New Stuff & Things for Cycles
(Tell them you saw it in Cycle NewsJl
Little teeny holes can be very difficult to see into.
Take spark plug holes, for example. If you could see
down in there you could see what your piston looks
like. Maybe there is a hole in it. With the
Teenie·Beenie you can look and see. It plugs into a
. flashlight and is at the end of 18 inches of wire. The
flashlight and the Teenie-Beenie can be had for $2.50
from Spacetron, Box 84, Broadview, Illinois 60153.
Having trouble fmding a frame for your drag bike?
For $395 Warner W. Riley will custom build a frame
for your Sportster or 74. It is said to be comfortable
and easy to ride. Write Chapman Performance
Products, 5567 N. Elston Ave., Chicago, llIinois
60630 or call 312/763-1951. Ask for Warner.
"When I take her to the track she really shines." Beach Boys.
Do you have a problem with, uh, sanitation? If you
don't have a big mobile home to take to the races
with you and nature calls, perhaps you need a
rrota-Toilet. No more waiting lines, no more pre-race
nervous disorders, no more quick trips to the gas
station. This 28 pound item will fit in all vans so its
vital statistics are 19 x 18 x 16 inches. Prices start at
$21. Available from Monogram Industries, Dept. PP,
6357 Arizona Circle, Los Angeles, Calif. 90045.
And remember: black widows live in out-houses.
Always wondered how to win? Hi-Torque
Publications has a book entitled "How to Win". It
should, however, be called "How to Win in the Dirt"
since it only deals with dirty old _dirt racing. Even so
it is a pretty good book.
There are chapters that deal with everything from
defining types of racing to kissing the trophy girl
(confident dudes). The chapter that deals with
choosing and preparing bikes seemed to be especially
frank and useful. Some other subjects dealt with the
five·dollar book include starting, cornering, hills,
rocks, sand, water, rules, licenses, equipment, 'cost,
mental and physical preparation, sponsorships,
jumping, sliding, and one very authoritatively written
chapter on crashing.
The photographs were okay, but Swift obviously
didn't take them. Send a fin to Hi-Torque, Box 317,
Dept. Buick, Encino, California 91317.
Gumout has introduced a bunch of products for us
bikies. Chain lube (in a 6 oz. whoosh can), degreaser
(in a big 13 oz. spray can), and carb cleaner (12 oz.
passive can) are w hat is new. We tried some and liked
them. They will come down the pipe from Gumout's
presen t organiz,ation which starts at Pennsylvania
Refming Company, 2686 Lisbon Rd., Cleveland,
Ohio 44104 or 4426 East Washington Blvd., Los
Angeles 90023.
The Flying Finn now has Swedish made fork
protectors so you can pretend you are riding a
factory Suzuki motocrosser. Says they: "For the
protection and safety from rocks and collision." In
the colors as varied as the spectrum. For $4.95 from
Box 8415, Universal City, California 91608. (In the
USA not Finland.)
fiUPERCHAIN is a· product available from
McCo{mack Enterprises (remember Jack?) and it's
said to be the greatest thing for motorcycles since
shaft drive was invented. What SuperChain has that
th.e others don't is oil-absorptive bearings,so in effect,
each little chain roller has its own tiny oiler built
inside. They say it never needs lubing, and after the
first bedding down, doesn't need adjusting for a year
or so. It's said to outlast standard chains. For all
superbikes, $31.50 from McCormack Ent., 4201
Shadyglade, Studio City, Ca. 91604.
Emhiser Rand Industries got the jump on IBM with
the Model EC128A Enduro Computer. It u~es digital
integrated circuits and will help you tell if you are on
time. Weight is unspecified but its size is 3 by 6 by
4'h inches. Maybe as its first assignment (should it
decide to accept it) you can ask it to compute 81
cubic inches time the average weigh t on one cubic
inch of computer (times 24 mph.) From dealers who
can get it from 7721 Convoy Court, San Diego,
California 92111. Oh yeah, the crystal time reference
_ ~rror is. less.. !'hap.three parts pel: mil}to.p jf Y.QU w.!'!;.
Honda too high off the street, llucky? Well, if you
can't touch the ground without a silicone foot, or
even if you just want a little low-rider style on your
four, there's a Shock Lowering Kit that cleverly drops
Honda 4 shocks 1-3/8" without bottoming tire on
fender or other unpleasant changes. To install, you
simply unbolt the lower shock end, turn it90 degr~es
and bolt the kit to it. Stock muffers have to be
dinged·in a skO>h for dearanc,.. The whole deal is
ay'!ila.b.1. ~r.o!U. A!J,h's Cu~t"m_ .~otorcycles~ Hn __
LpPer St_, ow on 't'CX:lS. Price l4.95.
If you are a trick-oriented road rider disc brakes
and mag wheels will make your little heart go
thumpy-thump (or ring-a-ding, depending). One
company in the wheels and brakes biz is Kim Tab,
739 North Grandview, Covina, California 91723.
They make the snowflake pattern wheel (visible back
behind that stopping hardware) in 18 and 19 inch
sizes and now in a 16 inch size for Harleys. The discs
"are lightweight, provide fadeproof braking, no drag
-retractability, and comply with federal safety
regulations. The basis disc set-up with all necessary
_,hardw'ge is $J32.70 and S198.70- for' dual
- ari':mgcmen ls. The 16 inch mag is 131.60.