of Rescue 3? Oh, and Dale will be out of the hospital in about a week and will be back at work in a few mon ths. He will probabl y be giving you compet ition again about the start of next season. HORRO R STORIE S In the July Issue of MORE News Russ San ford discusse s the Mandat ory Headlig hts law (Senate Bill 126, Crunsk y, LaCoste ). Briefly, this law requires that motorcy cles original ly register ed after January I, 1975 be equippe d with a headlig ht that operate s at all times that the motor is running . Now for the horror part, and I quote ctirectly from the newslen er. "It is interest ing to note that MORE had obtaine d the votes necessa ry to kill SB 126 at its last hearing before the Assemb ly Transpo rtation Commi ttee. Howeve r, the ClVUC dealer associat ion's Executi ve Directo r, Mr. Harry Whalen , walked in unanno unced and introdu ced statistic s which proved to be false in that they were knowin gly used out of context . On this basis, Assemb lyman Collier, who discove red Mr. Whalen 's attemp t at deceit, announ ced that he had intende d to vote against SB 126 but was now going to vote in favor of the bill to teach Mr. Whalen a lesson. Several other commit tee member s followe d with similar stateme nts and SB 126 was approve d and sent to the Covern or for signatur e. It was signed into law on June 30th ..... the at shocked am First, I inflama tory languag e of Mr. Sanford 's newslet ter. Second , Harry Whalen hotly denies the chargcs , but it is generall y agreed that at times Mr. Wbalcn 's tone is a little less than diploma tic and soothin g. elected The real shocker is that represen tatjve would resort to the cbilctish act of 'teachin g a lesson' to anyone on any issue by abusing the power we have given him and reversin g his position on a ~tand he knew to be correct and fair. I am writing to Assemb lyman John L.£. Collier (R), 11 09 Fair Oaks Avenue , South Pasaden a 91030, to ask him to deny or justify the action. He is up for re-elect ion in Novemb er, and I certainl not going to vote for him if this charge is true. Mr. Sanford , would you please name the other congres smen who particip ated in this action? CAMPF I RE CLASS ICS A.C. BaJkken teUs a story of falling off a horse a couple of years ago. He broke a wrist and wben he arrived at school wearing a cast a teacher asked what happen ed. On bearing the story the teacher declare d, "s tay away from horses. They are dangero us. They have no throttle , n6 clutch and worst of a11...No Brakes! " an r The motorcy cle portion of the 13th annual Long Beacb Custom Autoram a, Motorc ycle and Hot Rdd Show will be the biggest it has ever been, show officials report. The event, one of the nation's major shows of its kind, will be held Sept. 29, 30 and Oct. I. at the waterfr ont Long Beach Sport Arena. Recogn izing the fantasti c popular ity of the cycles in the Southla nd, there will be more and better caliber displays p l~hoP The & Racing Leather s '" u;, N 0- '" Vl Vl ;: W Z W ...J U >U lET READY FOR THE '72 TRAIS· A.M.A. I PRO M.X. RACES WITH YOUR PRO·AM M.X. SHIRTS 11171 Virginia Ave., LynwoO d Ca.9026 2 (213) 632.741 9 • . : Ya ma h a & : : Tri um ph : -*** *** *** *** *** .- : of Fo nta na : • • Sales 'ar,s Serr;ee • It HOD KA,B MW· • DKW, It 9008 Sierra Ave. Fontan a, Calif. • (714) 822-22 52 It ell g ~ of MotOl'C)'de Raang B.lck~ lu~nt$, FlI'Ie$t Quality. Fastest Seiling. By solid research. UniQue Merchan· dlSlI\L A,ggresSlYe Advertising Oulr sC;and1nc.lon& Established Company. HI",I)' Sueoessful In Easl ..-.ct Southeast. Now Elpandu'lft throulh IeIIc:tiwe distributian PoIicr. Contact Mg,-. Termalene Ol'

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