Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 04 27

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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MAVRICK .... N 0- ct ~ W Z W ...J U MOTOCROSS IIODEL $32.08 IllIlr D•• I.r Inqulrl.s Inylttd >- U PlIo..: Dtlux. (1.5) 824-4261 IIlldtl $34.00 IllIIr •• 11....1 w/60·90 procre..I..,y $29 .95 w ::, s~lncs S~lnc R.lIos from 65t to 125t In stock Sbocks CO" wltb 78t .. st.ndud sp.rt sprlncs 58.00 IllIlr. Compl.te rebuIld kits 55.00 ••• 1\2" Extensions 53.00 pr. $1.S0 IllIlr Pl.... specify motoreycl. Nke & modtl. Mount type requlr.d. E,. .1 ••eb tnd or .,. .nd clevis type. Now In stock tht .. w •.....rlck· 5_y Hjust~1t heny duty shocks, rtbullubl. lustrous ebr_ sprlncs, 11\7· or 12\1' ItnCtll ly.lllbl•• C.nt.. to center 01 .y.. 3\7" 'ray. I. W. Pay Postalt on Prtp.ld Ordtrs. C.lllornl. R.sldtnts .dd 5" lor sal.. til NOW......NEW ADDED WARRANTy...... If the sui 1.lIs on .n, IIAVRICK unit within 90 d.ys Irom ute 01 w. will replac. tbe se.1 Ir... P.S. Dots .nybody tis. do this? MAVRICK DOES IT AGAIN Tallt .dy.nlaCt 01 tbe btst buy 01 the ,.... SPOOL HUBS, 40 bol' wltb 5/8" burlncs Included. Best .1I0y wltb cbro... like IInlsb. $10 01 on tills • Introductory oil... C.III. resld.nls Idd S", salts til. TAIN LESS STEEL SPOKES ~ , IN STOC KNOW 0 •• 1 Inqulrl.s .. Inylted MAVRICK NO.RTH AllERICAN IMPORTS 2125 cern Glrllo, P.O. BIX N Mojave, Calif. 93511 By Ron Schneiders LOS ANGELES. CALIF.• April 16. 1971 - Has there ever been a more motley collection of people and machines than were assembled for the annual Cycle World show at the Sports Arena? Surely not in my experience! For those of you who didn't go. here's what you missed. Dozens of folk-art choppers. Most of them were based on some early model Harley V-twin, a pig of an engine in its heyday, not glorified beyond any last vestige of sanity by the application of thousands of man-houB of hard work. spit. polish and chrome and lots and lots of dollaB. Beautiful cr~tions. some of them are, like Chrtstmas tree ornaments raised to the 10th power. Some of their makers even foster the illusion by cradling their confections in angel's hair and playing revolving colored lights on the sculptured curves. So fragile they are, with their long spindly forks that are never destined to feel the crashing strain of a pothole in the asphalt. Whatever you might think about the ultimate worth of one of those projects. one cannot deny the pride of workmanship well served. Standing next to these sugar plums arc offerings of commerce, Triumph, Yamaha, Suzuki. Yawn, nothing new here. We've seen these models blazoned from a hundred full-color, full-page fold·out ads in a dozen magazines. Suzuki conquers boredom? Not at a show, anyway. The tired, bored personnel at these exhibits arc trying desperately not to become involved in any conversations with show goers who arc presumably going to ask some more inane questions. "When's the new 500 BSA going to get here?" "About 45 days." "Is that for sure?" "Definitely... "Who said so?" "Well I got it from a salesman who was talking to an airman who was stationed in Birmingham...... Some tried to pep up the exhibits with unusual offerings. In the onon display, they bad the new production road racer - a really neat piece of work. At the Penton exhibit, Ted Pen Ion has some cutaway models of the improved Sachs gearboxes and he's explaining how it works to riders who stop. Mosl of the displays are graced by pretty girls in shon skirts, but unlike the big car shows, these aren't professional models and hoslesses; they're secretaries and receptionisls who arc dolled up for the occasion and 011. so uncomfortable. Wander outside for a momentand by gosh there's a full-blown trials course. They bad to improvise for the traps and obs tacl es, there being very few mountains and ravines in the vicinity of the Coliseum, but logs and steps and teetertotters and sandboxes make for a great fun course. "50 cents ladies and gentlemen, just 2 shiney quarters and you too can be a hero." And while you stand flTSt on one foot then the other, PENTON RIDERS WIN ROUGH SCRAMBLES CMC MOTOCROSS March 28,1971 April 4. 1971 125cc Ex./lnt. Class 1st Mike Garren - Penton 125 MX las Vegas, Nev. 1010-125 Amateur Class 1st Bob Davidson - Penton 125 MX See your Penton dealer today NEW WESTERN HEADQUARTERS r~IJ.I!~~,.'IS~ IDe. s.nhl Ani. Calif. DEALER INQUIRIES INVITED (714) 546-5602 weighing out your life in co~fee spoons, Bob Nicholsen comes along, slgnts down the 15-inch diameter log that others have been jumping, bumps his bike over the end and rides the length of it. Who let him in? You go back inside. Do you like history? There's history here in' the meticulously restored Velocettes and Indian Chiefs and Ariel Squares. History of another era when brooding black hulks of motorcycles challenged the night with 100-mile-an-hour speeds and 25-mile-an-hour headlights. "Speed wobble" was the word of the day and every rider worth the gravel imbedded in his bide had experienced the terrifying awful certainty of the speed wobble. Another kind of history: Moto-Guzzi's 500cc V-8 motorcycle, the fastest in the world. The Sports Arena is a big, circular building with two levels, but the upper level is just a ring around the perimeter of the building. That's where the motorcycles are. On the bottom level_ on the big disc, there arc the can. ThaI's where the main action is. All the customizing that's been done on the bikes is repeated one hundredfold on the can, but there isn't much history to speak of down there, there's nOlhing like the trials course and there aren't any commercial exhibits like GM and Ford. Just feast your eyes on candy apple and chrome and pin slripe. If you _ can't gel visually sloned on all that, there's a rock band and light show JUSI outside the door. They're not terribly good bUI they're pUlting out about a million watts of acid rock thaI vibrates your viscera. And on the other side of the giant room, the fuzz and the fire department arc recruiting. You have never seen such spiffy young officers and they say "Sir!" even if your hair is down to your waist and you're wearing love beads. Such discipline! All the publications have booths and HUSQVARNA Distributed by MecHnternational 4190 Palm Ave., La Mesa, tal if. 92103

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