Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1971 03 23

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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TOOL AGENTS WANTED "BUY DIRECT" IMPACT UNI-DRIVER SETS 1970 DTlMX YAMAHA. Super clean,. extras, $625. Take minibike trade. 12131363-4193. AT 1969 YAMAHA DT-1 B, street-legal, ported by E.C. Birt, $450. (213) 676-6123. ~5S:=e~ :: t,:::=:: SPEEDWAY BIKES 1971'JAWA SPEEDWAY bikes now available in limited supply. SPEED-N-SPORT, 1314 24th Street, Bakersfield, California 93301. Phone' 18051 323-6565. (Reversiblel Contains: (Six) 5" Bits(Phillips 1, 2, 3 plus Flat screwd rivers 3/16"- ';.."-5/16") complete with metal box. Case lots (50 sets) :$5.45 set Dozen Lots $6.45 set Sample Sets . . . . . '. . $7.45 set Mail order sample (postpd)$8.45 set 30-Day Money Back Guar. Calif. residents add 5% tax. CHICAGO TOOL CO. 4334 So. Sepulv.eda Blvd. Culver City, Calif. 90230 HONDA SL-loo. Chrome fork braces, wi'll bolt on 325x19 or 275x21 front ends, $9.95. SL-100 or SL-125 kit high moto·x tuned pipe "black", $12.50. Dealer inquiries invited. Apache East Inc., 2311 W. Main St., Mesa, Az. 85201. '68 BANDIT 360cc Engine just rebuilt, $475.00. 12131 764-8674. WANTED Moto Guzzi Falcone Sport 500cc or complete chassis! Write or phone George E. Hamling, 17265 - 191st N.E., Woodinville, Wash. 98072. Phone (206) 788-1958. FREE SAMPLE COPY 1971 CZ 250-360-380cc of CY'c1e News East (the eastern states Cycle News). Send 15 cents in coin or stamps to· Cycle News East, P.O. Box 13, Amherst, Ohio 44001. with fully trans,istorized ignition SOUTH8AY Mo'orcycles SUPER 125. 21 H.P.. ported, Cerianis, Akront, chamber. Best offer. (2131444-4291. Buttons, brackets & Bolts - SELLING IS FUN 213 S. P.C.H_, Redondo (213\ 379-3344 , SWAp·O-RAMAI Go fas'er Wi'" OSe·a SA He '0 Honda s. All makes. Fully convertible for hauling bikes. Vinyl EI Camino convertible top wi th all hardware and instructions, $129.95. California residents add 5% sales tax. PCT, 29651 Preston, South Laguna 92677. Del Rey 4421 SepUIVeda@ Culver City (213) 391-6217 COMPLETE PARTS & SERVICE (8) "0 '69 SACHS, 125cc, Cross Country for sale 1$450.00) or trade for street bike. (213) 388-0217. HARLEY-DAVIDSON MECHANIC. Factory trained or equal 40 Hr. Wk. Good wages and working condition. Dan's Harley·Oavidson. 729 N. Wilson Way, Stockton, Calif. 12091 4644222. Closed Sunday and Monday. PARTS MAN - HONDA. Must have previous PENTONS Shop Swap-O-Rama. The new Honda parts dept. experience. Full time, company benefits. Contact Mr. Jackson, models Honda of Santa Ana, 301 W. Warner, Santa Ana, Ca. 92707 are at PSSST! If it isn't here it might be at the Swap-O·Rama, March 26, 5 p.m. to midnight, Orange County Fairgrounds. Check it out. -. A _ont£~a . SAcJ.iS. IHICATi >, .~.. ',.!j' I: . I ........ ""' ~ditiH ~MViu.1u. 1244 NO. GAffEY ST. SAN P'lDIO,CALlJ.907:l1 IJHONIE 547-2203 KAW"SAKI - BSA MAICO· MOTO-GUZZI • DUCATI ·SACHS SALES - SERVICE - PARTS YAMAHA '68% DTl mechanically excellent Gyt head, 30mm carb, Torque pipe, sprockets, Rickman bars, frame yoke and down tubes reinforced, new Curnutts, $450.00.18051527-8046 Simi. 1970 YAMAHA MX 250cc - Xlnt. condition, $550.00. (714) 249-3841 - many extras. A cti()n Cycle TRIUMPH 1967 TR6-C VELOCETTE, 1966 Thruxton. Finest road bike. BeautifUl, extras, only 6,000 miles. Standard and clip on handlebars, extra. sprocket, TT gears.' $900 or trade. (8051 642-0233. - 19322 Be,ch Blvd., Huntington Beach 17141536-3223 SCUDERIA, 2419 ARTESIA BLVD., REDONDO BEACH. (213) 542-1695. WEST AJS, Maico, f'enton, Yamaha, I Norton, Husky 205 N. Harbor Santa Ana, Ca. (714) 531-9984 TWO 400 MAICOS for sale, 1970's, 6 months old. Moto-X machines maintained and prepared by American Motocross. Fresh and race ready. $B50.00 each. 1320 Orangethorpe, Fullerton 17141 870-4997. E SACHS - PENTON - ZUNDAPP We start wher:e the factory left off. You have a gearbox full of neutrals? We can fix 'em right. Full line of Sachs & Zundapp parts. Precision Cycle, (213) 676-6123, E.C. GOT TOO MUCH TO SELL IN 25 WORDS? Bring it to the Swap-O-Rama March 26. See the big ad in this issue. 25% SAVINGS ON INSURANCE Dealer garage liability 15% savings on Dealer's bonds. JOHN W. MAYNARD INSURANCE, 3447 Motor Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Phone: (2131836-5211. • HELP WANTED Must be experienced Honda mechanic. Commissions, profit sharing. hospitalization insurance. 