Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 08 18

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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~GOOD Cl,' ~ lo:I :c: lo:I tl :>.. U DAY AT BAYMARE By David Smead ' BAY MARE, CALIF" Aug. 9, 1970There was good racing at Bay Mare tb1s weekend. In the two moto bash, Fred Joehnck and Steve Allen tied for top honors In the first division of 125 NovIces. They both rode like they deserved to be first so it's only fair to have a tie. The second division of 125 Novices was put down by Steve Armstrong who has become a regular winner at Bay Mare. Second man in the group was Jim Hale. Another familiar name, John Egizl, sho\fed uP as third in' the. results. The third division of 125 Novices fell behind Kevin Porter. Never far behind was Don Armstrong. Ron Rakisits, a new Amateur, put1ton the 125 Seniors when he charged to a first and third. Bruce Baron led the first race but crashed. In the second race he rode uPri~t for the win to get second overall. Lon Peterson, on "vacation" from the Army and still nurslng an Injured leg, managed a fifth overall. One more year and he will be a regular again at the races. The 250 Novices, Division I were shown the way home by Jim MacDonald. Mike Plunkett got the most out of the lessons, a second. The second Division was 1'Ion by Joe. Scarber. Joe Bonnello was second. The 250 Seniors put on some DeSoto type action. John and Ron held drill on the troops. The result would have read DeSoto, Ewing, DeSoto but Ewing got d1squa.1l.fled for pit racing. The Open Novices were given the Mike Renno message. He looks like one of the fastest Novices around. N, HUdson made a good attempt at staying with him and was second. The 500 Seniors were treated to some more DeSoto. John won both races easily. Some of the fiercest racing of the daY occurred between John Rice and John Maynard. Maynard managed to stay ahead last in each race so he took second honors. In the Sidehack bash it was Jack Moffltt and Nick Sateros all the way in both races. Bob Moffitt and Mike Wall had a little tougher go to nail down second. Bay Mare Cycle Association put some teeth In the no pit racing rule. Here is the list of d1squallfled Jl1t racers: Bob Ewing, - 19, Ron Jones - 625, John Webb - 380m, Paul Roady- 805, Numbers 255 and 552 also made the list. Cours'e cutting dlsqua.1l.flcations were: Gino Bayle - 814m, Larry Krueeer - 391. and BUI Kelly - 331m. All disqualifications were made by the District 37 referee. We've avoided the bad news as longas possible. First - there is no more all night camping at Bay Mare. It appears that certain parties are drinklng, acting obnoxious and sett1ng off fireworks. Those certain parties were said to have inclUded some teenage girls and Walter 0' Dell, owner of the land at Bay Mare. If this Is the case, it seems a little inconststent to blame this trouble on the riders as was done at the riders meeting. In any case the edict is, "No more overnight camping." (Results on page 22) Large Turnout At Perris By Elaine Jones After conducting a motocross school on saturday, John DeSoto stayed over to capture the 250cc class on Sunday. Arlington Texas Moto Park Inc.' Presents ~uropean Motocross 9 Event Summer Series A rac. each S..lllay from Aueust 2nd tllru 27t11. Rain or shin., lleet or Inow. ADIIIISSloN: $2.50 (Children Und.r 12 Fr.. ) New 250 cc Montesa 4 Speed 5 Port ·Motocross Machine TO BE GIVEN AWAY SEPT. 27th TO SERIES WINNER SERIES DETAIU: Hlp dollar wl_r In allY on. claslal acculllIIlat.d _r the 9 _III rac.1 will b. the setl.1 wimer. In ca. III a tl., Itrawl will be drawn. Th. and tallYlheet will be dlsplay.d each rac•• PERRlS, CALIF., August 8, 1970- For the second week in a row bunches of bikes -and spectators turned out at Perris to . see a go!J(! evening of TT racing. S1dp Gallagher