Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

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got to get out there and actually do the ~q.g. you know. Eliminates thf' politics the team finish~ The whGle teF! m it too, you know. stayed together abd f"niished. Aside CN: Yeah. Well, all right. from the flat tires, we had no problems Vincent: You can print 1hat too. There at all. The thing never missed a beat. im't any politics in the choice of the CN: How did it happen that you (David Six Day team, is there? Eames) are on the team now instead of Cutler? . CN: I'd only print that if I could.take pictures of your faces there while you're Latham: That's because old man Hicks' sitting here. (Big grin from all looked at his Ouija board and said, 'This concerned... ) is the team.' Latham: You'd better be careful about CN: Is Bob Hicks... that. Use a little discretion, right? Latham: Team manager? Yeah. He CN: You've been watching the results of knows what he's doing. these things. Have any guys shown up as CN: Will you guys have to help set up potential Six Day material that you've the ISDT if it's held at Berkshire? noticed? Latham: I don't think so. Lathan." Yeah, and they may not get Vincent: I think that we probably will ndes eIther. Crazy Jake Fisher and Billy as a matter of fact. Probably David Uhl. (Eames) will help. CN: Yeah, I saw him at Berkshire. He Eames: Some help, yeab. I'm not sure was going like hell. whether we're going to be on the team Latham: Yeah, that's the way he always or not. OUf main concern is that we goes. want to have a great Six Days if it's in CN: Why do you say he might not get a the Berkshire ... ride? Vincent: That's a year away too, you Latham: Well, I was talking to Ronny know. Bohn yesterday, and he said Jake would Latham: Probably you'll find that love to go but he hasn't been able to get several of us are actually working just to Husqvarna to give him a factory ride make sure it comes off all righ t. yet. That would be a pity. CN: I was just wondering. Since you're Vincent: You know,Jake could actually obviously one of the top teams, it set some good times in the special tests' would be a shame if you got drafted I think. He'd be up there ahead of som~ into working, aQd couldn't ride the of the Europeans. No question about it. damn thing. That guy just doesn't know when to Vincent: Yeah, but it's important that stop. But don't say it that way! we put on a good show or the CN: Well, they're going to need some Europeans, I think. kind of replacement for Malcolm, I CN: You're going to have to run guess. another qualifier, in August? Latham: Now that's a thought. Maybe Latham: In Berkshire? Maybe. I doubt they can get Jake in there. it. I think the Berkshire has proven Vincent: It's a bad scene too because itself. I don't think there's any reason to he's (Malcolm) one hell of a 'rider, let run a qualifier. I think it's a proven me tell you. He's strictly a profes'sional. thing. He goes good anywhere, nothing Vincent: They already ran a qualifier. bop,ers him. He's used to being around CN: I was talking to Mike Hinshaw and different things (Eames: He's always he said you were going to have to run smiling!). That's the whole battle when one to replace the Fort Hood run. you go over to Czechoslovakia: not to Vincen't: From what I understand, the feel out of place but settle rig!H down only reason we would want to run one and get with it, you know. A young is so the FIM can come over and look at fell~w just starting out has a', tendency it. The Berkshire was a qualifier as far as to kmd of get a little uptight, maybe. the AMA was concerned. Latham: You just kind of got to take Eames: I think it's either going to be the the breaks as they come and kind of FIM accepts it on the basis of past play it cool. You're going to get good performance and the movies and things days and you're going t6 get bad days. which they can see or else it's not at the The whole thing is -ro_~ang it together. Berkshire. For one thing, I think that CN: Czechoslovakis, I understand is the coun try has to be given a rest. There going to have. some awfully ro~gh are alwa~s some hot tempers up there, terrain. and you Just have to let people cool off Vincent: A lot of big Yankee hills, I for a while. hear. I think we're aiming now toward Latham: Yeah, the Czechs want to get having the Six Days, and I don't think back for the easy run that they had in we'll be running any events at all up in England' last' year. I think the Czechs that area. No enduros, nothing. Just try want to get back for the easy run that to have a real good Six Days instead of they had in England last year. I think making it Mickey Mouse. the Czechs figure that the way they can Latham: If the FIM accepts it, for be sure that they'll win is to make it real example, I think that the Mohawk Club tough because then they'll come out in Adams will be persuaded not to run their event in the same area this fall just . even further ahead and they won't have to rely on those little tricks and bonus to give the place a rest. pain ts to take best team. I have an idea Vincent: And the Bennington people, the Czechs will make it just as tough as too. they know how. Latham: Yeah, they'll stay up in CN: I guess one of the things that we're Vermont instead. really going to have to do if we want to CN: As I understand it, you've got do anything good in the Six Days at all roughly 1000 miles of trail up there in is to get a lot better organization so we Berkshire. can get up on the tricks, get our own Latham: Only a thousand? There's little gremlins in the woods, so to speak. more. There's 1000 miles' of Six Latham: That's why these quajifiers are Day-type terrain. Al picks au t the wide good. All these people are learning to trails, t.he Six Day kind of stuff, for the cheat. What would you call it?" To BerkshIre. On the local enduros you get short·cu t, sort of take advan tage of the off into the little single trails. There's situation, I guess you'd call it. If you see lots of that too. We just don't use it on a screwdriver sitting there, you know the Berkshire. enough to use it. That's why these guys Vincent: You've got lots of trails up are all traveling together, you know. A there. He (AJ Eames) could put team that eats and sleeps together, wins probably eigh t to ten days worth of together. You've got to get them all trails together. No repeats either. together. CN: One of the things that has been Vincent: Togetherness is great! mentioned a couple of times is that Eames: How long has it been since there migh t not be sufficien t trail up you've seen your wife, Charlie? there that you could use withou t being Vincent: I've been away from home for hassled. about three weeks now. Latham: In the many years CN: Did you stay up here? has the Berkshire run? ..we haven't used Vincent: Yeah, I stayed up here, plus the same route twice. It~s always been I'm working for Yankee right now, too. different. Some sections that can take Working on further bike development the traffic you'll see popping up. When and stuff. people don't mind it, then you can use CN: How did Dave Evans do anyway? them over and over because they're a He was riding for you at Trask? good way of getting from here to here Vincent: Yeah, he was riding for Ossa and connect you up with some other West. He was doing terrific until he had trail. But you never run the same a flat tire. Good rider. combination and you never re·use trails. Latham: Yeah, good rider. CN: Has this series of qualifying rounds, Gt'<: He's a little bit out of pface here, I been a legitimate way of picking the Six think. He normally rides (English) Trial. Day teams? Vincent: But he goes good and he's got Latham: It's been excellent. We've had l' a good personality. He doesn't go good variety. I think it's been fantastic around with a chip on his shoulder all training. R.;gh t now I'm in better shape the time. That's half the battle, to be for riding than I've ever been in my life. able to Iningle with people. You can't Just getting up and traveling and getting into the schedule of doing these. go around mad at the worltl. He's really a neat guy. events has been terrific training, I think. (Please turn to pg. 41) Vincent: Like anything else, you've just (Coftt'd. from f1< 15) I __ VRICK .. ll~ ... 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