Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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'" tarry Ulrich "o g Q. o .... '" cyclo He.·/s 2499 cerritos Ave. long Beach calif. 90C06 ui u o ~ w Z The Cnsca ~ .otJ.'cJcl: Club h lc. a J:lotocross event sunday sept. 13. This !'eport will be rather short as your, l~;lortor fel:. off in ttl.B first heat of the 250 race and was ran over by another bik~ r~sultLng in a broken arm. FlF. 125 class had II riders from all C'1'egon. TH:::first heat saw a battle between Bob ;tush (Yamaha) and Rick LHiD...CK (Sachs). h~ats were lead all the way by Rick LU~bock. The next two Tom stroet crunched his Suzuki but managed to finish the first heat. The 250 race had 8 riders from Orogon and ~ashlngton and was again .. runaway for 15 ycar old Randy Limbeck (maico). WON THE last mote after Neil liiller (CZ) ~xchanGine lsts faT th6 first overall In the beginncj~s 3 other riders the positions with Limbeck several timas. won the first moto in the open class, but his bike let him down in the noxt two. VALLEJO, CALIF., Sept. 18, 1970 - John Gennai from Los Gatos won again to make it two weeks in a row in the 250cc Expert class at the Vallejo Speedway sportsman TT races. John Green, pictured above leading Jim Foley, cooled it to take a second in the 250cc class and then garnished top points for the night by grabbing first in the 500 Expert class ahead of Foley. If Green had made any mistakes in the 500cc class, Foley was there to take the lead. Green made no mistakes. Usually a hard charger, he was out of character with a smooth, flawless ride to win. Entries in the big bike classes were higher than normal. A trio of Triumph riders, led by Mark Lane form Pittsburg, California, finished 1-2-3 in the 500cc Novice class with 25 entries. Likewise, Triumphs were 1-2-3 in the 650cc Expert class with Duane Spencer from Fremont winning. Friday night sportsman TT races are to continue through October 23rd at the Vallejo Speedway. The Hi Hats Motorcycle have announced that on Sunday afternoon of October 25th, they wi II sponsor a benefit race with proceeds goi ng to Ben Springer's medical expensa. Ben Springer received a broken neck in a fall on August 9. Last week he was removed from traction and his brother, George reports that he is doing very well. Report and photo by James Brammer. (Results on page 22.) Doug Aiken (Husqvarna) (Gre~vos) Larry Grant took a 4th and two tro~hy. class Stua.rt Katter on a Kawasaki qtlicl~ tl~!l.1l boss sho\o1ed \yay around in the firs t mota but his brother Scott won tho other two motos aboard a 30daka for BmIlOORS CLASS ~irst overall. 250 CLASS 1_ Scott Katter------Hodaka 1. Randy Limbeck----------Maico 2. Doug Aiken-------------Husqvarna 3. Bill st. Jeor----------Ka'/asaki 125 CLASS 1. Rick Limbeck-------Sachs 2. B ob Rush----------yanaha 3. Cameron :Jinder-----liodaka 4. ~rl Allen---------Sachs J...-------:--- OPEN CLASS 1. Larry Grant---------Greeves 2. 3111 Llpscomb-------llalco ~NEJCT RACE OCT. 4th my left hand typingS Triumphs Please Crowd at Chico By John Noffsinger CHICO, CALIF., Sept. 19, 1970 - A pair of identical Triumphs with Dick Turner and Richard Hardmeyer doing the directing put on a wild and exciting show during short track 250cc action tonight at Cycleland Speedway, which brought the screaming crowd to its feet more than once in the Scratch Main. The see-saw battle between the duo began at the start when they had their bikes sliding in full lock turns, wide open in the corners and were passing I each other in the corners during each go.around. Riding side by side like twins, they were grinning with enjoyment as they experienced the art of true full-out racing. In a fitting finish, Turner squirted ahead in