Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 03 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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Page 35 of 35

CAPITALISTS ... YES BUT MOTORCYCLISTS FIRST c;pacific Coast HONDA Here's what we mean Honda Motosport 125 (SL-125) Available NOW - $509. OpEN DAYS A WEEK Mon-Fri 9-8 Sat & Sun 9-6 Honda Motosport 70 (SL-70) Available SOON - $349. Best of the minis (Deposits now taken to insure immediate delivery when available) 50,000 in HONDA PARTS (only) Over 90 New Hondas to choose from - Com plete Sales - Service Parts & Accessories Honda 500 Four (CB-500) Available SOON - $1295. (Deposits now taken to insure immediate delivery when available) FREE Honda Trail Maps - with every Honda Trailbike Sold Monthly Road Rides Monthly Movies MARCH SPECIALS 71 CL 70 Scrambler - $309. 71 QA 50 Mini - $189. 71 SL 350K Moto (used) - $585. 70 Yamaha DTl MX- $550. 70 CT 70 Trail - $229. Honda Snowmobile Available SOON (Deposits now taken to insure immediate delivery when available) lj.AN DllGO 'It£tWA,. Pacific Coast Honda 2073 Pacific Coast Hwy. Lomita (213) 326-3810 (between Western & Crenshaw)

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