Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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CYCLE ·NEWS TOUR An abandoned rancho on the road to Mike's Sky Rancho. valleys and over an abrupt range of Santo Tomas Valley is noted for Its mountains. CurIously., I could see tile grapes and Its rIch wines. It is a beautismog from Tijuana and the Ca11fornla ful UWe valley reached after crossing a coast from the top of the grade along low ridge of mountains. VIsit Its winery, and if you are adventurous, see if you tbls road. Spend several bours or overnIgbt In can locate the old Santo Tomas MissIon Tecate, the bome of two famous Mexican In the eastern sectIon of the valley. A beers. You can cross the border bere, nice tittle store-restaurant- motel combo and bead back to San Diego on 94, or sells Mexican products and furnishes remain in Mexico and return along the meals. It is set up for tourists, and border to Tijuana. The border crossing charges tourist prIces. But where else can you get a quail dinner for $3. - is usually less compUcated at Tecate because of minimum traffic. Now, let's asstlme that the first night Sunday afternoon visitors to Tecate was spent in Ensenada, and the second may be treated to a band concert in the at a beacb west of San Vicente. The tb1rd plaza - someth1ng that is seldom seen could be sPlInt in Ensenada, tIlen, after In the USA anymore. Get a shine tor a second day of exploring. The morning 10 cents from a shoe shine boy, and belP of tile fourtll day we leave for a leisurely tour along a recently completed road to . bim earn a Uvlng. These boys w111 give you the best boot shine in north America Tecate, stopping to take pictures and to if you let them know you appreciate it, visit tile old town of Guadlllupe along the way. Th1s road was surfaced along about . and I don't mean by offering a big tiP. "Mucbo bueno, gracias," w1ll do. 1967. Traffic is llgbt. It is a .great ride througb cultivated Hasta la vista. A scene in Ensenada. th1ng in between can negotiate It, but it Is more work than fun. The country along tbls part is very barren and monotonous, and for my money not worth 'banging up a good road machine for. But sIde trips can be worth whlle. A dirt road leads from a pointnear the end. of the hardtop 44.rnlles to Mlkes Sky Rancho in the interIor. 1 went in part way, and found'the surface agreeable to my BMW, although dusty. Fartber In it could be Impassable, but one can turn around and come back out if need be. So, you mIght try it. A road sign also points to San Fel1pe at this turn-off, but I doubt that it is more than a meandering burro traJI. But - if It gets too tough, come back. By tile way, carry a canteen of water. You may not drink it, but it is nice to have along. The UWe towns of Santo Tomas, 30 mUes below Ensenada, and San VIcente, 55, make interesting stopping places. Lodgings and meals are available at both places, and btgb test gaso (yellow pump) is available at San Vicente, also at San Quintin. I enjoyed a well cooked meal of one beef encbllada, beans, tort1llas, and beer for about 60 cents in San VIcente. Note: Change a few American dollars to pesos at a Ensenada hank before leaving, and use denominations of 10 pesos or less. The UWe restaurants and stores do not keep much money on hand. To flash a big blll at them is to act llke an arrogant rIch Americano (not a compUment). When trading in Ensenada, even, use small bllls of $5 and $1 unless a large purchase Is made. Dollars are OK In tile tourIst section Of the cIty, but pesos are best, elsewbere. I falled to do tb1s once, and wound up embarrassed. I gave a quarter to.a person for a 6 centavo taco. F1na11Y, after much discussIon and rntsunderstandlng I was gITlln 26 cents back in cbaDge. The only way I could Pl1-Y for tile taCo was to give a 10 cent tiP. Ignorance is not bUss! AKE JONSSON, A/CO WIN East German Moto-X 500 cc Grand Prix July 26, 1970 1st Ake }onnson - MAICO 400 2nd Adolf Weil- MAICO 400 3rd Fredricks - CZ 4th Will Bauer - MAICO 400 The EuropealJ press reports that the 40Gee MAICO is the most powerful in world cIlamplonsbip 50Gee motocross. Ake Joassen and Adolf WIIeil will race 400ce MAlCOS in the Inter-Am motocross series stnnr. October 4, 1110 in Copetown, Ontario. see the •...ks" 408ee MAlCOS at your dealer now. DISTRIBUTORS Mexican boys I ike to pose with motorcycles. These in Guadalupe. speak no English. ..I W Coo..r Motors 110 E. SlIlb Anltl BurlNlnt, CI. 91_ Clnida South M11lco Soutlle..1 3143 BrOldwlY 691. Tlmllml TrIll Vlncou.." B.C., Clnlda S.lsotl, FII. 3351. Amor SlI.. Ud. EIII Ellltnl Iblco ROYII • Dull. SUo R"dsvllle, Pa. 17084

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