the last corner of the final lap and beld for the win. If this were not enough for the viewing audience, the 250cc Handicap fmal was a perfect dessert. Lowell Moural took the early advantage followed tightly by Joe Allen. Meanwhile, Turner was laboring at the rear of the pack attempting to find his ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IN STOCKTON I * PENTON - CZ HUSQVARNA _ Coleman's. 1545 E. Miner Stockton. Ca. 95205 pb. (209) 466-5872 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• COLlSEUM CYCLE and ACCESSORY CO. groove. On the fourth lap, Allen began challenging Moural while Turner's Triumph had finally caught fire and was blistering through the pack to take over third. With an ever-opened throttle, Turner continued to gain ground on the front runners and finally subdued them on the last .lap of the last oval. Into the stretch, it was Allen on the outside, Turner inside and Moural sandwiched between driving for the checkered. All three crossed the finish line .01 second apart with the decision falling to N01RT1HIIElRN )()lllRlECT01RY RATES 5 1 5 PER YEAR Hod.·Suz..Hon. 0.., 250 ISSUES FOR EACH S NGlE GORDY WILLlAMS Authorize d De er 'r1mlUH• • CVC~'2C1TV (415) 939-4988 2631 N, MAIN,WALNUT-CR., CAL. 8UL.T~C:C sonny kenyon's ~ cycles sales service parts ~ lb' BaItIca.~ SPECIALIST 2594 Middlefield Road Mt. View. California 94040 (415) 961-4399 MAIL ORDER aUSI~ESS lIS,ING PA"ABlE IN ADVANCE FREMONT, CALIF. ALAMEDA,' CALIFORNIA POWELL'S ALAMEDA HOIlDA - ~O Bul.- II/C's to choose from. Trade-ins acc.pted-.,.id for Of not. Liberal flnaneinc. If you'W been turned down-Try us!) Fr.. rldln, .r.. . l.ssons with pulth., Inl. counsellna. 5 fact. trained mech. to you. 1128 Part St_t 9-4501. (415) I6S.o54S. MARYSVILLE, CALIF, SAN FRANCISCO, CALIF. BULTACO OF FREMONT - Enduro H.adquart.s. Com. In and hn• • cup of co,tH. Butt.eo, quality from top to bottom. Mota· Bet.. Broileo, bold nl. SLIM'S MDTDRCY LE SALES - 100 D Str. .t, Ma'ySOlIIl., Calif. 95901. (916) 742-nl5. Yamaha, aSA. lbvrlck. and Bonanza.S.rvlce .nd Insuranc•. A II size 'nclne borinc. Crank r.palr. Motocross headquarter. In •• rYlvilM. HAP JONES lis" Tires, carbs, NGK, cas electric Send 51 for 9-4119. (415) breed of .asy-to-tOI' Mini-Sin. hi•• , Service, .nd Accessories. Motorcycle Insuranct. (415) 792·7949. 37na Fremont Blvd. ,t P,r.n. In Fr.mont. MAIL ORDER ~ KAWASAKI ~ MOTORCYCLES 39:i8 E. 14TH ST. OAKLAND, CAL. (415) 514-5461- 5&2 94601 Moural by a slim six inches ahead of Allen. rf Allen was upset by the loss, he quickly forgot it by holding off third place TUTner by the same margin.. One foot separated first and third place and the crowd went wild and really voiced its approval. Therc are only two remaining scheduled short track events at Cycleland with season awards being presented in the finals. And, if tonight 'was any indication of what to expect, welL. (Results on page 22) BERKELEY, CALIF. CAMPUS SUZUKI - 1403 San Pablo Awo. ZIp 94702. (415) 841-0192. SUZUkI, Ibleo, Sachs & Ciao sales, service & parts. lolparts are our specialty!" Anythin, . . don't hue, we can GET." Open ,-' Mon. thru Sat. S" Jim Johnson. CYC LE CENTER STORES ,2 - 37422 Fremonl Blvd. PtIone: (415) SY 3-7311. Honda, ~Ico, Triumph. Motorcycle In• SloWanc:e, Taco & Bonanu Mlnl-bilca. 100~ flnancln, on approval of credll. Difficult Customers are a Chal,I'"..l SAN LEANDRO, CALIF, MT. VIEW, CALIF. SONNY KENYON'S CYCLES, Let uperleneed competitors care for your bike. Raee luned spec la list, we work on mosl makes. Bu Itaco and CZ. Part., Sales, and Service. Mall order for Bultaco and CZ Parts and Accessorl ... 2594 Middlefl,ld Rd. (4t5) 961-4399. OAKLAND, CALIF, CONCORD, CALIF. NDRTH BAY MOTORCYCLES - Jawa &CZ sal., & service. Sldecars.I.S.D.T. 250's & 402's. ~The Motocross Headquarters for North Bay." Parts & Accessorl.,. Open' to 6. 