Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 10 06

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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The enclosed letters spell out the official point of view in Los Angeles about trail bike facilities in places like Griffith Park. I feel that it would take very little to persuade these officials to act favorably, perhaps only a few more letters like min~ to request that some facilities in the many public recreation areas suited to the purpose. I feel that your newspaper, which reaches so many people interested in trail bikes and who would support such a civic undertaking, could be instrumental in the success of this effort. Could you let your readers know how their public support of this idea could convince city officials of the need of these facilities? You may be interested to know that at the present time there is NO public land in either Los Angeles City or County where it is "legal" to ride. Without public interest I am sure there will be no places made available in the future. I sincerely hope you can use your publication to aid this cause. Most sincerely, ROGER MALOY Los Angeles Dear Mr. Maloy: Mayor Yorty has received your letter of July 28, requesting specific facilities for motor bikes in the Los Angeles area. I am forwarding your letter to Mr. William Frederickson, Jr., General Manager of the Department of Recreation and Parks, for his immediate attention and reply. I trust that this referral will be of assistance to you. RONALDJ.ELLENSOHN 'Executive Assistant to the Mayor Dear Mr. Maloy: Thank yo'u for your letter of July 28, regarding the location of proper places for the use of trail bikes. While I must say that I do not agree that the sale of such bikes in the City constitutes a license for their use in the parks (they also sell bulldozers in the City, but you'd better not try yours out on the local playground), I do feel strongly that there is a duty in the City to locate and control proper facilities for trail bikes. In fact, I am the co-author of a Council motion which requested the study which is currently taking place for the identification of such locations. In the meantime, I understand that the Gas Company, which owns the property on the south side of Barham, west of Forest Lawn Drive, is not chasing people off the area and that it's a great place to ride. (Don't tell them I sent you!) 1'II try to keep you in formed as to the progress of the City's look into their fu ture participation. ARTHUR SNYDER Councilman Fourteen th District • - - - - - - - -Cut this i • • EVERY FRIDAY AT San BernardIno County Supe.rvisors yesterday gave the Sheriff's Department new enforcement tools for restricting the motorcycle craze but made no promises that the ordinance wiIJ be the final answer for homeowners and landholders aggravated by the noise and property damage. The ordinance requires that bike riders, or any other motorists, possess written permission from the property owner to drive on private or county-owned lands. It does not apply to the vast desert regions under federal ownership. It requires mu fflers and spark arresters on all off-road vehicles as well as those driven on highways. It also extends state noise limitations to off·road vehicles. Because so many motorbike enthusiasts come from outside of the county, the supervisors decided it would be unfair and of little use, at this time, to require county residents owning the types of people who would use the facilities, and many, many other considerations. We are in favor of the controlled use of recreation vehicles and with the results of this project, it is hoped that there will be areas for this sport. WM. FREDERICKSON,JR. General Manager Dear Mr. Maloy: Mayor Yorty has referred to me for response your recent request that specific areas be set aside for the sport of trailriding. I want you to know that we believe this is a fine sport and should enjoy the support and cooperation of public agencies. We are presently studying it, working with members of the staff of the Los Angeles County Department of Parks and Recreation, as well as the Recreation and Young Services Planning Council, to see if we can find the proper facilities for this use. WM. FREDERICKSON,JR. General Manager Enclosed is a clipping from the San Bernardino Sun paper which we feel should be printed in your Voices of the West. This concerns all motorcycle enthusiasts and it also means that all private property is off limits unless you have written permission. We want everyone to understand that all the property around Deadmans Point is private and is posted. We are having a great problem with property owners that are trying to close Deadmans Point down. There will be a final hearing on this matter Oct. 13, 1970 in the Chambers of the Board of Supervisors, County Civic Building, Second Floor, 175 West Fifth St., San Bernardino, Calif. at 3:00 P.M. We need