Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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roam e x • By CM Boswell Some of us etIYY tbose motorcycle riders with the audacit;y and determ1nation to ride tbe1r cycles from the border at TIjuana to the \:1p of Baja at La Paz. Maybe all of us should try it sometime when we find the rigbt combination of vehicle, time, ambition, and energy, Of course, we might walt unW ahardtopped road is completed for the l~ngth of the peninsula, but pten we'll be too old for anything but an electric car, and much of the fun and challenge of the ride would be gone. UnW the right time arrives, bere is a three or four day triP that is soft enougb for any rider on any road bike. It gets far enougb south of the border to sniff the wUdness of the far beyond section and introduces the stranger to a sample of freedom that is rapidly disappearing from the American scene. Baja, almost any part outside the confines of border cities, is an area that seems not to worry about an individual's actions as long as nq one is burt. There are hardly any cops behind bUlboards, and once you leave the beaten track people are very helpful and friendly. Not that good folks are not found elsewhere, but frlendUness is the rule, not the excepti9n, in this sampling of . Mexican territory at the top of manana land. Ensenada, 65 mUes soul:h of the border, is the terminus of the first day's journey - f! you start from somewhere beside >outbern Calf!orn1a it may take longer, A pol itical sign welcoming the new Mexican president built across the road south of Tecate. I c o A. small village between Tijuana and Ensenada. of course, but regardless, an overnight stop here is recommended. Get away from the American tourist section for II wbUe and see bow cheap it is to buy II taco or enchllada from II street vendor or small shop owner. Visit the fish cannery, and ride outto the wharf on the seashore side of the town, or ride Up on the residential hill for a beautlful view of the town and port. Muy interesante, senor. From TIjuana to Ensenada take the old road, not the freeway (or is it the tollroad?) Whatever its name, the new divided hlgbway costs money and is not ba1f as interesting as the or1g1nal. Stop at Rosarito and other, towns and vlllages along the way to get acquainted 'with the country. Watcb for larie trucks on this road, as they invariably cut across the center line on sharp curves, and their progress uP a w1nd1ng grade after the road leaves CONLEY'S ACCESSORIES, .-r..llITO TN. WI...._ · . CI..CL. TRIUM,PB-BONDA-BSA RIDE~S ::::. TIle Filestla Motorcycle service Gne.. s 2040 S. Main St., Santa Ana, Ca. Ph: (714) 540-0033 ",,1970 ',".r••(.,•• Is I.r••••' ·F.k Bracls ·MotecrISS Fln_s ~CZ Foldln, Foot 's Propstands (rld&ld.. p) It8plac:e_t Raar GENE H. MYERS YAMAHA Alu.. Skid Plalas J2U) 542-4041 ~~/t. t .: : • • • • • • • • -Cut this out and present at box office· • • • • •• : EVERY : FRiDAYAT • a • : HALF MILE $2100.0"0:' : MOTORCYCLE PURSE : :RACES 8:00pm : :. ............................•:.50¢ DISCOUNT!!! ~ For each of two people this saves 7574 AWl.. W.st_st., Ca. IIOTO-X PRODUCTS 4151 Redondo Beach Blvd., Lawndal., Ca C\.,-t\ ., PERFORMANCE (114) 113-1051 S.nt. An. Partso.-Service & Access. CIIII.,'s ACCls_llS 4344 Misslen BIYd. Pameaa, Calif. PIIone (14) &28-1412 W.s,.ils'.r Spor, e,d. MAYNARD ENTERPRISES YAMAHAS ·Cycle Trail.s produce do. Such a statton is located in the edge of the v1llllge below the customs stop. One can hardly know wbere be is going along here without a map at hand. The AAA has II good one showing side roads leading to the ocean and the interior and locating v1llllges and ranchos. The Mexican Tourist Bureau in town gives these maps free to tourists. With two days to spend you can explore II number of bYways and maybe get down along the beach for some clamming or other fun. The hardtop extends 86 roUes below Ensenada according to my speedometer, and the maintained road (I say tbllt advisedly), continues for about 30 mowe to the old port and vlllage of San Quintin. The road is graded but rough and washboared, aJ!d it is llkely that nothing wUl be done to it. nnW the hardtopplng crew comes along sometime in the dim future. Big Barleys and Uttle Hondas and any- Ml1IrCYciiS Guy R. Louis , ·T• • Eldlaist the ocean is usually very slow. Tb1s, the orig1nal hlgbway, pre-toll road, is well maintained, and is used bY most Mexicans in traveling from town to town-. "Picturesque" would describe it. Take two days to explore the country below Ensenada. To get turther than about ten mUes below you wUl need a tourist permit. It can be obtained at a check point at tb1s distance south of the c1t;y. Cost is free. Ident1f1cation such as a voter's cert1f1cate or a valid drivers Ucense is needed. Also, a registration sUp for the motorcycle is required. If you expect to return the same day the customs man wUl probably tell you to go on without the formalit;y of a permit. But, don't taU to stop. The "alto" or stop sign is not very large, and the man's place ofbus1ness is not prominent, but watch for it, and stoP. It is not necessary to stop for Agricultural inspection Stations. although trucks with • • $11.95 $ 4.95 $10.95 $10.95 MAl CO "Works" Flllar,lass Frlllt F.nd.r $ 9.95 'Works" Flbar,lass Raar F......r. $ 1.95 IllllUnl Carbo Manifold (For bolt III IIl1unl ) $ 9.95 3 Gil. Tanlt. $42.95 YAMAHA lIoto-X HI-Mount F.nd.r ;•••••• Alum. with Brae.s OTl AI with Brae. ATl·CTl Flber,lass lt8ar F.n_ OTl (sa. . as stocll) OTl HI·Torque Cba CTl HI.Torque ATl HI.Torque Challlllers $15.95 $14.95 $14.95 $14.95 $39.95 $37.95 $34.95 Mall Cbac:k or ...., Order or C.O.D. to lIa,urd En_prlMs 205 II. Harbor BIYd., Santa Ana, Calif.

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