2120 Concord A ..... , Concord, Calif. 94520. (415) 687.'300. TOIl'S CYCLE CENTER - BSA, Klwa· ukl, Su;rukl, Greeves, Monlesa, Ossa, Moto-Btu. Full Ii,. of Monlis", parts. -Home of Good Guys." 1325 Galindo, Zip 9-4520. Phone: (415) 689·6722. Hours optn '-', Wed. '-8 CYCLE CENTER STORES '3 - 37411 Fremonl Blvd. Phone: (41S) SY 2..Ql11. Suz., Kaw., Hodak., 8SA, Penton, Mon. lua. Motorcyclt Insurance, Taco & Bonanza Mini-bikes. 100% flnanclne on approval of credIt. We welcome difficulty In Customers. LAFAYETTE, CALIF. RICK SCHELL'S SPORTCYCLE5- Bul· taco. Yamaha, Penlon. Hndquarters for Gardner carbs. Complete hellarc welding. We specialize In dlrl bikes. Home of Dist. 36 Ill. 3681 MI. Diablo Blvd., Lafayette, Calif. 94549. (415) 283-2282. COU5EUM CYCLE & ACCESSORY CO. - Kaw.lJkl hies & Service. Complele accessories, clolhlne dlpt. Custom work. ~Kawaslkl specialists. Factory tr.lned rnIchanlcl." Open ,-' Mon. thru Fri., Sat. 9-5. 3951 E. 14l!1 St., Oakland 94601. (415) 534-5461. President: Howard Self. All riders welcome! NELSON BROS. - Triumph, Honda. BMW, Husqvarna. Penlon sales, repair & shop service. Established since 1948. E.tenslve paris & accessories depls. Complete insurance & financine facililIes. "We stand behind our products & service." 4500 E. 141h SI., Oakland 94601. (415) 532·3677. CYCLE CENTER STDRE5 '1 - 16520 Eut 14th 51. Pho.. : (415) BR 6.9211. Honda, Hodaka, 8SA, Maleo. Molorcycle Insurance. Taco & &onann Mini-bikes. 100% flnanclne on approval of credll. Difficult cuslomers wanled. SAN RAFAEL, CALIF, aISCUIYS· CYCLE TOWN - Mot•• X Hq. for Marin Counly. Compl. Mach. Shop. Sis. & $Yc. BSA, Yam., A-E. Mon"". Gre., Hod., C-Z... M1ni-Blkes: Maverick. Taco, Bonanza, Scout Chopptfs. Come In and learn to rldl. Open: Mon. 12.5. T,W.T.F. 9-9, Sal. '-5. 933 Francisco Blvd. 94901. (415) 456·0335. - ~ ·z. OILS & AODITIVES ESCALON, CALIF, ~BLENOZALL" and "EXCELZALL" -World's Flnesl" Join the Winners! DealInquiries Welcome. Addzl p Add Illves. 1433-37 First St., Escalon.Calif. 95320. Phone: (209) 838.7912. IIfS REDWOOD CITY, CALIF, SACRAMENTO, CALI F. EL SOBRANTE, CALI F. DAM CYCLES: Bultaco, Suzuki, Hodaka. TKO Mini Bikes, with full parts and accessories Invenlory for slreel and dirt riders. We sell Insurance fOf dirt and slreel bikes of all kiNa.s. Come In and see Jack Lewis, Ihe Paco Kid or Ride Clyde! 4036 Dam Road. EI Sobrante, Calif. 9~03. Ph: (415) 222-2044. DIST. CO. - Avon & CarISorrllll alloy rims, Amal KLG & Hitachi plues, Luparts and all cycle needs. retail cltalol. Bo. 3061, 621-4115. LIVERMORE, CALI F, CYCLE CENTER STORES "4 - 2310 First SI. Phone: (415) 443-5111. Kawasaki. Su .. BSA. Maico. Motorcycle Insurance. Taco & Bonanza Mini-bikes. 100". flnanclna on approval of credit. Are you parlicular? See us! A&A MOTORS - Parts & speed equip. sales & service for Yam., R.E .. Bul., Hod., Mal.. Nor. and Yam. snowmobiles. Also complete machine shop. heliarc weldlna;. pickup & delivery and mail order setvice. 2771 EI Camino. 94061. (415) 366-3114. JOHN SMITH MDTORCYCLE5 - (The Wheel King) Cuslom whitis for anyIhlng and lesl. sel. of cusl. parts. incl. utend forks and slues for mosl bikes. Dealer fOf Suz .. Jawa. CZ. and Garelli. Mail order for most makes. Incl. BSA & Tri. You phone, we ship. 2511 Franklin al Bdwy. S3<:lo, 95818. (916) 452·2622. SELBY MOTORS - 346 EI Camino Real. 94062. (415) 369·4112. Lara;ut stock cf tires and access. We have the parIS for Kaw .. ere .. Suz .. Montna. aSA. and S.lchs. Easy pay ins. and honesl deals that we stand behind. Lar&nt Montesa dealer in ND. Calil. Open Thurs. 9-9. W ..J U >- U

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