everyone's help to support our races, or soon there will be nothing left! Yours truly, BOB DRESSLAR t· asco i• (jut ana present at box office- - - - - - •. : HALF MILE $2100.00: : MOTORCYCLE PURSE : :RACES 8:00pm : . DISCOUNT!!! For each of two people this sa~ : SO¢.: ._---------------------------. bikes not registered wi th the state to have them registered with the county and pay an annual $10 fee. Trying to take some of the edge off of the new restrictions for those affected, Supervisor William A. Betterley said progress is being made toward setting aside federally-owned sites where motorbike riders can roam to their heart's content without being a nuisance. "We have to help this program," the desert area supervisor said but added in support of the ordinance, "We have to help the property owner, too." "There is certainly no intent by the Board of Supervisors to eliminate this very important recreational activity," Supervisor Daniel D. Mikesell said. Mikesell said the board realizes the ordinance "will not do the whole job" and added: "If we find things that are not workable or practical, tl:>is ordinance will be changed." (The following is a letter sent to us from Victor Conaway, the vice chairman of the Off Road Institute. This organization is made up of Sheriff Departments, City and County Parks and Recreation Depts., and other various Federal, State and local officillls as '!Jell as motorcycle dealers and clubs.) SAN DIEGO CYCLISTS TAKE FIRST STEP Members of a local motorcycle club have been riding in areas designated by the Police Dept. as "Hot Spots". These "Hot Spots" are the areas where people have complained of excessive noise. The riders contact other riders in an effort to persuade them to stay away from the houses bordering the area, and to acquire a muffler-spark arrester or silencing device to quiet it down. . Operation Trail Safe officers Bob Qui~ly and Don Kempner stated that in Depending on areas involved, the ordinance is expected to have varying results in reducing unauthorized bike riding on private properties and county-owned lands including flood control channels. en w ;;: Z W ...J U > U The point of all this work is to protect our riding areas. These areas are in great danger of being closed. The San Diego City Council was about to pass an amendment to an ordinance that would do just that, close the riding areas. A newly organized group known as the Off Road Vehicle Institute-San Diego appeared before the Council and got a postponement in order to seek a solution. They now have a week and one half to present a plan and three weeks to take action " or else". Councilman Bob Martinet stated the motorcyclists had desecrated·littered and have shown total disregard for anyone but themselves. He would show no pity and vote for closure of the areas immediately. I believe Mr. Martinet is referring to a minority. In the years I have been associated with the sport of motorcycling the majority have been clean, decent, sportsmen. • Interested riders are requested to get in touch with me either by phone or mail. 'Our group wants to hear from you. 350 A KAWASAKI BIG HORN A available now A K • I Draco's Motorcycles 1629 S. Standard Santa Ana, Ca'if• (714) 543-9688 S u o I would not even doubt that some of the citizens doing the dumping are also doing the complaining. The dump, of course, is another two or three minutes drive down the road. A sheriff's spokesman said two weeks ago that the department lacks manpower for doing much patrolling in search of violators and that enforcement will have to be based primarily upon "legitima te complain ts." 111 a> lDO A clean up campaign was initiated and proved a great success. One obvious fact was present. The trash in the riding area was not all dispensed by the cyclists. Car seats, mattresses, shopping carts and tree stumps dumped by supposedly responsible citizens are not a joy to ride around or through. However, the requirement of written permission to enter such properties gives the' Sheriff's Department a stronger enforcement tool in responding to complaints than it had under general trespass laws. ~ '" o .... only a month, the complaints have dropped considerably. Deciding' th ere is some urgency abou t trying to provide relief for hundreds of complaining property owners, the supervisors made th.e ordinance effective immediately. The action came two weeks after a public hearing that turned into a confrontation between badgered board members and spokesmen for motorbike groups and dealers who opposed the restrictions or wanted tltem delayed until special areas can be designated for the sport. .. '". CL VICTOR A. CONAWAY Vice Chairman Off Road Vehicle Institute 7345 Broadway Lemon Grove, Ca. 92045 Day, (714l465-5023 Night (714 460-9388 KAWASAK,' ONLY sll'es and service 'argest parts stock on west coas' Draco's SPEED KITS now available for 350 BIG HORN • t

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