Cycle News - Archive Issues - 1970's

Cycle News 1970 07 28

Cycle News is a weekly magazine that covers all aspects of motorcycling including Supercross, Motocross and MotoGP as well as new motorcycles

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RAMS M.C. AMA sanctioned. Meets 2nd and 4th Thurs. 8 p.m. at the Van Nuys Playground, corner of Van Nuys Blvd. and Van Owen. REBEL ROUSERS M.C. Road riders club. 336-2359. RED OOTS M.C. Meetings 2nd & 4th Wed. or month~ For info~ call (213) 255-8536. MaU1ng address: 27~5' Dicturn St., L.A. 90665. . REDMOND PIONEERS M.C. Meetings every Fri. n1ght at 8 p~m. with the 3rd Fri. night of the month being a social even1ng~ Club address: 4403 148th N.E. Bellevue, Wash. 98004. Publicity Directors address: 12854 111th N.E., Kirkland, Wash. 98033. RIDGE RIDERS TRAIL 'CLUB, INC., Oakview, Calif. Contact President Bob Doke at 649-1960 tor info. Club address: 149 Apricot St., Oakv1ew, Ca. 93022. RIDGE RUNNERS MOTORCYCLE CLUBofSanta Cruz, Competition Club, AMA chartered. Meets 1st &nd 3rd Tues. of each month. For info write P ,0. Box 121 East Santa Cruz Station, Santa Cruz, CalU. 95060, or Phone (408) 426-4161. ROAD KINGS & QUEENS M.C. Club meeting the tirst Sat. of every month. Married couples on1y.AMAsanc~ Motorcycles 305cc and up. Call Marlene Lawson, Club See'Y. tor more lnto. (714) 627-1495. Address: 4762 Mission Blvd., Ontario, Calif. ROAD RAMBLERS. Road Riding Club. Meets Ist& 3rd Sat. ot each month at 11503 E.214thSt., Lakewood, C&. ROAD RIDERS M.C. INC. of South San Gabriel. AMA sane. Meets at 3044 Jackson St, every Tues. 8:00 p.m~ MaU address as above. Post m.eeting club run during activity contest. Sbuttleboard & sklllPool at clubhouse. ROAD RUNNERS OF SANTA CRUZ, a road riding tamily club is accepting memberships. Meets 1st & 3rd Sat. or each month at club bouse on Scotts Valley Blvd., Scotts Valley, Cal. Meetings start at 8 p~m. Contact: IWoody' Wood, 234 Mantre Rd., Watsonville, Ph: (408) 724-1982 or Santa Cruz ShOP, 426-2875. ROAD RUNNERS MIC a road rldlngtamlly club. Meets every other Sun. MaWng address, P.O. Box 178, Fort Bragg, Call!. 95437. ROCK SPRINGS MOTORC~LE ASSOCIATION. Box 164, Rock Springs, Wyomlni 82901. ROGUE VALLEY RlDERS M.C. INC., 420 Crestriew LooP, Gra.nts l2ass, Ore. 97526~ Ph: (503) 476-2180 or (503) 476-4018. ROUGH RIDERS of Hayward M.C. AMA sane. dlrl and road r1d1D&' club. Meets every Thurs. at 8 p.m. Current membership open1ngs. Contact us a.t 2524 MiBaion BlVd., Hayward, Calif. '94544. Phone: 538-2144. ROUGH RIDERS MC of ParamOUD~ Call!. AMA sane. Meets a.t 8434 Harrison st., Paramount, every 'Iburs. at 8:30 p.m. Mall address: Rouch Riders MC, P.O. Box 516, Paramount, CalU. PboDe: ME. 3-4368~ ROYAL RIDERS M.e. INC. dl S. San Grabriel, AMA Meets at 3044 N. Jackson St. every Tues. 8:00 p.zn~ Mall address as a.bove •. Post meet1np club rundur_ acttvit:Y contest. Shuffleboard" sldllpool atc1ubhouse. SACRAMENTO TRACKERS M.C., 5032 Whitney Ave., Carmichael, Calif. 