12131467-2141, ask for Bill Jr. '69 X-6 HALF MI LE engine - any reasonable offer accepted. (2131599-3249. southland cycle center rQ1 SACHS motocross . ;1 stoe'· ~ 8141 Garden Grove. Cd. (71418935091 YAMAHA FACTORY Roadracer. 1970 TR2 350cc, R3 engine, full fairing, many extra parts, raced only once. Contact: Joe (801) 322-0096 or 364-2661. I' JIM HUNTER Motorcycle Repair i'1I1ISA R...,lr.a. UslllParts . - ,P,arts ,Or", AJ. Mall 1140 .S. CW.U st.. U.ltft "A';' La Habra, Cal. 90631 - (714) SZS'1504 HONDA 750 OWNERS wake up your 45 mid range. with a MURRY'S-PMC 811cc KIT or for the race minded, the custom 8GOce Kit, holder of 4 track recorders. Mfg. by MURRY'S ACCESSORIES, 2993 C Los Feliz, 1000 Oaks. (805)495.1916. Xlent. condition, set up for dirt. $595.00. (213) 763-4082. HEALTH FORCES SALE BATES Leathers, 8Y, Chippewas, 8ell Toptex 7% and more! 12131 363-0319. Northern Calif. Accessory Distributor. 7 leading mfg. Fully stocked for all makes. Wholesale or retail. (4151 536-9145 anytime. HUSKY 1969',> 250cc. Excellent condition, extras, $675. (805) 251-0060 Saugus. 16" SUPER-WIDE AKRONT RIMS FOR HARLEY-DAVIDSON DRAG BIKES AND CHOPPERS. CONTACT YOUR DEALER OR NORTH AMERICAN IMPORTS, P.O. BOX 621, GARDEN GROVE, CALIF. 92642. PHONE (714) 534-6390. 1971 YAMAHA 250 ENDURO DTl-E. Never ridden, perfect condition. $650.00 around April 3rd. Lane McDowell, USS Camden AOE-2 3rd Div., FPO San Francisco, Cal. 96601. WANTED: 405 AMERICAN EAGLE parts. Wheels, tank, seat, engine. (213) 444·4291. CALL CyoleNews 1970 125 AMERICAN EAGLE - Latest model, shift modifications, ignition work, 2 counter sprockets, Filtron, spark arrester, looks good runs better, only trailed. $400.00. (714) 847-0187 eves. WANT AD DEPT. EXPANSION CHAMBER CONE SETS. HUSKY 250 late '69. Top shape, extra parts. (4151825-1860 Ron Miller. ~\\~ * SUZUKI ~ Quality Service... Low Prices Town & Country Cycle 411S.Brookhurst Fullerton, Cal. 871.2460 NORTH CALIFORNIA Enduro Riders. C.E.R.A. Northern division now formed and accepting assoc. memberships North of San Luis Obsipo. For more information and assoc. applications wrtie C.E.R.A., P.O. Box 6143 Station A, San Mateo, Ca. 94403. CALIF. ENDURO Riders Assoc. IC.E.R.A.I Southern division. Join now for 1971. All 1970 members will receive all info. in mail this month. For more information and assoc. applications write - C.E.R.A., Box 2102, Cypress, Ca. 90630. MARCH SUPER SPECIAL New 1970 Yamaha 360 MX regular $904.00 - March only $779.00. Milne Bros. (213) 793-5155. 2CGa steel rolled and seam spotwelded ready to design your own chamber. 3 Pc. sets $10.00,4 Pc. sets $12.50, 5 Pc. sets $15.00 Postpaid. California residents add '5% Tax. Quantity discoullts available. Send your dimensions to Airco Sheet Metal, 15209. Grevillea Ave., Lawndale, Calif. 90260. 12131 675·5290. 4211433 To place your Used or New Bike For Sale ad also Help Wanted or Services or even Misc. SpeCials 1970 BUL TACO Sherpa T Trails Bike. Very few miles, in ex. cond., $525.00. (805) 543-6723. 1970 HODAKA 100 "B" - Street equipt. plus skid plate, chamber, knobby, etc. Excellent cond., less than 200 miles total. $395.00. (714) 527-3115. Get into Cycle News . "the want ads that work" We will bill all authorized Cycle News Deale", HEY THERE, DEALERS. did you hear? Booths are available for retail sales at the Swap-O-Rama - 10,000 customers in one night! Think of itl Call Larry Huffman at (7141 637-1835 now for full details. (~t>1("-"'-_@an[i:"'Y~1P.' 'l;" '1"',\ ~,,~. J:~:e_ss:====:===-=--=--S-tat-e~~~===== ~J~1)l~t\ Name <1 ; ~ PLEASE PRINT AD HERE ] ---------------------_._------------------------------------------ 1 I (Include price with 'wanted' adsl Private Party Rate ......- (Sorry we do not bill private party ads) COMMERCIAL ADVERTISERS RA TE Ten words, , , , . S2,OO iwenty five words, .. , , 54.00 Bllld Line, , . , , 52.00 Photo, , , , . S6,OO (Your Photo) Extra word - 20c each (10 words maximum) If you have somethin;.:, LO ~iv,! away (Include area code with phone numbeLI Deadline for Want Ads is Friday noon for SEND CASH, CHECK OR MONEY ORDER TO:CYCLE NEWS, P,O, BOX 498, LONG BEACH, CALIF, 90801 following Wednesday publication. , ~-' Ten Words - 51 Twenty Five words - 52 Headline in BOLD TYPE SI extra Pictures S3 extra FREr; ADS . - >rea code 21 3 ~~ ::;,...,~~:..~~~~~~~~~ :1 ~ .- J 'J , 1 1 I ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - - -

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