had more hard luck as he won the Second Div1slon of 250cc Novices. The first moto saw him and another rtder tangle comlng off the line with Skip endlng up on the bottom. Alter a restart he got a good lead 1Vh1ch be almost lost at the flnish line when Terry Stanford came after him with all the stops pulled and Gallagher, look1ng over his shoulder the wrong way didn't see him. In the second Moto it looked like clear sa1l1ng until the flnallap coming down the lBck side when Stew Cox came on through and things got a btt hairy as they played "bump car." . In the third moto Cox was first off the line with Stanford second and GaI1Rgher third when things got rough again. Stanford slid out in the-top of the esses and Gallagber right on his lBck wbeel bad 110 place to go but uP and over, 1Vh1chbe did, leaving Terry unhurt, SkIP went on to catch Cox and get it bome for the win. The three put on some first class riding I ~;~ timichrome'' ,j!;;~·/$bIHS SUd_I, ~ :!tCI.anl .,leII al a ......y • iil: I, Sllllicllr_ ila h~ OMPEnnOM Tub. $1 CHEMICALS C~ $3.45 713 Eitel Street Iowa Falll, Iowa 50126 $500.00 il (ash and Irop.ies giyen ea(h ra(e day SPORTSMAN 3 Trophlnln 3 Claslll, BEGINNERS WELCOME ENTRY FEE $1.50 CLASSES 0-125 126-250 251-D.-n PROFESSIONAU ,3 Class.I Pays 5 Plac.1 1It-$60.oo 2nd-$40.00 3rd --$20.00 4th -$15.00 5th-$ 5.00 No I.-clal IIcenl. reqUired. If you want to Iry for the mon.yand the Entry F•• $3.00 Montlla lien up as a pro. NOTICE:, we are lacated within IHlne dlltanc. of Ilx f1ael. Brine the family, camp wltll UI FREE and have a llIe ...Iland! For Information Call Jamel Bostick (214) 262-3825 Complete line of concessions Plenty of Shade . Unconquerable English trials terrain Campers welcome Plenty of room MOST DANGEROUS AND DIFFICULT SPORT ON EARTH but next time they may not be quite so physical about it. Rex Saten took the First Division of 250Cc Novices and Nate Ezell got back to his winning ways as he won the ThIrd Division of 250Cc Novices with three first places go1ng away. Frank Novotny won the 50-100cc Novice Class on his baby Greenstreak. Donnie Curd was second and Marc Jones on hhs SUZuki stayed in there for third. Jeff Coleman and Bob Farmer both' Kawasaki mounted took the wins 1Jl the Second and ThIrd Divisione of lOOCc Novices. In last week's results a lOOcc Novice Class was missed that was woo by Jim Pool. It was his first win and he is having a hard time conv1nclnghisfriends.Sorry about that Jim. B.J. Hayden who has come so closein the past couple of weeks came home first 10 the First DIv1s1on of 125ce Novices topping Larry Cook and Jon Wells. James Sisco got home first 10 the Second Division and Jim Kl1ne took the ThIrd Division of 125ce Novices each taking three wins for the victory. ' Richard Sweaney a seldom visitor to the night races came out to test the front end be just put on his Kawasaki and found 1t worked just fine as he rode to a very smooth victory over Rob Morrison and Paul Lambert in the 100-125ccAmateurExpert Class. S.-c1allzed Trl.-pb - Honda R• .-Irl • CUlt_ Racine • Ene1n.i Machine Work • Metll" Kltl Cyl. &orllle • Head Portlae ...,j~U MIKE BURKE MOTORCYCLE SPECIALTIES 15178 Ray...r St. Van'NlI111 Cal. 914G6' T.I.phon. (213) 78u-0779 DESERT SET UP SCRAMBLES fbi S alljustable main Jet meal • 1. MAXIMUM HORSE POWER 2. EASY ADJUSTMENT FOR ALTITUDE CHANGES 3. NO MORE RE·JETTING WHEN EXHAUST SYSTEM IS CHANGED 4. MAXIMUM ACCELERATION AND SPEED, Available for the followtne: Yamaha-(HT-1) (AT·1) (CT-l) (DT·1) (RT-l) Hodaka Su.-r Rat Pi.... stat. mod.l. SI.!l5-Tax .. Postae. Paid. Henry Cullen .0. BOI 632, TuJln a, Ca. !l1842 HEAT-TREATED, STEEl, MOTOCROSS, SElF-CLEANING, FOLDING PEGS. " , . , Fits S"ecllic ~ 0 • ODAKA,HONDA, KAWASAKI AND YAMAHA MODELS. A ~ U.t Price 58.95 AVAILABLE AT YOUR

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