95608. SAFARI TRAIL RIDERS, INC. Lynwood, Calit.Family trail riding clUb. Meet1np.held 3rd Tues. Info: Norman Blum (213) 661-4329 or Larry Bryan (213) 429-0943. SAFEHOPPERS M.C. Address: 2157 Edlnburg Ave., CardUt, Caill. Phone: 753-2907. SALINAS RAMBLERS M.C. AMA sane. dirt events. Contact Bob Wayman, 324 No. Main St., SaUnas, CalU. SAN BERNARDiNO VALLEY M.C. AMA sane. dirt compeUtion club meets 2nd & 4th Tues. at Doug Douglas Motorcycles, 24769 5th, San Bernardino, Cal~ at 7:30 p.m. ProspecUve members welcome. SANDBLASTERS MC ot Ridgecrest. Meets every Thurs. MatI address: P.O. Box 5709, China Lake, Cal. SAN DIEGO TRIALS RIDERS, 433 E. 3rd St., NaUonal City, Calif. 92050. Secty. George A. Hutchinson (714) 477-5969. SAN GABRIEL VALLEY M.C. AMA sanc~ Meets every Thurs. 8 p.m. at 5343 Peck Rd., El Monte. Mall ad· dress: P.O. Box 813, El Monte, (::alif. SANTA MARIA SADDELlTES M.C. otSanta Marla, Cal. For club into. \\Tite to publicity chairman Stan Skinner, 408-A W. El Camino St., Santa Maria 93454. SLED RlDERS M.C., desert competiUon " social. 1762 Camr06e St., Anaheim, Cal~ (714) 772-7937. SOCIAL charter, Cultural nardtno, RlDERS 9F SAN BERNARDINO M.C., AMA meet 1st Fri. of. every month at 7:30 p.m., Arts Center, 11th & .C. at Sunland Call!. AMA SlUlC. Meets nery Wed. &18:15 p.m. at ~ Park Recreation Center in Sunland, Caltt. First Wed. of each month 18 tor club members only. Mall address: P.O. Box 515, Sunland, Calif. MADE IN CAUFOINIA SWEET HEARTS M.C. Barbie-Let! Ferrln,Pres.Add: 22'73 CUnton Ln., Las Vecu, NeT. Sill0. A street rldlng club. Ph: (702) 642- i122. 13 REBELS M.C. AMA sanc. slnee 1939. Street &r. compeUtioo club. Meet e.ery Wed. 8 p.m. at Shell Motors, 3346 Century Bl'vd., Lynwood. 638-4864. TERRAPINS M.e. AMA sanctioned. Road RUns.Sec'y. Ma.rtha Palmer, 3211 39tb st~, San Diego, Cal. 92105. Into: (714) 281-2150. THROTTLE HOUNDS M.C. AMA ~cUoned. Meets every Wed. at 7:30 p.m. in clubhouse at 534 East, Chapel In Santa Marla. TOPPERS M.C. Road riders club. Into: 338-3070. TRAIL BIKE SPORTSMEN ASSOC. Family non-competiUve trail bike club. Info: TBSA, P.O. Box 7202, Sacramento, Callf. 95826. The Fint -American TRAIL RIDERS OF HOUSTON. Meetings on tirst Wednesday of each month. FloIli Cove' Helmet TRAIL TROTTERS M.C. INC. AMA sanct. Meets every Wed. night. Add: P.O. Box 414, Coalinga, Callf~ THE MOST COMPLETE LINE OF THERMOPLASTIC HELMETS TRI.CITY M,C., meets 1st & 3rd Tues. of each month, 8 p.m., 510 4th St., Oceanside, Cal. 92054. MlUtary & civlUan tamily road rider club. Iato: 722·8684. , ... TRINITY TRAILSTERS M.C. INC.-AMA santo meeting every Fri. night at 8 p.m. Kiser Bros. Cycle Shop. Mail address: Box 177, W1llow Creek, Cali!. T_T M,C. AMA sancUoned, competiUon club. P.O. Box FA, Westminster, Cal. 92683. SAN PEDRO M.C., desert & track competition. Meet· ings every 2nd & 4th Tues., 8 p.m., 1658 Morse Dr., San Pedro. Into: (213) 833-4451, TWIN CITY M:C. INC. P.O. Box 681, Centralia, Washington, 98531. SAN RAFAEL M.C. Meets at Cycle Town, 116 Green(leld Ave.) San Anselmo, Calif. Every 'Iburs. at 8: 15 p.m. For turther into call (415) 370-7630. TWlN WHEELERS M.C., AMA sanc. Meets Thurs. 