Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 12 01

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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.... l o .... '" ~ ~. ~ w Z W ...J U >- U By Dick Wright Poteet Takes Buzzard Blish From Start FOUR CORNERS, CAUF" Nov. 22, 1970 - Tom Poteet, No. 4x on his red Bultaco 250, had everything go just right for him and, some of the fast boys say, "When Poteet has a good day watch out, he's almost unbeatable." Poteet has the number one spot in the 250 class in the bag for this year but it's another story in the Open class. Whitey Martino, No. I, came in second on his Husky taking first Open class, which helps him in his close battle with Rich Thorwaldson, for the number _one' big' bike number. That is a big prize, worth lots of money and such, and they are very close. The 100cc number one plate also is still not decided as Terry the Tiger Clark got another win on his Harley-Davidson, and Jack Morgan took Fourth Expert in the 100cc class. Don't forget that only the best twenty rides count, so it's still a close battle in the Open and the 100cc classes. "Good luck." • There was a long line of riders at the start, at least five hundred, at the drop of the banner they all rued and went out through the bushy territory heading for the smoke bomb. There were a lot of trails so there were many leaders at first but at the smoke bomb it was Tom Poteet, with a good lead over J.N. -Roberts running second; Poteet got with it on the first loop and had a good lead coming through the pits of at least four minutes over second man Bruce Dunford, No. 200, on a Husky. Martino was running fourth, but was not wasting any time. He was just hitting the high spots. The dust was a big factor in this race, but not for the leader; all he has to worry abou t is keeping his eye on the lime. The Buzzards did a good job and Poteet came in for the win with about a four-minute lead. At the' finish line he said, "It's about time I had some good luck. Mv luck has been running so bad Don Sliger mMte motorcycle history when he rode hi, Weber-cammed twln..nglne machine 0'" 200 mph at Bonneville. This i, the tint open.wh••1 bike to crack the elullve 200-mph. barrier. Don took the record at 194.n mph; hi, r••••,. one-wey run ••• 203.1I! Weber·Plul motorcycle cams he.. bullt·ln punch! Choo.. 'rom three cllff_,.nt ..rl••: PIUI·10o, Plul-20o and PI,,,·300. If you're looking lor torque, Iry the Plul·10o. The Plul-20o is a great cam for heavy-duty off·road and molo-ero.. work and the Ptus-30° puts it aU tQgether for high speed wo". Weber h.. a cam tor .11 4-cJC~ engines, 'rom Briggs • Str.tlon to Harley D.wid~ns. NEW CAliS FOR: 750cc Honda 100cc Hond. 750Cc BSA Trident 750cc Triumph 650cc V..... h. send today for ,our copy ot the Weber Motorcycle Cam Handbook. II's • complete guide to the right Weber cam for ,our m-ehine, only SO¢. 310 So. Center Street Santa W, Calif. 92703 phone 714/547-2595 lately ..:the course was great and my bike ran smooth all tbe way." Martino was second, catching Bruce Dunford napping a couple of miles out. Dunford, No. 200 and Husky-mounted, pulled in right .behind Martino. Tom Muto, No. 300, also on a Husky, was fourth. Steve Kirk was next on a Montesa. followed by Rich Thorwaldson who got a late start. Rich moved up through the pack to sixth on his Rickman. Jerome Ruzecka, No. 195mx, came up out of the blue to take first 250 Amateur on a Husky. Jim Brown took second 250 Amateur. Wayne Garrett, No. 77x to.ok first 125 on a Yamaha. Larry Mahoney, No. 187 had a good ride on his Triumph Rickman taking first Open class. A very happy Robert Russell, No. 618 was the rust 500 Amateur in on a C.Z. and the very dusty and tired Joe Krogstad took first Novice on a Husky. Terry Clark led the 100cc class to the smoke bomb, but missed the right tum about three miles out and took a couple other riders with him down the wrong trail. But he was able to move up past the fifteen places he lost and take over the lead about five miles before the pits. Jeff Wright, No.4 was right with him on his Rickman and he moved into second place just before the pits. In third was 23, on a Mitch Mayes, No. Harley·Davidson. There were a lot of riders to pass on the second loop and there was a lot of dust, so now it was a matter of which riders could make the passes the cleanest, because in this class you have to finish in at least the top frlty to win. Clark was able to move up and come in for the win, Wright was a minute behind, and· Mayes was third. Doug Winchell, No. 705 was the first Amateur on a Kawasaki. Craig Forney, No. 148 took second Amateur and John Boone took rmt Novice on a Honda. (Results on page 20).

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