Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1972 07 04

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Hal Cheetwood (Bul) had problems throughout the evening but he looked great winning the 250 Expert class. Hal was followed across the finish line by Rod Sexton (Yam) and Steve Hein (Bul). Things got sticky for Hal in the Special Expert when he was in second place and his bike blew up. Vic Hannan (Tri) , winner of the Elsinore Grand Prix, was out in front and went on to win. Rod Sexton (Yam) was second, Jim Hendry (Yam) third. Debbi Jones (Kaw), sixteen year-old Expert, races with a handicap in the Powder Puff. Tonigh t, no matter what she did, it just wasn't enough to make up the time and Teri Tanner (Yam) took home the trophy. Teri and Debbi rode a beautiful race, Debbi pressing every inch of the way and Teri putting off the challenge for the win. Rick MacEwen (Yam), Rohby MacEwen's brother, home on an emergency leave from the Army, rode in the 500 Open and Special Expert representing the MacEwen family since Robby was hurt in the Special Expert last week. He is now doing well at Orange Medical Cen ter. Rick was a little rusty and didn't fmish well, but at least there was a MacEwen on the track. The Mini class has been dominated by Robert Murray, David Oller and Doug Nicol. This week it was Steve Lyons (Hon), a newcomer to Elsinore, who took the win when David Oller (Hon) unloaded in the nrst lap, and Robert Murray did likewise in the second lap of the Mini Main. Doug Nicol wisely stayed far back as the pJot thickened. Dan Kyzer (Suz) was second across the line in the Mini just beating Joe provide a little variety to the evening's program. Most race tracks around the area still haven't decided exactly how they feel about the little contraptions, but for the most part they are well-mannered and exciting to watch. mouth. John had two wins to his credit cooled it in the third round, finishing third for the overall. Larry Furu finished second a scant 25 points behind and Mark Reichert picked up the third when Frank Schnetz over shot the nrst 180 turn and couldn't get his motor running. Jim Wright again had two for two in the 175-200 class and the 250 Amateur Expert: Cheer up fellas, the Wrights left on vacation for three weeks. Mike Posey is the Big Bike Expert to beat and so far no one has gOllen close enough to really give him any trouble. Rod Sexton just might be the rider to pull it off. Rob opted to ride the Open Class and held his own, running a solid second and holding. off the more experienced riders in the field. Mike DuBont mounted on a 350 Kawasaki, the smallest machine in the class, was ' third on ability as he was clearly outpowered on the long straigh Is. Steve Fortune took the 100 Novice I. Steve Sisco looked very good nailing down the second place spot. Steve, at eleven, was the youngest rider in the class and is a very good example of what is coming out of the mini·bike ranks. Dave Hampton took the second Division over Mark Upton and Dennis Dees_ BAG' flna your hero. Vour complete program for 1972 California Amateur and Professional races. Over 10,000 names and tiding numbers. All you need to know about California competition. S1.00 "'1 Carry it whether on your Hodaka or your 10 speed. The ideal way to carry your books to school or your lunch & spare plugs on the trail. $2.50. ~ Z W ..J U >U Belie.e it or not, 29 got there first. -------------------------------------CORONA By Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL., June 9, 1972 - Rod Sexton showed the stuff that makes the Sexton brothers such a threat when they climb aboard a two wheel vehicle. He outdue1ed the tightest Novice moto class of the season to take the overall win. He gave as good as he got, including an unload in the second moto which put him back with a seven th. He snapped back to take the third moto win and the overall victory. Patrick Williams and Arthur Moya, Suzuki mounted, ended up second and third when the dust cleared. Jim Wright added two more wins to his streak as he took both the 175-200 class topping Mike Moon and Terry Stanart, and the 250 Am-Ex. over Bob Greenstreet and Bob Graves. The 250 Novice class had Bobby Butt taking the win with no apparen t problems but Larry Furu and John Lowe, Jr. had a heck of a time deciding who should