Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.. :;; - ARE YOU GOING TO BUY YOUR OWN CROSS? ·i > "5 .., I w Z ... w (J ~ 1972 Motorcycle Competition Guidebook for California (first edition published by CYCLE NEWS, Inc.) 10,000 names and riding numbers! including AMA National numbers. AMA District 36 &'37 MX, Enduro, Scrambles & Desert numbers. Plus Calendar of Events for 19~2! District 35 & 38 Earned Numbers. AMA National points scoring table. COMPLETE CMC rider numbers to date. ACA Trials Clubs AFM CERA, HRA, USMRC, Sidehack & Speedway' Racing ~iatio~ names & numbers. PLUS complete California CLUB GUIDE and much, MUCH MORE. CYCLE NEWS PRODUCTS P.O. Box 498 Long Beach, Calif. 90801 Please rush my copy!s) of the '972 Motorcyde C~mpetition Guidebook for C.lifomi•• I enclose $ r for each copy. NAME ADDRESS CITY _.,...- ... -I -;-- ;STATE ZIP --II SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR YOUR MONEY BACK Send for your copy NOW Or see your nearest Cycle News Dealer- • Your complete program' ., for all 197"2 California Amateur and Professional races! ' DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED By Alic" Rh"a July first, Stat" of California o.,partm"nt of Motor V "hicl"s will att"mpt to coll"ct $15 from you for each off-road v"hicle you own. With th" mon"y th"y plan to build you a nic" littl" park (lik"Saddl"back?) wh"r" you can rid" on Sunday if you ar" good kids and don't make too much noise and wear your crash helm"t and fasten your seat bdt. Horse-Puckey! Not only do 1 st..,nuously obj"ct to the purposes for which th" gov"rnment int"nds to use my money, I seriously question th"ir righ t to coll"ct it from m". Much of the land w" rac" ov"r is land belonging to the F"d"ral Gov"rnm"nt. I don't believ" the Stat" of California has jurisdiction on this land. As for public lands bdonging to th" p"opl" of the State of California, well, ar"n't you on" of those p"opl,,? What are they going to tax n"xt? Our sho"s, because ,we ar" wal king on sid"walks and they ne"d the money to r"d"corat" the offices in the state capitol? Not this time. If they want $15 from me, th"y can com" get it at gun point. Aligned wi th this grass-roots mov"m"nt is on" of th" most r"sp"ct"d, law-abiding clubs in th" d"sert, Sl"d Rid"rs MC. SI"d Rid"rs, with sixty activ" m"mbers, have agl""d that until this law is prov"d consti tu tional they will -not r"gist"r th";r dirt bik"s, and th"y will work to pass th" word to oth"rs who own off-road v"hicl"s. Snowmobil" _own"rs in th" S tat" of Colorado ..,c"ntly did just what I am advocating w" do. Th"y w"r" supposed to r"gist"r th";r snowmobil"s. They did not do it. Th" gov"mm"nt did nothing about it, p"rhaps r"aJizing that th"y did not hav" a I"gal leg to stand on. Or p"rhaps b"cause without th" "'gistration mon"Y th" stat" did not hav" th" mon"y to "nforc" it. What I propose is twofold. First, do not buy that sticka. S"cond, call ~rybody you know and t"ll th"ffi not to r"gist"r th"ir v"hicl"s. 1 s"nt th" following t"l"grarn to Gov"mor R"agan: •• I strongly oppos" th" Ch appi"-Z 'burg law r"quiring r"gistration of off-road v"hicl"s. I ",spl'ctfully requ"st you use your influ"nc" to hav" this law r"p"al"d as I f",,1 it violat"s both my pasonal rights and dignity and is discriminatory against Vl'hic"'s as opposed to hik"rs, rock-hounds and horses. I will vot" for th" r"P..,sentativ"s who work for my f..,,,doms. (signl'd) R"sp"ctfully yours." Th" t"I"gram, which I sent by picking up th" phon" and calling W"skm Union, cost $2.15. If you send on" that is I"ss than 15 words it only costs $ 1. Do it. Now! Mov"men ts such as ours hav" changl'd bad and discriminatory laws bdo..,. W" can do it with a simpl" t"'''Phon" call. If you would rath"r rid" at Saddl"back than in th" op"n d"s"rt, you can do that right now, and you don't n""d that littl" gr""n stick"r to do it. You can rid" any plac" ",h"re you hav" to pay to g"t in. That is privat" land, though I know th" gov"rnm"nt would tax yoU to rid" th".., if th"y could fmd a way to do it. But I d"light in th" fr""dom of th" op"n d"sert. I try not to disturb anybody. I do not violak oth"rs' righ ts. I tak" my trash hom" with m" and I b..,ak no laws. Th"se lawmak= who would chain us = lik" crippl"s who hat" dan«rs. Lik" an ox who lov"s his yok" and says th" elk and d"er of th" fo..,st ar" vagrant things. Th"y hav" no lov" of life and they would chain and gag us so that w" cannot "njoy our lives. They don't know how to liv" and th"y hat" us for living so f~. Our law mahrs say that we w&..ld" stop bike thieves. Street registration of motorcycles sure doesn't stop it, and a large percen tage of stolen bikes ar" Harley Hawgs. Now who is going to ride a Hawg in the desert? No, they ar"n't going to recov"r your stolen bike with your money and th"y aren't even going to slow down the professional bik,,-rings. They migh t mak" the non-prof"ssional tbid think a little harder before he snatches your bike, but you can slow him down by putting'a chain on your bike when you aren't using it, and the money you spend on the chain does not go in to some congressman's pocket. This law is supposed to have been helped along. by the, ¥oto ycle Advisory Board. I don't know who th"Y but th"y do not r"P..,sent m". A pox on you, MAB, and your ancestors and your child..,n. Probably a bunch of litt'" old men who rid" on th" strf'et on the days wh"n their rh"umatism isn't both"ring them too much! For m", 1 intend to continue to rid" in th" open desert. I encourag" you to do th" sam". If you are afraid that th" law is going \0 g"t you, you can g"t around th"m by registering your bik" for the str"et. I'll be happy to loan my lighting equipm"nt to anybody who wishes to mak" thdr bik" strf'"t-legal for insp"ction. I am not sUggl'sting that we break th" law. It is a bad law and w" should change it now. M"anwhile, it is foolish to giv" the gov"rnm"nt your mon"y to fence you into a so-call"d park. Go to the phone now and send a klegram to Gov"mor Reagan, or to your congressman. And while you are at it, add "Vote no on th" hdmet law." =, _nORIAL OPINION By Charl"s Clayton THEY'RE TAKING LAND AWAY YOUR On" of th" bigg"st guns in th" Si"rra Club's arsenal of off"nsiv" w"apons against motor r"c..,ation is the National Wild"rn"ss P..,servation Syst"m. Once an area is designated as "wilderness", you are not allow"d to rid" a bik" or oth"r motoriz"d v"hicl" within its boundari"s. This y"ar th" U.S. Fo..,st S"rvic" is dl'ciding to includ" a lot mo.., aC"'ag" und"r its Wild"m"ss Syst"m. Areas of traditional 1.\"", such as my favorit" riding area, around Kenn"dy M"adows in th" Inyo-K"m National F or"st, are being proposed as "wildem"..." Th" entill' stat" of Idaho abov" th" "'evation of 5 ,000 f""t is being proposed as "wild"rn"ss" by th" Si"rra Club. N"va "'t it b" said that r"c..,ation's "n"mi"s, the ultra-pr"s"rvationists, are not clev..,r. By pushmg hard on th" on" issu" of wild"rn"ss d"signation, th"y can lock th" gat" on rec..,ation and dev"lopm"n t both with on" k"Y. Th" k"Y is th" word "wild"m"ss," which th" Si"rra Club loosely ddin"s as 9Jlyplac" that th"y wan t to k""p ..,creation and dev"lopm"nt out of. It dOl'su't matt"r if th" wild"rn".. th"y want is lac"d with pow"r lin"s, dott"d with farms or usel"ss to anyon" "x«pt motor-bikas. Th" id"a is not to p..,serv" unbl"mish"d natur" in its wild stat", but rath"r to force motor recreationists out. During th" last two w""ks of July, th" U.s. Fo..,st S"rvic" will conduct public lillt"ning sessions at sd"ckd locations in th" East and South. In T"xas, th"y will hold h"arings in Houston at th" Gr"at South"m Lif" Insw-anc" Building, L.S. AdaIlls Auditorium, 3121 Buffalo Sp""dway on July 25, and in Lufkin in th" Hom" Savings & Loan, 606 E. Lufkin Av". on July 26. Two s"ssions will b" hdd "ach day at 2 p.m. and 7 p.m. Th" Si"rra Club will b" th"r" with th";r usual "motional, irrational argum"nts. W" can only hop" that th"y will b" count"ract"d by enough int"..,st"d, intdlig"nt common p"opl". The foregoing is a Cycle News Editorial Opinion. Equal space in which to reply is offered to qualified spokesmen with opposing points of view. (Continued from page 37) sdf-realization. As many motorcyclists as possible, but c"rtainly the leaders of the sport, must com" tOgl'th"r to identify and to resolve th" contradictions in th"ir positions. Being only a sport, motorcycling is at once relatively powerless to dd"nd itself through brute economic and political pow"r, and at th" same tim" one of the few activities that are ultimately 'fufilling in themselves, on" of the few activities that provide ultimat" human satisfaction directly and inherently. Motorcycling is an ultimate human good, not for all p"ople, but for some, and for them it should be pres rvl'd and even nu~tu..,d.

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