8 p.m. Stroube and A~va.rado Sts., E1 Rio, Caur. Mail address: 2701 Alvarado St., El Rio, Ca.U.t. 485.5201. SCRAM BLASTERS M.C. of Mint Canyon. A new club looking tor members in the Newhall, Saugus area. VALLEY TRAIL RIDERS ASSOCIATION, 13226 Keswick St., North Hollywood, Cal. 91605. Meets 1st Tues. of each month, 8 p.m~ at Mission Hills Cycle Shop, 8730 Sepulveda Blvd. (at Parthenia), Sepulveda, Cal. SCRAMBLERS M.C. of San Fernando Valley. AMA sanc. Meets at Kolbe's Cycles in Reseda~7514Reseda. Blvd. at 8 p.m. on alternate Tues~ Info: (213) 345-7616 TT & desert. SIDEHACK ASSN. of So. Callt. AMA chart. Meets 1st & 3rd Mon. of every month at Vineland Gardens, 6159 Vineland, No. Hollywood, Calif. Meet:l.ngs being at 8:30 p.m. Everyone welcome. For more into contact Gary Weber, Sec/Treas., Sidehack Assn., 'Tujunga, Cal. Phone: 353-8719 or 354-4966. SIDE WINDERS M,C. Meets every Thursday night at Inyo County Road, Trona, Cal. Into: (714) 372-4869. SIL VER CITY SCRAMBLERS M.C. Southern Nevada's oldest motorcycle clUb. Competition club tor the discriminating rider. Meets 2nd & 4th Mon. each month. 716 Stewart, Las Vegas, Nevada. So. Nevada local racing info. SILVER EAGLES M.C. Harley·Davidson road riding clUb. Meets Weds. 8 p.m. Olive RecreaUon Center, Burbank, Cal. Many runs and club events, visitors welcome. Into: (213) 887-7396 or 443_9555. SILVER QUEENS M.C. ot Las Vegas, Nev. AMAsanc. the only women's compeUt1op and r.oad riding club in So. Nevada. Meet:1ng"s every 2nd & 4th Tues •. For fur· ther info call (702) 642-8066 or write P.O. Box 1591, Las Vegas, Nev. 89101. VEGAS VALLEY M.C. Meets 1st and 3rd Mon. Top quality compeUUon club ot scramblers and short trackers. MatI add: Tom Jones, 1620 So. Main, Las Vegas, Nevada. VENTURA & SANTA BARBARA COAST RIDERS. Meet 2nd & 4th Wed. of the month 8 p.m. at 1346 W.Poplar St., Oxnard, ~allf. VICTOR McLAGLEN ,MOTOR CORP. of Hollywood, Calif. AMA sanc. Meets at Washington & Matn, 2531 So. Main St., Los Angleles every Tues. at9 p.m. Mall address: 4853 W. 131st St., Hawthorne. Ph. 722-4651. VIC:rORS M. C. FamUy oriented desert only compo club. Meets every Sun. at races and last Wed. of month at various places. For into. call one or these numbers: (805) 527-4525 or (213) 340-8470 or (714) 496-9367. VIEWFINDERS M.C. AMA sanet. Desert, TT and social. Membership limited to those involved with motion picture and TV tUrns. Add: 3264 Primera Pl., Hollywood, caur. 90028. VINCENT OWNERS CLUBot Southern Cal.l!ornia. Contact Bob Kountz, 5229 Sunset BlVd., Hollywood for into: Phone 665-9559. VISALIA RAMBLERS M.C. 718 Roosevelt St., Visalia, Calif. Meetinl?l: at 8 p.m. every Wed. Into: (209) 6866971 or 688-0322. SIMI VALLEY M.C. AMA sanct. compeUtion club. Meets Weds. 8:30 p.m. at Winfield Lumber Co., Santa. Susanna, Cal. P.O. Box 387, Simi, Cal. Info: (805) 526-3640. VISTA TRA VELERS M.C. of Vista, Calif. Road riding club; meets every Wed. at 7:30 p.m.at823 Vista Way, Vista, Callt. SINNER'S M.C. otL.A., AMAsanc. Meets 1st Fri. night of each month, 3822 W. 183rd St., Torrance, Cal. Info: 323-5741. WASSUK SCRAMBLERS M.C., the best Brush Jumpers and Rock Dodgers in Nevada, meet every Wed. night. New riders always welcome. If tn our area stoP by and bench race anytime. Box 8'72, Hawthorne, Nevada. • GrontWhi.. FloIl! eo...., H.lmet The First -.ebe'" FloIU Cove, Helmet OVER 10 DIFFERENT STYLES . 20,% LIGHTER·NON-CHIP -{::( THIS WONDER MOLDED THERMOPLASTIC IS ALSO iJSED IN OUR ASTRONAUTS' HELMETS AND IN OVER 2500 PLACES IN THE NEW BOEING 747 FOR ITS 'L1GHTNESS AND STRENGTH. -{::( EXCEEDS Z 90.1 STANDARDS/AMA GROUP I APPROVED • G~a~-t INDUSTRIES, INCORPORATED Boule~ard, Los Angeles, California 3680 Beverly 90004

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