collect the second place gold. It was Larry who puUed it out of the bag grabbing off second in the final moto to John's third. Chelle Blythe brought the girls out and she showed' them how it's done on the Corona course, winning the Powder Puff class over Debbie McGregor and Betty Welcher. Let's hope this is the beginning 'of a big group of young ll\dies doing their thing. Mike Posey likes a tigh t course. With that big Triumph, that's rather hard to believe but he rode like he was right 'at home. ,Bob Greenstreet, riding another one of those big ''Ts'', was second and Tommy Jarnagan was third. Terry Stanart, a recent graduate to the 100-125 Am-Ex_ ranks proved the officials weren't wrong as he knocked off high ranked Randy MODIoe and Wayne Whisenant. Frank Ridlon is getting closer and closer to graduation night from the 125 Novice. Second and third place Philip Conti and K'elly Callaway will be contenders for the top spot. Steve Fortune took the second round of 125 Novices over Fred Hollister and . Jeff Rood. The Hodaka is built for one purpose. ~o out-last and outperform its competition. How HoI Hal. 1972 Calendar =:1.: "J!1..... 1 is this done? By relining the same basic, sUPkio-r design year after year. PeiJecting the little things that multi-model manufacturers don't have time to notice. ~ .. Carefully examine the 'new Ho- How to get from here to there. Now novices don't have to ask th ose embarrassing questions, they are all ~nswered in this easy to teach your. techniques to become an expert. $3.00 Dealer& ~rornotionalHal. daka. Notice the trip-set odom· eter. The leather-light clutch operation and spring protected throttle cable. And the rubber Your bucks go to help support the American Motocross Team, and in return you get a swell high quality calender. S3.9S We take your logo and change It into your very own promotional hat (minimum order 500 hats). Varied colors and materials available. Dealer In~ulrles Invited. mounted gas tank. Vacation & Little things that add up to big things. We only build one bike. But we 'build it betier Travel Guide than anyone else in the world. FOR CALIFORNIA AND NEVADA ".""!P More than SO FREE dinners and big discounts in:' Motels, Trips, Attractions. ShoPS Theaters etc $3 75 ORDER FROM . .,. C¥Ct. . . .-~rcull&C P..o..aox. . . . .LO..II _ _h.C __. . .~ ... . ~ w 11° won'l IUD oal of gals before yoa do. BIKE BACK earifomia Competition Guide Program 148 Pages If ~ ~ ~ Hodaka. Products designed to grab your greenbacks and otherwise deflate your wallet. '" ::> .., ___ CORO~ATTSCRAMBLES------------ By Elaine Jones CORONA, CAL., June 16, 1972 Richard Kyzer and Jeff Clark finally had everything working for them and each went home with a long overdue trophy. Richard picked his up in the l25cc Novice 1 where he had consistently placed third or had broken down. It wasn't just luck either because he put it to the guys that had been beating him every week. A couple of newcomers, George Hicks, Jr. and Rod Sexton were second and third. Jeff Clark walked away with the second Division of 125 's. Never challenged, he took all three races going away. Terry Griner and regujar Jeff Rood duked it up pretty good but it was the nigh t for the new riders and Terry went home with the second. The 250 Novices had one heck of a horse race leaving both spectaton and the announcer exhausted. The four principal players were John Lowe Jr., Larry Furu, Mark Reichert and Frank Schnetz. Heat one saw Lowe out on top, Furu second, Schnetz third, and Reichert fourth. Through the t-'rst tum alone, Lowe and Furu changed places three times with Schnetz and Reichert doing the same thing and nothing separated the four riders. Each heat saw these riders run an instant replay, switching their positions before the announcer could get it out of his Steffen (Yam) who picked up the third place trophy. Joe's daddy, Ed Steffen is also a regular rider and a regular winner at the Elsinore track and he was one proud poppa tonigh t. Three-Wheelers were on hand again to CORDIS BROOKS finIshes 10th overall and first Trail Bike at the June 18 Rim Runners' Hare Scrambles; Tim Bowman, Mike Leckich and Ronald Colb swept the Trail Novice class. DON'T FORGET. HODAKA IS THE TRAIL BIKE POINTS LEADER IN THE DESERT THIS YEAR!

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